Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 693 New Project Construction

The so-called first batch of space immigrants is actually not correct, because human beings have already begun to emigrate in space, and the number has reached billions over the years. But after this ceremony, there will be a change in the empire, that is, the identities of these immigrants are no longer only their residential addresses, but also their planets and related administrative divisions.

And there have also been some huge changes in some titles, that is, the earth was ordered to be the "capital star", while Mars and Venus were called immigration stars, and these planets also established relevant government agencies, and set up planetary governors. A position dedicated to the government affairs of the planet. As for the military, he cannot command it, but this also means that human beings will not only have these two immigrant planets in the future, but will have more immigrant planets in the future.

The immigration ceremony on the top of Venus began. The first part was the speech of the conference, which was conducted by Chen Qiang. Although he doesn't want to do these things after retirement, he can't stop his daughter's repeated pleas, so he can only come here to be an auspicious doll. The second part is to issue immigration certificates and new identity certificates to some immigration representatives. These have been done a long time ago, but it is just a formality here.

The third part is where Chen Lu, the monarch of the empire, speaks and announces some appointments. For example, the first governor of Venus is Wu Qi from the Wu family, and the governor of Mars is Chen Yuan, a member of the Chen family. It can be said that the release of these policies has once again injected vitality into the empire, and this vitality seems to be quite active now. In the half a year after the ceremony, all the immigration work was completed, and a total of the empire from the earth Six billion people were transferred.

And now there are still about 15 billion people on the earth, and the goal of the empire is to maintain the population of the earth at about 10 billion, and all the rest need to migrate outward. It's just that there are almost all the planets that can be transformed in the solar system now, and the rest are some tough bones. Although the empire will succeed if it invests regardless of the cost, this is impossible, after all, the empire's annual budget is so much.

"Lei Shoufu, according to our current plan, about 5 billion people need to be migrated outward on the earth. It still means that we need another gold star. Do the cabinet and the Academy of Sciences have any ideas?" After a long period of research, this project was finally put on the agenda.

Originally, she planned to use this sum of money to vigorously promote the external communication of human beings, but the current technology is completely impossible to achieve. Therefore, a new round of infrastructure construction needs to be carried out immediately, otherwise so much money will cause a "money shortage" in the market.

"Your Majesty, the cabinet has been doing research these days, and has also cooperated with the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering to conduct some deduction. It is found that there is no planet in our solar system that can be transformed with a very small cost. So our suggestion is to directly To build a large planet in the asteroid belt, of course, this process will take a lot of time." Lei Junhui reported that he also took this matter as a major event during his tenure.

Chen Lu frowns a little when she hears that it needs to be rebuilt, because in this way the entire project cycle will be greatly increased. Perhaps this time may be hundreds of years. After all, to build a planet comparable to Venus requires a lot of materials. And one of the most important issues is the core of the earth. If a planet does not have a core, it is useless at all. After all, the current scientific and technological strength of human beings cannot combine such a huge amount of materials and produce the required gravity.

So she asked: "Is there any other way? The money and time needed for this road are no more difficult than transforming the existing planet."

"There is another way, that is to build satellites on the periphery of Venus and Mars, just like the four 'moons' of the earth. This is the most likely way, but the disadvantage is also obvious that it cannot accommodate five billion Population." Mr. Lei reported the backup plan, but he actually disagrees with this plan, because it will greatly reduce the outer space of the planet, and the current system of UI will be affected, and it may take decades to recover.

The current Earth is like this. When the moon was there, many systems on the earth were affected by the moon. After humans hollowed out the moon and drove away, natural disasters occurred frequently on the entire earth. If it were not for the increased ability of humans to prevent these disasters, it would probably cause considerable casualties. For a long time since then, the earth has been rebuilding in various aspects to balance the impact of the moon's departure.

After the construction of these four moons was completed, the balance that the earth had just built was broken again, and the calculations of scientists were wrong. The influence of the formation of the four 'moons' could not reach the effect of the moon at all. Reached eighty percent. But the project has already been completed, so we can only make mistakes. And the hardest thing is the Government Affairs Council, doing all kinds of disaster relief around the world or using artificial power to increase the speed of building a new balance.

Mars and Venus are not satellites, and the most important thing is that human beings did not consider this aspect when carrying out planetary transformation, so if they want to build satellites outside these two planets, I am afraid that the existing transformation results will need to be reconstructed. Let's do it again, the amount of engineering involved is quite large. Therefore, Lei Jun firmly opposed this plan, but kept it as a backup plan for the sake of insurance. Now he is very afraid that His Majesty will implement this plan. If it is implemented, the government affairs council may face extremely great pressure.

Chen Lu is actually not satisfied with this aspect, but this plan is currently the most possible, so she directly asked: "If this plan is to increase the size of the satellite, how much time will it take for the Academy of Sciences and Engineering?" This problem can be overcome.”

"In fact, all aspects are very difficult now. The size of the satellite cannot be increased at all. If it is increased, the corresponding construction costs and research and development costs will increase sharply. My suggestion is to stop this project now and enter the pre-research stage, after all, if we overcome this problem, then we can directly build a planet on the orbit of the asteroid belt." Lei Jun suggested that he is not like the plan of launching a satellite.

Chen Lu's research over the past few years has also found that the current human technology seems to have a bottleneck again, so after listening to Lei Jun's suggestion, she agreed to it. Some things really shouldn't be so urgent.

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