Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 696 Zerg

They actually saw a war, a huge war, but the two sides in the war were not human beings but insect-like creatures. The battle of these insects was very regular, and they also formed an offensive method like a battle formation. This made the pupils of everyone on the spaceship dilate, which reminded them of the massacre of mutant beasts on humans in the past.

Therefore, Xiaosong, who reacted first, said directly: "Detonate the robot immediately, don't let the other party know that we are spying on them."

And Gangzi, who was operating the handle, also subconsciously pressed the self-exposure button, so the robot directly exposed itself before everyone could react, and the screen disappeared. At this moment, those people who were still in astonishment slowly woke up and looked at Xiaosong suspiciously.

In response to everyone's gaze, Xiao Song quickly explained: "We are just a ship, and we simply don't have that much ability to monopolize this planet. And according to the information we have now, the intelligence of these bugs is not low. , if our robots fall into them, they may have some doubts, and it will be more difficult for the military to attack."

"Xiao Song, I know you graduated from the command academy, but we still have to eat. If we can catch a bug and bring it back, then we will definitely get more than what the military gave us." Obviously, someone became dissatisfied , anyone will be tempted by such a huge benefit.

And Lao He is also full of entanglements at this time, this is what he discovered, and from the current law, this planet should belong to him. But if it was an ordinary planet, then he would not be so entangled, but this is a planet with life, although those bugs do not know that they are mysterious species, but they already have all the characteristics of life, and from the just now As the case may be, these worms possess a fairly high level of intelligence.

Seeing Lao He's entanglement, Xiao Song continued: "Old He, this is not something that our team can solve. We should leave now and report this matter to the imperial military through the distress channel on the way back. And We are not necessarily full of alien microorganisms now, so try to stay in place as much as possible and reduce actions, otherwise we will fill the entire living environment with microorganisms."

Hearing what Xiaosong said, the eyes of Lao He and the others were full of fear. For a team like them that has been active in unknown areas, what they fear most are alien microorganisms. Once they are infected, they will be quarantined immediately. If there is no way to rescue, then there are only two ways: be escorted to a deep space prison, stay there for the rest of your life, or commit suicide directly. As for letting him go out or meet his family, it is simply impossible.

Therefore, Lao He immediately issued an order: "Everyone returns to their warehouses immediately, and all other actions are canceled except for the necessary life. Gangzi, set the autopilot mode, and you go too. Xiaosong, we will go to the military Report this matter, even if you don’t gain anything this time, it’s worth it.”

In fact, for these people, seeing some strange things in space is the best reward, and this time they directly discovered a living planet, which is already the largest space discovery, if they are safe Those who go back will be permanently recorded in the annals of history.

"What, you found a living planet?" The soldier who received the distress call didn't believe this situation, but after hearing the other party's unmistakable tone, he still chose to report it. Although he does not have the right to report directly to the military command, he can report to his superior department.

For the military, even a small piece of news will not be let go, let alone the discovery of a living planet. Even though everyone who knew about it had some doubts, they still faithfully performed their duties.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, the emergency department has received news that a team of mineral hunters has discovered a living planet?" Chen Jun was replying to documents when his secretary knocked on the door and came in to report.

After hearing the secretary's report, he suddenly stopped the pen in his hand, then raised his head and said in a surprised tone: "Are you sure it is a living planet?" It is impossible to conclude that a second civilization can be born in the current environment where human beings live, and the military has basically touched these areas over the years, and indeed has not found a planet with life. But now someone suddenly reported the discovery of a living planet, and it was discovered by a team of mineral hunters, which has to make people suspicious.

"Yes, Commander. That's how the people below reported it." In fact, the secretary didn't believe this matter more than he believed it.

Chen Jun thought about it for a while and said, "Notify His Majesty, the Supreme Emperor, and the cabinet immediately. Ask the chief of staff to come over." Regarding this matter, he would rather believe that there was such a thing than ignore it. After all, this is related to the strategic issue of the empire. The emergence of a life is really important to the current human beings, even if this life is in another form.

And Chen Qiang was a little stunned when he heard the news at this time, because he didn't expect that life had already appeared within the reach of human beings, and civilization might appear according to the description. This is both good news and bad news for human beings. The good news is that human beings can now start research on other life in the universe, providing support for some of the next changes in human beings. The bad news is that the formation of a life is actually not as difficult as humans imagined. You must know that there is only a moment of star within the reach of humans, and that is the sun.

When he rushed to the starting point, the military had already started relevant contacts, and some experts and military leaders would get together to contact Lao He and the others. After watching the video sent over, everyone was a little silent. This is indeed a civilization and the level is not low, otherwise there would be no such orderly war scene.

"First of all, let me summarize for you. Currently, the planets with life have been found to be 1.3 trillion kilometers away from the earth, which is about 0.13 light-years. The life discovered is suspected to be in the form of insects. The military temporarily named it Zerg. The orcs on Earth are different from each other." Chen Jun spoke first, he briefly summarized the information he knew so far, and made a definition for some unknown things.

As a militant in the military, Lei Yuan first said: "The current distance is still within reach of the military. I think it is possible to form a long-distance fleet to carry out a comprehensive attack on the planet. After all, there are also It’s not suitable for human survival, so it’s better to destroy all life on it and bring it back to the solar system for remodeling.”

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