Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 710 Surprising Discovery

While the tens of thousands of Wu Zong powerhouses were being trained on the earth side, the 'expedition' service center on the Zerg planet had already begun to expand, and the original location of the expansion was the military garrison point. After the expansion is completed, the "Expedition" service center will be used for both military and civilian purposes, and according to the cabinet's plan, it will become a supply point for human spacecraft after space travel. Therefore, the cabinet did not save money at all on these constructions, but built as much as possible,

"Academician Dang, I didn't expect you to come. We have already prepared the laboratory, please come here." As the person in charge of the 'Expedition' service center, Qi Lin is very cautious now, because he found that the boss here has become more and more serious. There are more, no, Dang Yanlong, a veteran researcher of the empire, came here directly to conduct research, and he needs to give a good account. These people are people who have lived with the empire, and even the current majesty wants to call him uncle.

The existing facilities at the 'Expedition' service center have been transformed into various laboratories, in order to accept various experimental experts sent by the empire to conduct research on various aspects of the Zerg planet, and prepare for the empire's next operation. Create a very rich information terminal, so as to ensure that people who enter the Zerg planet can have more possibilities to come back. To prevent the kind of thing that happened in the last operation, after all, this time there are tens of thousands of Wu Zong strongmen. The military must at least ensure that the sacrifice rate of this army is below 5%, otherwise it will cause large-scale dissatisfaction among the warriors. Enter to cause social unrest.

Therefore, the empire directly sent the top experts over this time, such as Dang Yanlong and others who are powerful in the field of biology, and Liu Jie and her husband who are strong in the field of viruses. They are all from the same era as the current emperor of the empire. It can be said that the empire and the military really gave everything this time. Of course, these scientists are also crazy. When they heard that the empire was going to send a large number of researchers to the "expedition" service center to study the Zerg, everyone rushed to sign up. A professor-level researcher even wanted to grab a research room. The average technician even had a falling out with a friend. In the eyes of these people, even unknown things can arouse their interest.

It's no wonder that these scientists are so crazy. In fact, the scientific community of the empire has reached a bottleneck. Many top scientists have already reached the ceiling, and they need new breakthroughs. But so far there is no information at all, so the situation on the Zerg planet has become a breakthrough for them. Even if they may not get too much, as long as there is a little inspiration at that time, then all this is worth it of.

As for Liu Jie and others, the bigwigs in the virus field, they are mainly to support the next action. They came here this time and brought the various viruses they needed this time. Now they need to multiply them in the virus laboratory and make some modifications to adapt them to the Zerg planet. 'The service center then went directly to work in the newly completed and equipped laboratory.

This time the entire work was coordinated by the imperial military, and a special team participated in the related work. As for Qi Lin, he was not qualified to intervene in this matter at all. His current task is to protect the security of the 'Expedition' service center, and he has supervised the construction of the entire service center. At other times, there will be dedicated people to manage it. Of course, the entire service center now has scientists besides the military, so management is not very difficult.

"Professor Liu, come and take a look. This is the first batch of viruses that entered the Zerg planet, and the survival rate is less than one percent." A researcher displayed the results of the scanning electron microscope in front of the computer, and he said in a somewhat inconceivable way .

"Isn't this normal?" Liu Jie came over and asked with some doubts. At present, the empire has completely conducted some observations on the Zerg planet, and found that the thickness of the atmosphere of the entire planet is 120 times that of the earth, and the density is quite similar. height of. Moreover, the oxygen content in the air is one-thirtieth that of the earth, so this also determines that the virus is unlikely to survive in this environment at all. And Liu Jie's project team is to solve this problem. After all, humans can now build a virus purely by hand through RNA editing.

The technician said a little excitedly: "Look, Professor Liu, the nucleic acid in these surviving viruses has changed, and some bonds have even been broken directly, but the various characteristics of the virus have not undergone major changes. My guess is that some substances on this planet promoted the evolution of organisms, or directly disrupted the program of biological development, but did not lose the relevant information."

After listening to the excited words of the technician, Liu Jie looked at the various information that appeared on the computer, but she did not immediately agree with this point of view. After all, these are just some special circumstances, and this point of view cannot confirm. So she said: "Surprise the second batch of experiments, put a variety of viruses, and then test."

"Yes." The technician was excited, and immediately went to arrange the second batch of experiments after hearing the order.

Why is he so excited? It is because the biological world on the earth has put forward a conjecture about human evolution, that is, the current human gene combination and arrangement have reached the most perfect level. If you want to go one step further, you need to The current genes are re-scrambled and some of them are eliminated through the method of survival of the fittest. If the technician's statement is verified, it will provide another possibility for human evolution. This is something that can be directly recorded in the annals of history. Who can resist this temptation.

Liu Jie also copied back the experimental data this time and conducted some analysis. But what they didn't find was that after they left the computer, the virus under the scanning electron microscope crashed and died.

Because the schedule for the second batch of experiments is very tight, you must know that the results of the first batch of experiments have not yet come out, so many laboratory personnel have inquired about this news. Many, many people are waiting for the verification of this conjecture. If it succeeds, this technician will definitely be recorded in the annals of history. Of course, if it fails, I am afraid that the entire experimental area will have an after-dinner talk in the days to come. As for that Although a technician will not be ridiculed by the crowd, it is certain that he will be ridiculed.

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