Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 694 Mineral Hunter

"Old He, we've been wandering around this ghostly place for three months, and the food we brought on the boat has almost been used up. It's time to go back, otherwise we might not even be able to reach the nearest supply point in two more days. You can only call for support, and then it will be a huge expense." A young man persuaded a person who was looking at a map next to him. The dots on the virtual map show that the spaceship has gone to many, many places, but the middle-aged man looking at the map kept frowning, and after a while he raised his head and said: "Xiao Song, let's come out this time. Borrowing 150 million star coins, if there is no gain this time, then we can only sell the house." "Old He, you are fighting for our lives, listen to my advice and go back, we The places I traveled a lot in a month are all blind spots on the map of the empire, and the detected map should be sold to the military for at least 10 million star coins, and we can make up the rest.” Komatsu obviously Very sensible at this time. Lao He was very reconciled. They were real space hunters, wandering in some places that the empire had not yet detected, using the equipment on the ship to generate maps and selling them to the military when they returned. Of course, this is just a sideline of their business, the main business is to find those high value-added minerals or some things that humans have not yet come into contact with. But apparently their luck was not very good this time. After the large-scale renovation of the spaceship, they have not obtained any minerals that can be recovered this time. The points on the map are some commonly used minerals, and the added value is not very high. . Moreover, it is too far away from the earth, and there is no value of mining at all. In this case, it is a good deal to sell these mine sites to the military. Of course, the military’s recovery price will not be too high. After all, they will not mine these maps after they have received them. They are just used as resource reserves for the empire. just a point. It will only be turned on when the real empire needs these resources. "Xiao Song, give me another two days. If there is no gain in these two days, then we will go back." Lao He finally said as if he had made up his mind, and Xiao Song felt relieved when he heard Lao He's words. In one breath, he, as the deputy leader of the entire team, is also eager to gain something this time, but there are more than one hundred people on the whole ship, and these people have their own families. No one is willing to give his life to this place in such a vague way, and even the fallen leaves can't do it. He then smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll give you two more days." 'Mark III' is a space mining spacecraft specially produced by Space Technology and Exploration Corporation. It is equipped with various mining instruments that have been detected. These instruments can detect 100% of the minerals on the earth at present, and there has never been a record of missing in these years. Therefore, this ship has become the first choice for space hunters, but the high price keeps most of them out. But Lao He is obviously not among them. Their hunter team has joined this trend since the very beginning of space mining. It has been decades now. It was his father who formed this team at the beginning, and many people left in it. or die. But the team has been retained, and has gradually gained some fame over the years, and also has a stable sales channel. This time, Lao He upgraded the entire ship in order to enter this area, spending three billion star coins. Although the major consortiums of the empire spend hundreds of billions or even trillions from time to time, sometimes the funds are Calculated in megabytes. However, the currency value of the Star Coins has been quite stable over the years, so they still owed 150 million Star Coins even after exhausting the working capital of the entire team. If there is no income this time, they can only sell the boat or sell the real estate in their hands. For this team, the former is breaking its foundation, while the latter will put these people's families in an embarrassing situation. After all, it is easy to change from thrift to extravagance. It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. No one who lives a good life likes a bad life. Two days had passed slowly, and Lao He's entire team hadn't found anything, only sporadically found a few meteorites containing gold, and iron ore meteorites. The price of these is really not very high, and dragging it back over this distance is simply not worth the loss. "Old He, two days is up, let's go back." Xiaosong's eyes were also full of disappointment, but at this time he needed to consider the comfort of the entire ship, and now he reminded that if this man insisted on moving forward, he would just go back. Take emergency measures and use your own rights to directly order the driver to return. Many hunters are mentally broken at this time. The long-term space life has already made the spirit of the hunter team leader tense, and when he returns with nothing, the spirit of this person will relax in an instant. , Then, like a broken dam, the flood poured down and there was no power to stop it. At this moment, Lao He was full of disappointment. This was his 132nd voyage, and it was also the furthest time he traveled, but he found nothing. This dealt a big blow to his self-esteem. Regardless of the fact that things have become a foregone conclusion, if you persist, you will risk your life with the crew. As the captain, he is still clear about this, so he ordered: "Go back." At this time, the personnel in charge of the mineral detection radar Suddenly reported: "Head, look at the radar sweeping this area and did not receive signal waves, I think there may be some special minerals in this direction, otherwise the mineral spectrum on our radar would not be absorbed so thoroughly.

"" What, found again? Immediately order the driver to approach this direction, and order the inspection team to prepare for landing inspection. "Old He seemed to be full of chicken blood in an instant, and began to issue various orders frequently. And Xiaosong on the side did not stop it. This is the last chance, and he also hopes to gain something, otherwise so many people It’s not good to go back and get nothing. The crew members who have been idle for more than three months cheered up after hearing the order, and began to prepare for their work excitedly. The happiest moment for them is to discover new things. Minerals or high value-added minerals, because these things can not only bring them a lot of benefits, but also get a lot of credit points.

At this time, Lao He was also full of expectations, and he hoped that this time it would be true. He was betting that he would gain a lot this time, because when the radar operator reported his heart skipped a beat, it was an intuition, so he gave the order to prepare for action without any scruples. It completely violated the previous code of conduct, but now he needs this kind of action to give himself some information.

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