Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 695: Black Planet

The most indispensable thing in space is the distance. Although the radar detected the relevant information, in order to find the specific position, it took the entire spaceship twelve hours to get close to a planet that completely merged into the deep black space background. It is very huge. According to the measurement results of the spacecraft, the diameter is 15,000 kilometers. The diameter of the earth is almost 12,500 kilometers, which is a full 2,500 kilometers larger than the earth. If the surface area is calculated, it may be several times difference.

When Old He and the others saw this planet, everyone was stunned. It's not that they haven't seen such a big planet, but that the whole body of this planet is black without any variegation. They have never seen such a strange planet in space for so many years.

However, after being stunned for a while, Lao He and the others immediately blushed with excitement, because there is a saying in the mineral hunter circle: the more strange something is, the higher its value will be. To put it simply, it is novelty hunting. Even if something that people have not seen is completely useless, its price will still be very high after reasonable hype.

"Old He, we posted that even if there is nothing valuable on such a large planet, as long as we spread the news, we will still get a lot of money. This planet is worth a lot of money. .” Xiaosong’s eyes were full of excitement.

"Immediately order those bastards to work, and send the first inspection team to conduct a landing investigation. Gangzi, let the spacecraft approach and try to reach the low-earth orbit of this planet. We need a better angle to investigate this planet. .” Old He issued orders in an orderly manner, but there was no way to cover up the trembling in his tone.

This is like an ordinary person who is burdened with a large amount of loans such as loans and car loans. After the loan is repaid, his monthly salary can only guarantee the normal living expenses of his family. At this time, he has no intention I won the lottery ticket bought during the day, not only can I pay off the loan, but also upgrade my life several times. Anyone who meets this will be excited, excited and even unable to sleep for several nights.

Compared with Lao He's eagerness, Xiao Song hurriedly stopped him: "Don't let the inspectors wait for Lu, I remember buying a few sets of robots during this upgrade, we can send these things to make a stop first, After all, this planet is so strange that it can completely absorb all light waves."

"It's better for you to think clearly. If you don't say that I forgot about the existence of robots, Gangzi immediately approached the low-earth orbit, and then released half of the robots on the spacecraft." Lao He ordered.

Immediately after hearing the order, the driver Gangzi calculated the best cut-in orbit on the console, then ignited the engine and began to approach the black planet. But when he was about to cut into orbit, the alarm on the spacecraft suddenly sounded, and Gangzi immediately activated the afterburner state of the spacecraft after glancing at the alarm data, and then quickly left the orbit.

Lao He and Xiao Song were a little puzzled, but they also knew that something had happened. After all, the harsh siren was not a hallucination. So they asked in unison: "What's the matter, Gangzi?"

"Head, there is a problem with this planet. When I cut into orbit, a huge gravitational force directly attracted the spaceship. If I didn't react, I'm afraid we would be directly torn apart by this gravitational force." After calming down his mood, Zizi said with some lingering fear.

"What, is it so evil?" Lao He frowned at this time.

And Xiao Song also frowned, thinking about what to do now? After a while, he asked the driver: "Gangzi, can you just put the robot down after cutting into the orbit, and then cut out?"

"No, just now I have used the booster state of the spacecraft's engine. The engine can only be used five times at most, and then it is completely scrapped. Every time it is used, it will have a great impact on the performance of the engine, so I don't want to use it on the ship. The lives of more than a hundred people are to bet." Gangzi resolutely refused, he is not a subordinate, but a collaborator, and life should always be put first.

"Then is it possible for our robot to cut into orbit?" Komatsu asked a technician next to him.

"I don't know, I have never experienced this kind of situation before, but my suggestion is to experiment with a robot first, and turn on all the detection switches of the robot. If there is some information, then our task will be considered complete. When the time comes There will be huge rewards if you go back and report to the military, after all, if such a large planet is transformed into an environment for human habitation, then the empire will get more." Obviously this technician is a sensible person, as long as he gets a trace data then their job is done.

Lao He and Xiao Song looked at each other and said, "Release a robot immediately."

"Okay, head." The technician's name is Wang Long, an authentic high-level student who graduated from the School of Information Engineering of Xingkong University. As for why he is in the team of mineral hunters, in his words, the stars and seas are too attractive to him. big.

Wang Long is the person in charge of the technical team who put it on. After hearing Lao He's order, he immediately directed his three team members to start waking up the robot on the ship. After he pressed a button, he said to the driver Gangzi: " My side and preparations are complete, and the hatch can be opened."

"The hatch has been opened and can be released." Gangzi replied while operating.

"Release." Wang Long pressed another button, and at this time a virtual screen appeared in the cabin, and the big screen was the images and various data sent by the robot from time to time. On the operating table, a technical team employee is manipulating the handle to control the robot's travel route. But when it controls the robot to reach the cut-in orbit, it can't cut in anyway.

At this time, Gangzi, who was already beside him, said directly: "Let me come, just tell me the starting data of this robot."

The technician who had already been in a hurry stepped aside immediately after hearing Gangzi's words, and quickly reported a set of data. Gangzi is only from the army, and he is from that special army. His driving skills are in the forefront of the army. Therefore, after retiring, he did not live a happy life, but joined the team of mineral hunters.

I saw him operating the handle and began to patrol back and forth on the edge of the track, perhaps because of feeling. At a certain moment, he directly said that the engine power of the robot was pushed to the maximum and then rushed in. The robot also successfully entered the orbit, but the next robot was not controlled by the handle, and was engulfed by a force and began to fall into the planet in the form of a spiral fall.

And just after the robot broke through the shady layer, the situation inside shocked everyone present.

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