Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 697 War Between Civilizations

"No, this is a very good research example. After all, it completely overturns our current definition of life and speculation about the cause of life. If we can successfully study the birth form of Zerg life, then some future evolution of human beings will be affected. The direction will also be of some help, and perhaps the warrior’s breakthrough problem will turn around in this.” Apparently, this researcher from the military is thinking about how to thoroughly understand all aspects of the Zerg, so he directly uses way of seduction.

However, it is obvious that his skill is not enough to face these old fritters, and no one present is going to answer his words. But at this time, Chief of Staff Qin Tian said: "I don't think we can make a corresponding decision on this matter, but the military needs to make some defensive preparations and form a fleet to build a defensive base nearby. For sure, so one of my things is to make relevant preparations immediately. Another thing is that the mineral hunter team must be controlled first, and it must be inspected in all directions, otherwise if there are any alien microorganisms on its body, it may be harmful to the current A threat to the balance of the system.”

"Then follow the chief of staff's proposal and make advanced preparations. The communication department needs to monitor the movement of the team at all times, and send the team closest to them to protect them and wait for the arrival of the inspectors. During this period, no Anyone is allowed to leave the station." Chen Jun is quite afraid of alien microorganisms, but he has experienced the invasion of alien microorganisms several times.

The military acted very quickly, and directly dispatched the new type of transport ship "Ming" that had just been built to carry the early personnel and jumped forward to the vicinity of the military station in that area. After setting everything up, a group of soldiers drove the spaceship to the predetermined destination to pick up Lao He and his people. Their task was to bring these people to the station intact and then protect them.

Old He and the others were a little confused by the military's strength. After all, they regarded themselves as heroes until now. But Xiaosong has been peaceful for a year. He has known about this situation for a long time. He even knew that there would be an endless 'prison' life in the future. Although it does not limit your freedom, it cannot exceed a certain range.

When the military sent personnel to test Lao He and others, a huge meeting was held at the starting point. The participants included His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire, the Supreme Emperor, relevant personnel from the military, relevant personnel from the cabinet, and some scientists from the Academy of Sciences. . And this meeting will determine the future attitude of mankind towards the Zerg, and determine the life and death of the Zerg.

Yes, life and death. At present, the military's internal attitude towards the Zerg is to push it away directly. If they want to study the corpses, the effect is similar. But the Academy of Sciences firmly disagreed with such an idea, and some people in the cabinet even proposed the idea of ​​establishing diplomatic relations. It can be said that each has its own ideas, and each has its own little ninety-nine. However, people like Chen Qiang who made the decision have not expressed any opinions until now.

"Commander-in-Chief, in fact, according to the current data sent back by the military, we can conclude that this Zerg race is not small in intelligence, but their civilization is not very developed. Otherwise, they would have left the planet long ago, and this planet is very strange. It is very powerful. So I think the current military has no ability to capture this planet at all, so my opinion is to first send some means of communication to establish a communication channel between humans and Zerg." As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Mr. Lei does not want to Tell the other party to kill directly, after all, human beings now need a lot of information and establish their own affiliated races.

Seeing that Mr. Lei, the chief assistant of the cabinet, actually said this, those who wanted to solve this matter peacefully nodded their heads in agreement, but at this moment, a voice of opposition appeared: "The military is dealing with this matter. This kind of gravity can be broken, and the military is also capable of fighting the Zerg, and is confident of victory.”

"But have your military ever thought about how much military expenses will be spent and how many good sons will be sacrificed?" Mr. Lei now only wants to develop the economy of the empire peacefully. War is not a good thing for the entire empire at all, so He was a little angry at this time.

Seeing Lei Jun who was a little angry, Lei Yuan stopped talking. After all, he is not as good as this one no matter in terms of seniority or position. At this time, Chen Jun, who had been silent all this time, also said: "At present, the military has formed a special scientific and technological team and a combat team, and has built a permanent station near that planet. But now all of our troops are space troops. , so I need some ground combat troops. Therefore, I need His Majesty's authorization, and I will start recruiting a group of soldiers for specialized training."

Although Chen Jun's words did not clearly express that he supported the fight, the meaning shown from his words was that the military had already started preparations, and construction had already begun in many aspects. This battle will be fought sooner or later, so don't take any chances.

Chen Lu was also a little surprised at this time, because her second uncle used to report to herself when doing things, but this time she did not receive any documents or calls. Moreover, the military has already made all the preparations. This is the rhythm of planning to do it by herself if she does not agree. She is very unhappy at this time. After all, she is now the monarch of the empire. Things like this kind of declaration of war should be She came to approve and proceed.

"This battle must be fought, because we don't need these Zergs, we only need that planet. And from some existing video materials, the Zergs are very cruel and vicious. They can even turn their comrades into food, then We are also in their recipes. And I have a guess, that these Zergs are trapped here, otherwise how could a planet that is only a little bigger than the earth have such a strong gravitational force? There are no other planets around the planet." Chen Qiang also said that he disliked this race very much when he saw the video, and a race that can eat up his comrades is not worthy of appearing in this world at all. superior.

Chen Lu saw that her father also agreed with the proposal of going to war, so she could only say: "Then prepare for war, but we need to establish a complete supply channel, and if possible, we need to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire planet. On the premise of the life of the planet, attack the Zerg on the planet."

This is also the way she has no choice. Although she knows that this war will cause problems for the current booming economy, but now that the military and her father have clearly supported this project, she can only carry it out to the end.

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