Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 708: No Choice

All the people who came to Star City to participate in the meeting went back, and they looked quite dignified when they left. And some media with a more sensitive sense of smell have also obtained some information. After all, so many former old people suddenly gathered together, and no one believed it at all when they said that they were reminiscing about the past together. But people still don't pay enough attention to these old people, because after all, these old people are a little far away from their current era, so these news are only spread in a small range on the Internet, and have not caused large-scale discussions. At most, some people feel that these old guys are still alive, and so on. As for the purpose of all the old people gathering this time, they didn't make any guesses.

Perhaps someone was deliberately guiding public opinion, so that this matter did not ferment. But after these old people went back, they all held meetings with the family to discuss whether to participate this time. They also saw that this was an opportunity given to them by the empire for these companies and families. After all, it is still possible to select a group of people to do things from an army of more than tens of millions. However, the empire released this matter in the form of a mission, which means that the empire gave these families and companies a chance to enter the Wuhuang. There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. If you want to get something, you should pay the corresponding price.

"Dad, according to this situation, it means that we have to participate, but the danger is too great. The sacrifice of a strong Wuzong will make the development of our entire company come to a standstill." Ma Chao frowned and asked after listening to his father's description of this mission. He felt that the empire was too domineering. They paid so much taxes every year that they couldn't get a chance to become Emperor Wu. Sacrificing family and company heritage to get such an opportunity.

Ma Yun is actually very contradictory now, so she can only shake her head and said: "Actually, we don't need to participate. After all, this matter does not require too many people, at most 10,000 people. But we still have the Ma family Can you give up the temptation to enter the Martial Emperor, this is the most important question."

The same meeting was held in various families. They were all discussing whether the family should enter the unknown domain of Emperor Wu so quickly, but there was no surprise in the final decision, that is, they could not refuse the temptation to enter Emperor Wu in advance. , all the families that participated in the Starry Sky City meeting agreed to the empire's practice of almost robbing them of their heritage.

"Dad, in fact, I have asked the military to screen the relevant personnel, and the main personnel are concentrated in the 'Dragon' Legion." Chen Lu hasn't eaten at Chen Qiang's place for a long time, but she came here unexpectedly today.

Looking at his daughter's almost questioning tone, Chen Qiang said with a smile: "Are you angry that you released such a mission without your consent and worried the other big families in the empire?"

"I just don't understand why the empire wants those people to participate in this. Even if they can provide so many personnel, they can't guarantee all aspects. And the most important thing is that the empire has developed over the years. And it's not good to just hand over the various viruses that were saved to them." Chen Lu asked a little angry.

"First of all, the first question, why let them participate? These people have powerful forces behind them, and their background is deeper than you think. This time, getting them involved can greatly reduce the pressure on the empire. One hundred The sacrifices of many Wu Zong, have you thought about how to deal with their pensions? In the future, I am afraid that dozens of groups of more than one hundred Wu Zong will be sacrificed. Are you going to bankrupt the empire directly? Don't underestimate the group of warriors, their energy It's beyond your imagination." Chen Qiang raised his first finger and said.

And Chen Lu was a little loose at this time, she was so busy these days, she just got angry after hearing the news, and didn't think about it. Moreover, she has no concept of the number of strong Wu Zong, mainly because she has been in an environment of high-level warriors since she was a child. But if there are more than a hundred Wu Zong outside, that is a very powerful force. And Chen Qiang intends to use this opportunity to tell his daughter how powerful this group of warriors is, and that the future of the empire rests entirely on these people.

Seeing his daughter's relaxed expression, Chen Qiang immediately raised his second finger and said, "Second question, can they gather so many people? My child, remember a sentence, money can make ghosts grind, Only the combination of these big companies and big families can gather huge wealth, and then give these Wuzong powerhouses a solid backing. Why did those Wuzong powerhouses sacrifice their lives? It is because the money from that sacrifice is enough for his family to prosper. A hundred years, and a hundred years is enough time for a family to create another strong Wuzong."

"But the core secrets of the empire were obtained by these people, so will there be a situation where these people use viruses to deal with the empire?" Chen Lu was still a little anxious, this was what she was most worried about, after all, she had worked in the starry sky creature before. , and has participated in some top-secret projects, and has a deep understanding of the power of viruses.

Chen Qiang stretched out his third finger unhurriedly and said, "This is the third question. Does the Empire have any defenses against these viruses? You can rest assured that there are cures for these viruses, and this time The operation will last for a long time, and various viruses will be tested. So the relevant protective measures have already been done, and you have to believe that an outbreak of a heterogeneous virus is not all bad things, and it may also be good things.”

Obviously, the last sentence is a bit far-fetched. After all, the several heterogeneous virus incidents encountered by the empire are all bad things. As for the good things, they have not encountered them yet. And what people like most is to learn from experience, not to gamble on a new future.

Star Creatures was originally established for these viruses. As for other products, they are basically incidental. The empire needs a strong biological research institution to study and improve the alien microorganisms discovered so far. After all, the power of this microorganism they used to Tried more than once, often the effect is greater than before. Because the alien microorganisms have become the most powerful weapon of the empire, and of course they are also called deterrent weapons.

Making this decision this time is also a gamble for Chen Qiang. He wants to see if these viruses will have a large-scale effect on the Zerg planet. If there is an effect, it means that the Zerg is not beyond the scope of current human scientific understanding. If there is no effect, then the empire will gather a large number of troops and vitality, forcefully land on this planet and cleanse the Zerg on it. Compared with the latter, he wanted the former to have an effect, after all, the sacrifice of the latter was too great.

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