Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 713 Three Minutes

In fact, although the military has obtained a large amount of funds this time, 98% of it has flowed to the market again. For example, the manufacture of some accessories has now been distributed to private enterprises, as well as the procurement of raw materials, etc. . Most of the funds were basically taken away by those big companies or families, but some of the raw materials in their hands belonged to the empire at this time.

This round-trip of funds has directly stretched the empire's economy to a higher level. Although companies like Pearl Aerospace are having a very difficult time, they may go bankrupt if they are not careful. However, there are still very few companies and families that don't care about each other. Although some other companies and families are struggling, they have not yet reached the point of borrowing, but their cash flow has been used up. Moreover, these families and companies still have certain priorities when purchasing for the military. For example, a part of the "Expedition" service center module is handed over to Pearl Aerospace, and the funds for this part are as high as 13 billion star coins, and the profit is at least one billion to three billion.

If this order is placed in another company, it will basically earn back one-third of the investment this time, but Mingzhu Aerospace can't do it. Who made his boss recruit eight Wuzong experts all at once.

In the end, Mr. Wang got 3 billion in spaceship modification funds, and then he filled in about 2 billion to modify his own spaceship. The other Wu Zong powerhouses who were supplied by Pearl Aerospace also made the same decision, so they didn't complain about Pearl Aerospace, but now is the critical time, they can't go back and make trouble in Pearl Aerospace, so they can only blame themselves for being rejected by that person. Han kid was fooled.

Because more than 10,000 Wuzong strongmen were recruited from various places. Although they have undergone brief training by the imperial military, they are still very bad in terms of discipline. They don't accept anyone. After all, they are all strong men at the peak of King Wu. It's just a difference in energy. If they have enough vitality, this can be made up for. Build your own team.

To the surprise of the military, 75% of these Wuzong powerhouses chose to fight alone, and the other 25% chose to form a team, but the team did not exceed ten people , In fact, this is also very normal. When facing a powerful enemy, if you don’t have a trustworthy teammate, it’s better not to have this teammate, and you won’t have any worries when you run away.

After the military has completed the transformation of the spaceships of all Wu Zong strongmen, it has entered the adaptation period. Driver training.

When these warriors did not come, the military used a large amount of data to detect the data of a driver driving in the field to formulate ten excellent routes in and out of the Zerg planet, and imported them into the spaceship intelligence brains of these Wuzong powerhouses. These fighters don't need to drive spaceships at all, they just need to let their brains do it by themselves, which can greatly reduce the consumption of Wu Zong in the process of entering the Zerg planet. You must know that military pilots need to rest for thirty-six hours before they can recover after entering and exiting a Zerg planet. Although this is because the strength of these drivers is not very high, it is better to consume less.

These ten routes have been extensively tested by the military and have high stability. Of course, sometimes there will be some dangers, so these warriors will be given a short training, at least let these warriors learn how to call for help, then the military rescuers will have enough time to prepare and approach the rescue.

Time is slowly passing by, and the Wuzong powerhouses are also full of hope for the next action. And the related research and development in the laboratory has gradually produced results, but it has not been tested so far. At present, the virus that can live on the Zerg planet for the longest time is the zombie virus that completely seals Starry Sky City. This is something that the researchers headed by Liu Jie did not expect, because this virus was brought into the earth from space. Huge mutations have occurred, and Dao has mutated more than tens of thousands of species so far, but the most primitive strain survived in the end.

"Professor Liu, it is estimated that we will release the first batch of hunters to the Zerg planet in three days. How are your preparations going?" Qilin's right now is very huge, because now he has reached the most critical point At that time, he can completely intervene in the experimental department now, and more than 10,000 Wuzong experts are also under his management. This is an opportunity for him, an opportunity to enter the core leadership of the military, so he attaches great importance to it and is serious about it.

Liu Jie looked at the spirited Qilin on the virtual screen and said with a smile: "At present, we have developed a virus that can survive in the air of the Zerg planet for three minutes, so the people who need to release this virus should be in the Zerg gathering area Proceed, the military can inform those hunters about this. And I hope that in the days after the virus is released, a bug infected with the virus will be caught in the area where the virus was released, and the military should also make this clear."

"Don't worry about this, I will specially arrange personnel to explain this task. If it is convenient, your laboratory will send a researcher, so that the professionalism will be guaranteed." Qilin replied with a smile , there is a virus in the air of the Zerg planet for three minutes, which is already good. After all, he has been paying attention to the research of the research institute all the time in the past six months. The virus that he could take out a month ago can only exist in the air for a minute and a half.

Because the military still doesn't know much about the interior of the Zerg planet, it didn't put all the Wuzong powerhouses into the Zerg planet at one time, but put them in batches. The first batch of 1,500 people, all of these 1,500 people traveled alone, without a group. This is mainly to consider that the Lone Ranger will have strong flexibility when evacuating, and the possibility of surviving is quite high.

Moreover, since the reward, the military training ship has not appeared at an altitude below 20,000 meters. As for the spaceships that cooperate with laboratory research, although they have entered the near-surface area of ​​​​the Zerg planet, they fly very fast. No time to scout for news. Someone once installed an imaging device on the spacecraft, but because it flew so fast, the imaging device didn't capture anything at all.

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