Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 692 Joint Research

"Musk, how about interstellar spaceflight and space technology exploration to jointly build a transport ship with the ability to jump in space?" Although Ma Yun is already retired, he is still in touch with some major events, not what he thinks Do it, but other than him, no one else has access to a big guy like Musk.

The silver-haired Musk did not answer immediately, but said after taking a sip of Coke: "This proposal is not very good. With the strength of our two companies, it is possible to build a transport ship separately, and this time the military is Ten sets of space shuttle devices have been released, so it shouldn’t be a problem for our two families to win two sets, right?”

"Although I said that, there is a very important thing here, that is, what can a transport ship do? Moreover, the ten sets of devices released by the military are just to allow us companies to accept relevant technologies in advance. Make some preparations for a possible big explosion in the future. Of course, the most important thing is that the space jumping device uses vitality blocks. You must know that the vitality blocks on the earth are not enough to supply the market. If there are large quantities of space jumping devices If the energy transport ship is launched, I am afraid that the group of warriors will explode directly." Ma Yun is also earnest.

Over the years, Interstellar Space and Space Technology Exploration Company have always been rivals, but the two leaders have a good relationship in private. And when he got the news, he immediately thought of Musk's space technology exploration company. After all, people are ambitious. Since they can’t obtain a large number of space shuttle devices, then gather the top forces in the entire industry, and then break through related technologies or build a spaceship that can fully use the device to open up fame. It is also good.

"Then what do you mean, the two of us will join forces to understand these technologies?" Musk asked with some uncertainty. The idea of ​​others collaborating. But now that the person in front of him is talking about it, he is actually a little bit excited. As the top two companies in the industry, if they can cooperate, the possibility of breaking through this technology will increase greatly, and even if they can't break through, Mutual exchanges and learning will also benefit the company's technical staff.

Ma Yun said with certainty: "Yes, the two of us have a great possibility of breaking through this technology, and I also learned that the space shuttle project team of the Empire is developing a next-generation space shuttle device that uses energy blocks as energy supply. I think we We can work together to carry out this project with a thorough understanding of the current technology."

Musk is very tempted. In their position, the first thing to consider is the future. The empire will definitely go out in the future. This is almost a consensus. And to go out, the empire needs two tools. The first is a powerful power tool that can leap and travel in space; It is tens of thousands of years. So now almost all spacecraft manufacturers have their biological companies, and they are investing huge sums of money to overcome the problem of human longevity.

"Yes, but we have to discuss the specific details separately. For example, the leader of the entire project needs the approval of the two of us, otherwise the project will suffer great losses if it cannot go ahead. I don't want to see this." Musk After thinking about it for a long time, I finally agreed.

And Ma Yun also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, he was afraid that this person would do it alone. Because he heard the news that the empire's batch of space shuttle devices would produce 500 units, but only ten units were released to private enterprises. This is simply too many monks and too few food. There are more than 500 space vehicle manufacturers in the market now. These are still some powerful companies. As for those start-up companies, there are even more. According to the current policy of the empire, at least three of the ten space shuttle devices will be given to companies in the growing stage, and these established companies can only snatch the remaining seven.

Now the entire market is quite competitive. Although Interstellar Aerospace has the ability to obtain one, it is impossible to understand these technologies without huge scientific research capabilities, so he thought of Musk. As for why not cooperate with domestic or other top spacecraft production companies, this is the wisdom of a superior. Interstellar Aerospace and Space Technology Exploration Company are the leaders in the fields of the East and the West respectively, and they also have the world's top scientific research capabilities. The combination of the two companies will strengthen the strength, and the possibility of producing results is also the highest.

And the most important thing is that the space shuttle device is a corner in this industry, maybe there will be a dark horse corner to overtake, if Interstellar Aerospace cooperates with other aerospace companies, then it will accidentally cultivate a company that challenges its position company of. Therefore, Space Technology Exploration Company is the best partner, after all, the two are competitors of equal status. Now that this opportunity has arisen, the cooperation between the two will greatly reduce the possibility of the dark horse overtaking in the corner, and in the end, the two are still the leaders in the industry.

With the cooperation intention of Interstellar Spaceflight and Space Technology Exploration Corporation, a great combination of technologies in the field of spacecraft production has begun. Because they saw the dark clouds brought to them by the combination of two strong men, this field began to gather and swallow each other, and finally formed ten research institutes with considerable strength. If there is no accident, these ten research institutes will take over the ten space shuttle devices that the imperial military has put down, and conduct research and reverse engineering on them. Of course, the first thing after the establishment of these research institutes is a large number of acquisitions Vitality block.

It even raised the price by 20% all of a sudden, which also prompted many people who originally planned to use Yuan Qi blocks to practice under the temptation of money to sell them, but these trading empires don't care, and they even encourage them. Because since the credit point system was used, the pressure on the empire is still great, especially on the royal side. Many people are accumulating points to exchange for titles. If this situation continues, it is certain that titles will be everywhere in the future. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the empire has also increased the allocation of vitality blocks on the credit point exchange platform.

Of course, although these things are relatively big, but the level is relatively high, and it does not have much impact on the lives of the people. At this time, what the public is most concerned about is the unveiling ceremony of the Empire's space immigration to be held on Venus.

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