Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 715 Madman and Wu Chi

Lao Wang also listened to the military's suggestion, and left straight away after completing the installation of the communication equipment. But before leaving, he took a deep look at the location of the Zerg tribe. If it wasn't for the fact that he was not familiar with the place, he even wanted to rush over and throw the virus into which tribe, so that his task could be completed quickly. up. But for the sake of his own life, he endured it.

However, some people don't listen to the military's words. A strong Wuzong supported by a medium-sized company, who was a relatively well-known person in the adventurer circle before, so he is a little conceited. He didn't listen to the military's advice. After placing the biological information and communication equipment, he realized that there was a group of Zerg three kilometers in front of him to the right, so he rushed over and threw the virus directly into the resting Zerg group. Although this approach was determined directly before that, unfortunately he encountered a kind of Zerg that was good at speed, and was shot down by a bug before he rushed into the plane.

Yes, it was shot down, and it was shot through directly. It is very vivid for this kind of strange bug to be named "Arrow Bug" by the military. And this strong Wuzong also became the first person among this group of people to die. As for his equipment and body, he became food for bugs, and the spaceship began to slowly leave the planet and return to the service center under the control of the military.

"How much area can it currently cover?" Qilin asked excitedly looking at the increasingly detailed data on the virtual map.

"1,500 square kilometers," a staff officer reported.

But at this moment, the chief of staff suppressed Qilin's next words: "How about the current casualties?"

"Twenty-three people died, and there were no casualties." Another staff officer reported.

And this sentence also suppressed Qilin's next actions, because he planned to directly activate the information scanning function that has already covered the area. will find out. This directly exposed the personnel who are currently performing missions on the planet. Qilin didn't think of this because of excitement, but he also came to his senses after being reminded by the chief of staff, so he quickly said gratefully: "Old Huo, thank you."

Huo Zun used to be the chief of staff of the Bohai Rim Command, and he used to be a partner with Chen Hai. However, after Chen Hai was transferred, he successfully took over the position of commander of Bohai Rim. This time, it was also because the military wanted to report young officers, so he was transferred here to continue his old business. Of course, the positions are different. The chief of staff of the Bohai Rim Headquarters is a lieutenant general, while the chief of staff in the service center is a general. As for the former chief of staff, because of Chen Hai's affairs, he was also transferred back to the general headquarters. As for his future career, it depends on his future performance.

"Commander, I don't think there is any hurry now. Since we have now covered an area of ​​1,500 square kilometers, we will build a network covering the entire planet with this goal. When the network is completed, then it will be It takes one time to grasp the information of the entire planet, which also greatly reduces the risk of our actions being exposed." Huo Zun has a good point, that is, he is very stable, which is why the military put him here one.

"Then follow your instructions, modify the installation location of the communication equipment in the future, and install it directly according to this range after the next batch of personnel enter." Qilin also said smoothly.

"Okay, I'll let the communications department make relevant plans." Huo Zun also replied with a smile.

Just when the two senior military officials reached a consensus, a staff officer suddenly exclaimed: "Report, someone built communication equipment on the highest peak and it has been successfully activated."

"What, who is this? Isn't this nonsense? Take over the video signal immediately." Qi Lin roared angrily. He didn't expect that someone would ignore the military's warning and go directly to the highest peak at this time. You must know that the empire there has lost hundreds of Wuzong powerhouses. What made him even more angry was that in this way, this operation would be exposed, and the casualties would suddenly increase at that time.

Because the biological information communication equipment has been completely installed and activated, the video signal is quickly connected to the virtual large screen in the command room. And the scene above the video also shattered Qilin's last hope. A heavily armed warrior confronts a 'moth'. According to the latest detection information, the energy intensity of this 'moth' exceeds the peak of the Martial King, and it is likely to be of the Martial King level.

"Wu Jing, the third-generation leader of the Wu family, the peak of Wu Wang. This time, he entered the operation with the quota of star creatures. It's normal." A staff officer sighed while reading the relevant information.

"Normal fart, didn't he listen to the military training these days? This is sabotaging our operations, and this kind of person should be dealt with immediately. Write it down for me. When Wu Jing comes back, he will be sent to the hospital immediately. Go to court-martial." Qilin finally calmed down and was once again provoked into anger.

Huo Zun was actually a little angry, but he still comforted him: "Commander, now it's not a question of whether we deal with him or not, but a question of whether he can survive." Then he ordered to the staff at one side, "Immediately report to all The personnel who entered the planet sent a message to inform everyone of the situation, and it was up to them to decide whether to withdraw. The message clearly stated that the military’s recommendation was to withdraw immediately.”


Now that the action has been exposed, there is no need to continue, after all, human beings are still at a disadvantage. Moreover, Huo Zun also wanted to understand that these people were originally recruited from the society, and they could not be expected to obey the orders of the military at all. And he also heard some rumors that the reason why these warriors participated in this operation was also to find an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Now there is already a Zerg who has directly reached the Martial Emperor level. He would like to see this person return alive. It would be even better if he can break through. By then, humans will have the strength to counter the Zerg.

The duels of masters all start with aura, but obviously the aura of the Wuhuang level is higher than that of the Wuwang peak, so after a period of time, Wu Jing, who was unable to hold on because of this, first started to attack. Compared with the clumsiness of 'Moth', Wu Jing obviously has a great advantage in flexibility, but even the strongest flexibility is a bit difficult to start with under the strong defense of the Wuhuang level.

And Wu Jing has a big disadvantage, that is, all actions need to be guaranteed by the entire equipment, so after fighting for a while, the oxygen carried by the mecha is not enough, even if there is a circulation system in the mecha. So he planned to leave the battlefield, but the moth didn't give him this chance at all, his originally clumsy body became flexible, and Wu Jing was directly sent flying under the watchful eyes of everyone in the command room.

But this one was obviously prepared, the moment he was shot into the air, he directly activated the power system on the mech and began to fly upwards desperately. 'Moth' seemed to have seen this kind of situation before, and after a loud cry, it also started to chase. Wu Jing's mecha was already in dilapidated condition at this time, but under his desperate urging, the power system of the mecha smoothly sent him to the spaceship at an altitude of 20,000 meters.

Seeing the thrilling scene, everyone in the command room breathed a sigh of relief. And Wu Jing passed out instantly after entering the spaceship. The blow of the 'moth' directly penetrated his body and shattered all the organs inside. If it weren't for his strong body with creases and This modified second-generation 'Xuanwu' mech might have already been turned into meat paste by that blow.

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