Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 714 Entry and Arrangement

"Old Wang, come back alive, when the time comes, I will treat you to a drink?" Because of its strength and ability, only one of the eight Wuzong powerhouses of Pearl Aerospace was selected in the first batch of personnel, and that was the king. Wu Zong. This person used to be an adventurer, and he was also one of the first group of adventurers. His life experience almost runs through the history of the empire's struggle against mutant beasts over the years. Later, he retired due to physical and practical reasons. This time, he was found and hired by Pearl Aerospace because he couldn’t be idle. After all, if a person who has been fighting in the battlefield for a long time is suddenly idle, he will feel at a loss. That's what it feels like to fill your schedule.

Old Wang is full of longing at this time, he yearns for the battlefield, yearns for the feeling of squatting in the grass for many days without sleep and rest for a mission, the fighting skills have become his instinct, and the muscular woman's memory has been completely formed. He is full of expectations for going to the Zerg planet this time, that is, he can die in battle, so that his life will be complete, so he actively participated in various military trainings and he was originally a hunter. With rich experience, he was selected by the military as the first batch of personnel to go to the Zerg planet.

Qi Ling personally practiced for these thousand people, because he knew that if these people were the ones who stood up, they would be the most dangerous. If these people sacrificed a lot, then the next related plans will be adjusted. If these people don't sacrifice too much, only the Wuzong powerhouses in the back can enter this planet. In his heart, he certainly hoped that this operation would go smoothly, and he also used his own rights to do something for these people, so that these people could return smoothly and complete their tasks.

And at this time, a team of Wuzong strongmen began to distribute the virus they were going to bring this time to these 1,500 people. The virus was installed in a specific container and needed a password to unlock it, and this password had been served. The intelligence brain of the center is distributed to the intelligence of these people's spaceships, which will only be displayed after the spaceship has completely entered the Zerg planet and will be sent to the wristbands of the parties concerned by intelligence.

"Departure." Qilin ordered more than 1,500 spaceships at the berthing port to take off slowly, and then slowly formed a fleet outside the service center to fly to the Zerg planet. These spaceships are not just for entering the Zerg planet. 1,500 spaceships, as well as military escort fleets, rescue fleets, and supply fleets. These fleets will establish a temporary station on the outskirts of the Zerg planet to serve the personnel entering and leaving the Zerg planet. At this time, the 'remote' service center had become the front finger of the military. At this time, many military staff members began to get busy to provide some necessary support for the 1,500 people.

Because the Zerg planet is rather strange, the atmosphere is quite thick and there seems to be a layer of black material attached to the surface, coupled with the strong gravity environment of the planet, the military lacks a powerful monitoring method. And this time, these personnel have another task after entering the Zerg planet, which is to install the latest and improved biological information communication equipment around the world, so that the military can always grasp the internal situation of the Zerg planet. "It is reported that at present, all 1,500 people have entered the interior of the planet, and they have now descended to an altitude of 20,000 meters and began to rush to various places."

Because the entire communication system has not yet been set up, Qilin can only stare at the somewhat rough virtual map and watch the red dots move on it. As for other information, he is a bit blind at all. After hearing this report, Qilin also breathed a sigh of relief. These ten passages were opened up by the military with a lot of manpower and material resources, but there are still dangers in them. After all, the Zerg planet is really weird. The military still hasn't found a completely safe passage by using the computing power of the starry sky. This is also because the data provided is too little, and the starry sky is useless.

"Dabai, scan the surrounding terrain, look for the highest point and prepare to land." Old Wang said a little excitedly at this time, after leaving the passage, he chose a direction at random and flew rapidly. After flying for a while, he lowered the altitude and landed. Speed, this is mainly to test the number of Zerg around. Fortunately, there were not many Zergs found along the way, but Old Wang still did not lower his vigilance.

Because he only knew about the Zerg in writing, and had never actually seen it, so this time he chose a peak for the landing site, in order to be able to rush up to 20,000 meters at the fastest speed after encountering danger. high altitude. His experience as a hunter tells him that this is useful. Of course, if he is facing mutant beasts, he will choose the easiest place to hide, but he doesn't know much about Zerg, so he can only choose toughness.

Lao Wang is wearing the second-generation 'Suzaku' mecha, and it has undergone some improvements, especially a strong upgrade in terms of power. This is also some advice given by his years of experience, that is, how fast can it be? As soon as possible, the chances of escaping will be greater. So after reaching the destination, he stepped out of the spaceship directly, and then quickly landed on the top of the mountain with a box, and then installed a special device in the box on it, and used a A special solution was poured around it.

This special fluid is a substance extracted from the bodies of these Zerg that drives surrounding Zerg into the area. The purpose of this is of course to protect the biological information communication instruments. After all, although these instruments reduce the metal parts as much as possible, most of the materials still do not exist on this planet, so it is easy to cause those Zerg bites.

After doing all this, Lao Wang turned on his virtual bracelet, then shocked a file and began to load it slowly. This file is the code to start the Tongxu device. Only when this code is injected into the instrument, can the receiving department located in the 'Expedition' service center receive the signal emitted by this instrument, and connect with other equipment under the command of the agency above the service center. In this part Regional construction of a local area network.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, can you hear me?" With the activation of the communication equipment, the military command department of the service center also received the signal sent by this point.

"Okay, just talk about it if you have anything to say." Lao Wang didn't know how many times he had been trained on this step, so he turned on the communication device on the 'Suzaku' very skillfully and asked.

"There is a Zerg's nest five kilometers in front of you. The number is about 1,500. As for the shape, it looks like a grasshopper on our side. According to the analysis, it may have the function of flying. Therefore, the military recommends that you go as soon as possible. Evacuate." The liaison officer spoke very quickly, but he was very clear that these people were soldiers who had been selected by thousands of people, and had received a long period of training in order to serve these people well. The Wuzong powerhouses who survived on the tip of the knife.

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