Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 709 Ten thousand people

"Mr. Ma, I didn't expect you to have such courage. I'm not as good as you?" Musk looked at the 20 Wuzong powerhouses behind Ma Yun in an international conference center in Hangzhou and said with emotion.

Ma Yun also glanced at the strong Wu Zong behind Musk and said: "Musk, you are not bad, I remember that the person behind you is Jackson, who is the third on the Forbes Wu Zong list."

As each family and company made a decision, they also began to invite Wu Zong strongmen from all over the world. For these people, there is only one way to invite Dao Wuzong powerhouses now, and that is to spend money. Of course, the higher the strength, the greater the price to pay, so after a long time of consideration, the Ma family of Interstellar space exhausted half of the family before inviting these sixteen Wuzong strongmen as the participants of the Ma family. And Musk was even more ruthless, directly inviting the third person on the Forbes Wu Zong list.

The so-called Forbes Wuzong list is also a ranking, although there are many inaccuracies. But the people on the list are basically capable of fighting. For example, the third Jackson once beheaded a beast emperor in Antarctica, and retreated unscathed from the siege of two beast emperors. These are naked combat strengths. Inviting such people is not just about money. After all, money can no longer impress these people.

In fact, for the Wuzong powerhouse, money is not very important. What they need are all kinds of resources and the opportunity to break through the Wuhuang. And this time, the Wuzong powerhouses who joined this operation all came for some elusive opportunity.

Tens of thousands of Wuzong powerhouses gathered together, and the aura produced was very powerful. The service personnel were a little weak at this time. The manager immediately asked these service personnel to withdraw after seeing these situations, otherwise there would be a If the two of you were scared out of your wits by these big shots, then his crime would be serious. But some people didn't feel any feeling in the face of these Wuzong powerhouses. Even if everyone's eyes were focused on him, this person didn't feel the slightest discomfort. This person is the ancestor Wu Wudi, and next to him is the commander-in-chief of the military, Chen Jun.

Looking at the dense crowd of Wu Zong powerhouses below, Chen Jun couldn't help but lament that there are experts in the folk. When he received Chen Lu's order to select personnel in the army, he found that even if all the 'Dragon' legions were counted, the military could only Take out 6,300 Wuzong strongmen. But now there are 10,000 Wuzong strongmen in front of him, and he can't help feeling a little excited at this moment.

"Hi everyone, I think you all know the relevant information about this operation, so I won't repeat them one by one. There is only one reason for gathering everyone today and that is to let you have a clear understanding of the Zerg. We may have a long-term battle in the future." Chen Qiang didn't talk nonsense, and started today's meeting directly. His time is actually very tight, but he is the only one who can suppress the situation in this kind of situation, so he has to Not coming.

In the following five-hour meeting, Chen Jun introduced all the information obtained by the military to everyone present in detail. The more the Wu Zongs understood, the more difficult it became. Even some Wu Zong have already started to retreat. After all, the news they got so far is that as long as they land on that planet, they will die. Everyone present does not have the confidence to rush out from such a huge swarm of insects. The beast swarm is already more terrifying, and the insect swarm is bigger than the beast swarm according to the description, which casts a shadow on the minds of Wu Zong. After all, those who can sit here are basically those who have participated in any wars with mutant beasts. Chao and the others knew each other very well.

"Commander, according to this situation, everyone is going to die. The military's doing this makes us feel a little bit chilled." At this time, a voice came from among Wu Zong.

Chen Jun glanced at that position, and then said with a smile: "So it's Qi Wuzong, coming out at such an age means that you don't care about life and death anymore, why bother with these. This is what I'm going to say next, the military will Some training for you will take about half a year. You need to learn various skills and various ways of survival during this time. Also, various equipment currently developed by the military for the Zerg planet will also be open to you , and it will be customized. You can make requests for modification of these equipment according to your own needs during the six months, and the military will try its best to satisfy you."

In fact, Chen Jun also discovered that many of the people who participated in this plan this time were older people, and they all came with the mentality of a gambler. If you succeed, you can live for a few more years. If you fail, you can leave enough resources for your children and grandchildren.

After hearing Chen Jun's words, everyone present felt at ease. The military's full support meant that they were not sent to die. With these equipment and half a year of training, they were confident that they could come out of the Zerg planet. The bloody storms of these years were not in vain.

But at this time, an untimely voice appeared: "Then is this equipment given to us by the military for free?"

"The basic equipment is given to you by the military for free. As for the renovation costs, you need to pay for it yourself. Everyone is invited by major companies and families, so there shouldn't be any major problems with funding." Chen Jun didn't expect Wu Zong Among the strong, there are people who knock on the door like this, and they are not even willing to pay for the modification of equipment. In fact, he is also saying that he is stingy, and the transformation of equipment still needs expenses. But this is a last resort. The military is almost bankrupt now. If the imperial family hadn't given them milk recently, I'm afraid these people would have to buy the basic equipment for 10,000 people.

Equipment modification is a very normal thing. All equipment manufacturing companies build according to the universal situation when manufacturing, but this is very bad for warriors. Sometimes it even restricts the display of strength, so after purchasing the equipment they like, warriors will make some modifications to better adapt to their own combat methods. Now this area has become a huge market, and some well-crafted equipment transformation engineers can even say that the performance of a set of equipment that is not very good can be improved by about double.

Of course, these are mainly because the transformation costs of major equipment manufacturers are too expensive, so this industry was born. In fact, the military's equipment over the years has become more and more customized, but there will be no chance of modification when it is customized for the first time. But this time, in order to give these Wu Zongs a better experience, the equipment was provided directly, and all the rest were modified according to Wu Zong's own wishes.

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