Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 698 Selection Training

"Wang Hao, the leader is looking for you." As the top of the company, Wang Hao is training hard at this time, but at this time some uninvited guests broke his training. With the shout of the company commander, he could only stop and rush. past.

Seeing a major next to the company commander, he was now full of doubts, but he did not ask any more questions but saluted and said, "Comrade major, hello company commander."

The company commander was very reluctant to see this top guy, but the military order is unquestionable, so he could only reluctantly let go. He patted Wang Hao on the shoulder and said, "Wang Hao, this is Major He from the military. He will take you to a secrecy unit. Remember to work hard and don't embarrass the old unit."

Only then did Wang Hao realize that he was going to be transferred away, and he was still a secretive force. However, he still has a lot of affection for the old army, so he was going to be polite, but Major He said directly: "Wang Hao, this time is just a preliminary selection, and it is still unknown whether you can pass, so there is no need to talk to him." Farewell to the old army, you may not come back in the future."

Hearing this sentence, the company commander was a little confused, because he still knew the situation of the army very well. To enter an army, he needed to be selected and still needed mid-level warriors like Wang Hao. The level of this army was a bit high.

Major He didn't have time for Wang Hao to react. Instead, he took him into the car and left. As for some toiletries, he didn't have a chance to bring him. After getting into the car, Wang Hao reacted and asked: "Chief, what is the purpose of this selection?"

"This is actually not a secret, and it's okay to tell you. The Imperial military has discovered a living planet, and you people are the ground combat troops of the expeditionary fleet selected. According to the information I have learned, that is The strength of the personnel selected from the military is at least above the middle level of generals, and the strength of the soldiers recruited from the society is at least above the high level of generals, and it is said that the empire will send the 'Dragon' Legion to participate this time." Major He sent as the military commander Those who came down naturally knew a lot of inside information. And he also knows that these military personnel will be placed in the major recruiting units to become officers as soon as possible after passing the selection. So he was happy to give some help to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was a little surprised and then excited, because the reason why he stayed in the army was to hone his strength on the battlefield and obtain more resources. Therefore, he is very sensitive to war, or he is an out-and-out war madman. Now that there is a war going on, he is of course very happy. However, he still asked with some uncertainty: "My strength is the middle level of military generals. Is the empire planning to form a pure generals army this time?"

"If possible, the empire will form an army of pure martial arts, but this is unrealistic. Moreover, the battlefield environment this time is very harsh. In the early stage, soldiers need to encircle and suppress the enemy through hand-to-hand combat, so casualties will be very high. Great. Wang Hao, you still have a chance now. If you don’t want to go, you can return immediately.” This is the unified job of all receiving personnel, which is to inform the other party of the danger of the matter and give these soldiers a choice Chance. Because these soldiers will become chief officers at all levels of each unit after passing the selection, and their sacrifice rate in the next battle will be much higher than that of soldiers. After all, this is a life-and-death battle, and each supervisor needs to take the lead.

Wang Hao did not hesitate, he chose to participate in the selection. For people like him, fighting to death on the battlefield is their romance, and Xingkong also made wariness an important selection point when selecting. And Chen Lu also made some primary election rules. Her purpose is to select as many talents as possible from the current war to replace the current military chiefs at all levels.

The selection venue is in Australia, which has become the world of various aircraft. Every now and then, soldiers would get off the anti-gravity vehicle, and then the anti-gravity vehicle would lift off directly, and then another anti-gravity vehicle would stop. Such a cycle goes back and forth, even forming a 'traffic jam' state in this area. This scene has not been seen on the earth for a long time.

After waiting for a while, the anti-gravity vehicle Wang Hao was riding on stopped, and at this time Major He said: "Go down quickly, someone below will tell you to gather there, I have the next soldier to go catch."

Suddenly being taken to a new place, who would be a little confused by this, the same is true for Wang Hao. After getting off the anti-gravity car, he stood beside the dock in a daze, staring at the busy crowd in a daze. At this moment, a woman came over and handed him a bracelet and said: "Put it on, someone will tell you where to go next." After speaking, she quickly walked to another man who was as bewildered as Wang Hao. Do the same in front of people.

Soldiers obey orders unconditionally, which Wang Hao has done vividly. He put on the bracelet as soon as he received the order, and just as he put on the bracelet, a voice reached his ears: "Welcome Captain Wang Hao, your station is in the First Regiment, Fourth Battalion and First Company." First row, please go to the station to report." After finishing speaking, a road map was displayed in front of him.

Following the road map, Wang Hao finally came to his residence, but when he arrived, he saw a peak Wu Wang waiting for something there. He couldn't help but said to himself: "This can't be our regiment leader." But looking at the epaulets of the lieutenant general on his shoulder, he trotted over to salute and said: "Comrade lieutenant general, No.

The 56th brigade, one regiment, one battalion, three companies and one platoon leader report to you. "

"That's right, Wang Hao, you are the first to arrive in the fourth battalion, one company and one row, so you will take over the position of platoon leader during the selection period. I am Baburu, the commander of the first regiment, and I am Wu Ji during your training." Coach." Babru is a purebred black man, so his lips are particularly thick and his body is also very strong. But Wang Hao was much shorter and thinner in front of him.

"Yes, Captain." After finishing speaking, he left and went to his room to pack some things. But the doubts in his mind were still unsolved, because it was completely unreasonable, because he encountered many problems on the way here. Conscripted soldiers like him, he can be sure that these people are all drawn from the front line against mutant beasts. Therefore, these people are very familiar with war, but now they have to learn and There is only one reason for the selection, and that is that this time the battlefield may be really dangerous.

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