Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 707 Virus Weapon

"Old Lin, you've taken good care of your body, but it's not okay to hold on to the company. You see, who of us has been in charge of the company's affairs, and the children have the ability to inherit the company."

"I said Lao Qi, don't think I don't know that you're interested in navel oranges again."

Hall 1 of the Imperial Government Affairs Building was full of people at this time, and everyone connected with friends they hadn't seen for a long time. Some people have just woken up from the frozen state, some people have disappeared and lived in seclusion these years, and some people have begun to exercise their strength, etc. Although everyone exists, there is really not much communication with friends. , so everyone in the conference room was reminiscing with old friends, after all, no one knew when the next time they would have such an opportunity.

"Abdullah, I didn't expect you to come. I heard that you plan to sleep forever?" The old horse saw Abdullah, the former king of the emirate, and hurried over to say hello.

"It turned out to be Mr. Ma. This time, the think tank of the Arab Aerospace Science and Technology Institute analyzed that there might be big things, so the juniors woke me up and asked me, an old man, to find out the news for them." Abdullah was a little bit dumbfounded, he After waking up, he was very unhappy after hearing the news, because his upgrade function had reached its limit, and if he continued to struggle, he might disappear in this world. As a person who cherishes his life, such interruptions are never allowed, but his descendants say that he can only come forward for this matter, and no one else will work.

When Ma Yun was about to comfort the old man, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Chen Qiang walked in first, and everyone present behind him knew Wu Wudi, the martial ancestor of the empire. Seeing this situation, everyone present knew that something big was about to happen, and all of them stared intently at the two walking from the gate to the front of the meeting room.

"Everyone is here. There are many old friends who haven't seen for a long time. After the meeting is over, everyone is not allowed to leave. I have asked people to prepare food. Let's catch up." After sitting down, Chen Qiang also motioned for everyone to sit down down, and then smiled.

"Your Majesty, let's get straight to the point. You didn't have such a prefix before." An anxious old man below suddenly said.

"Haha, okay, let's officially enter the meeting. Everyone has heard of Zerg Planet. This is a planet of life newly discovered by the empire. The life on it is in the shape of bugs, but the size is not small. Not long ago , the empire once organized a group of Wuzong strongmen, about 500 people carried out an operation to behead an emperor of the Zerg, but this time the operation was quite unsuccessful, and the team of 500 people sacrificed more than 100 people. "Chen Qiang's words are not true. No rush, very moderate.

But these words made everyone present take a breath of air. The decapitation commando team composed of more than 500 Wuzong strongmen directly sacrificed hundreds of them in the end. This is why the royal family can exert such a huge power. If it were placed in other families or companies, the company might have gone bankrupt long ago. Everyone present was also aware of the danger of the Zerg Planet, otherwise the fighting power of the five hundred Martial Sects would be able to rush back and forth in an army composed of strong warriors without any damage.

Seeing everyone's surprised and even terrified faces, Chen Qiang continued: "According to the descriptions of those who survived, there is a great terror on the Zerg planet. And the military described this great terror as a strong force with the strength of the Emperor Wu and above. By."

After saying this, everyone present understood why the empire would release such a message, because this news is simply not suitable for large-scale disclosure. Although the empire has repeatedly broken the barriers of desperate cultivation, it is undeniable that this barrier has not disappeared, but has raised the conditions. It is simply impossible to obtain the various resources that high-level warriors need without a power. Of course, if you have strong strength and excellent wisdom, it is also possible to build a power by yourself, but this process is quite difficult.

Breaking through the barrier of the Martial Emperor is the goal that the high-level warriors on the earth are pursuing all their lives, and even because of this problem, many warriors have embarked on evil paths. For example, using a virgin warrior as a cauldron to achieve a breakthrough, or carrying out various transformations on oneself to obtain strength beyond the peak of Wuzong. If it weren't for the 'Dragon' Legion's crazily attacking this kind of crooked way these years, I am afraid that more warriors will go astray.

Therefore, after gaining the hope of breaking through the Martial Emperor, everyone present was a little crazy. They are all dying old men now. If they don’t improve, they can only live in the freezer. That kind of feeling is really bad. . Abdullah, as the person present most in need of promotion, stood up and said loudly: "Your Majesty, just give the order, let us do what. My Arab Space Company can use half of the assets to form an empire." Complete the plan."

Hearing Abdullah's loyalty or eagerness, everyone present also understood and began to express their opinions one after another. In the eyes of these people, money is not the most important, talent is the most important. As long as people are still there, the money will come naturally.

Looking at the excited people below, Chen Qiang said with some unbearable heart: "Actually, the empire simply doesn't have the ability to encircle and suppress the strong on that planet, and the technology of the empire has also calmed down. There are many people on that planet. Large gravity, about fifty times that of the earth. This number directly means that we humans are blocked from the outside, so this meeting is to let you discuss a practical way. Let adventurers and hunters go to the Zerg planet to inquire Some news."

"Your Majesty, are you just looking for news? Can this be done by a robot?" An old man also asked.

"Actually, we only know very little about the Zerg planet now, so we need a lot of relevant information. As for robots, you have underestimated the wisdom of the Zerg. They have already discovered our existence. As long as large warships enter the atmosphere, they will be discovered by them." ...And this time the purpose of the hunters is to bring some of the viruses we made to the planet and spread them." Chen Qiangyu said in a non-surprised manner.

Hearing the virus, everyone present couldn't help but shiver, and this is also the most powerful method of the empire. And this time using hunters and adventurers to do this task, it also values ​​the flexibility and freedom of these people.

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