Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 717 Building a full-coverage communication network

After receiving the order from the military, Qi Lin decisively stopped the meeting and arranged related matters. In his view, this is a very good opportunity. If it succeeds, his achievements will be indispensable. Of course, if it fails, he will not be blamed. After all, this is an order passed down from the military headquarters.

"Commander, are you a little anxious to do this?" Huo Zun stopped him anxiously.

"Old Huo, this is an order from the military, so we have no other choice." Qilin said seriously at this time.

In the living area of ​​Wu Zong's strong men, only 1,463 people returned from the first group of people who went there, and 47 people died. It didn't take long, just less than twelve hours, so many people died. This kind of danger greatly exceeded the expectations of these Wuzong strongmen. After the first batch of personnel came back, they immediately found people they were familiar with and asked some things, so as to accumulate some experience for their next action. The first batch of Wu Zong powerhouses who went there also had no friendship, and they would tell everything they knew. Of course, people who met Zerg were more welcome. After all, Zerg was the biggest threat to Wu Zong powerhouses.

"Wu Jing, have you heard? This Zerg strongman who went directly to the highest peak of the Zerg planet seems to be seriously injured but he came back anyway. This is a very good character. You can ask him at that time Find out." These were the last words of the first batch of Wuzong strongmen. In their eyes, Wujing was already quite powerful at this time. After all, they were not sure of surviving in the hands of Zerg strongmen.

"What? Is Wu Chi so powerful?" Everyone chattered, and the protagonist was Wu Jing.

At this time, all the Wu Zong powerhouses received a message on their bracelets, and all the staff gathered in the conference room. This made these Wu Zongs a little confused, because even the first batch of people who had just returned to enter the Zerg planet received this information. You must know that according to the plan, these first batch of personnel need to rest for three days before they can enter the Zerg planet again. Now is their rest time and no one can disturb them.

Because these people are not soldiers, they have the right to refuse to carry out this order, but most of them are old people here. They have deep feelings for soldiers, so they went with them.

After they entered the meeting room, they were attracted by the picture on the virtual big screen, and this picture was the scene of Wu Jing fighting the 'Moth'. Although it was played over and over again, none of the people present felt a little greasy.

"Today, I have two things for everyone. The first thing is to give a report on this operation, and to summarize all the sacrificed personnel, so as to prevent you from committing the same crime again and risk your own life." Qi Lin Without hesitation, he said that he was really angry after seeing this document, because according to the statistics of this document, 31 of the 47 people who died were due to arrogance, stupidity, and disobedience to the military. party warning. So he planned to conduct another concentrated and short training for these Wuzong powerhouses, and the content of the training was to let them see the consequences of disobeying orders.

As Qilin's voice fell, the virtual big screen began to play the call information of the sacrificed personnel and the military, as well as the pictures at that time. In particular, the picture of one of them dying was clearly captured. And the Wuzong powerhouses present were all human beings, and they immediately understood the military's purpose in doing so. Of course, some of them had some luck in their hearts, but after seeing these pictures, they also raised their vigilance one after another.

After an hour, all the video images were played, and Qilin emphasized again. Surprisingly, no one raised any objection under the strong coercion. Seeing that Wu Zongmen understood the importance of the military, Qilin immediately announced the second thing: "The second thing is that the military needs to complete the construction of a communication network covering the entire Zerg planet within three days. Network, so many, many people are needed, everyone present can decide whether to participate in this mission according to their own situation."

"What, this is about to start the second operation to enter the Zerg planet?" Everyone present was in an uproar, because they hadn't digested the experience of the first batch of personnel entering the Zerg planet, and did not conduct relative training based on these things .

"Commander, I would like to ask if there is no restriction on anyone. If we accept this task, will the military have additional rewards?" At this time, a big man with a strong body and a beard stood up and asked.

Qi Lin looked at the big man, searched for his name in his heart and said: "Mendeleev, this mission is voluntary, but after you join the operation, you may need to travel to and from the Zerg planet many times within three days. , This process is not allowed to be interrupted. As for rewards, as the commander of the 'Expedition' service center, I will apply for a reward of one vitality block for each mission, this is the best I can do."

"Commander, will military personnel participate in this mission?" Mendeleev asked again.

"Yes, at present the military has organized 800 Wuzong strongmen, and they will be the main force for this mission." Qilin said directly, this is what he had already ordered Huo Zun to do, to complete the whole task in the fastest time If you want to build a planet, then the farther the personnel, the better. According to the calculations of the military's communications department, to establish a communication network covering the entire Zerg planet, at least 1.3 million biological communication devices are needed. This is only an estimated figure, and the actual demand may reach 1.5 million.

Although the installation of this kind of communication equipment is quite simple, each person can complete the installation of 150 locations per day. If there are 1,000 people, the number of installations per day is 150,000, which is 45 in three days. million units. Therefore, the military needs to organize at least 3,500 people, and some of them are disturbed by Zerg, so the number of installation personnel needs to be at least 5,000.

Of course, this is the case with numerical calculations, and the real data is that everyone present chose to join this project, and no one flinched. This also greatly exceeded Qilin's estimate, but it is also just right, and the task can be completed faster, because there are three covered areas as coordinates, when these people enter the Zerg planet, they will go directly to the predetermined area. You can just fly over to the location, and you don't have to look for a suitable location anymore.

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