Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 718: Hostage

"Report that point 313 is installed?"

"The headquarters has received it. Please go to the next installation point." The command hall of the 'Expedition' service center has been extremely busy these two days. Every post is rotated, and each person has to persist for twelve hours, so Everyone is pretty haggard now. And the commander Qilin didn't rest for two days, and has been watching the progress of this operation in the command hall.

This time the operation was quite smooth. Firstly, there was a very detailed resettlement plan made by the origin coordinate service center. Basically, every person who entered the Zerg planet rushed to the area at the fastest speed, and then Install at a faster speed, in order to save time, even the activation program is omitted at the service center. Each communication device has already been activated at the service center, and Wu Zong only needs to complete the installation. So every time one is successfully installed, a piece of the Zerg planet map at the service center will light up. It is now the third day, and basically 80% of the Zerg planet has been lit up.

"Xiaobai, scan the surrounding terrain and determine the installation location." A spaceship stopped at the high altitude of the Zerg planet, and Wu Zong inside began to use the radar on the spaceship to scan the surrounding terrain to determine the installation location of the communication equipment. All of this should have been without any accidents, after all, this Wuzong had already installed nearly a hundred communication devices before this.

But when this Wu Zong was fully armed and left the spaceship to fly to the predetermined place, he felt an inexplicable irritability in his heart. So he began to be more vigilant about his surroundings and made a defensive posture. His armor is 'Xuanwu', known for its defensive power, so this is also taking advantage of his own. But to his surprise, he arrived at the predetermined location smoothly and successfully installed the communication equipment.

And the next moment after the communication equipment was installed, about four or five seconds later, an urgent voice came from his earphones: "Leave quickly, there are a large number of Zerg around."

But it was too late, a large number of Zerg began to appear crazily, directly blocking all the roads he left. Seeing so many Zerg, this Wu Zong had no room to resist at all, but immediately deployed the 'Xuanwu' defensive formation, and began to wait for the military's rescue. Although he felt that the possibility of being rescued was very small, but in order not to die like this, he still wanted to gamble.

"Come and save me, I can only last half an hour at most." Wu Zong called for help loudly in the communication channel. Now that the communication equipment has been installed, it can be seen from the situation headquarters nearby. His only hope left.

Seeing that the military is quite entangled in this situation, Qilin is against the rescue. His reason is very simple, because the current statistics show that there are at least one million Zergs in this place, even if all the Zergs on the current planet If all personnel are sent over, they may all be overwhelmed by these insect swarms. However, Huo Zun insisted on rescue, after all, it would make those Wu Zong who mentioned the military battle feel cold.

"Commander, I think we should let the surrounding Wu Zong go to support. As long as a channel is opened, Hong Lei can survive. According to the information fed back from the 'Skynet', the defense line formed by the flying Zerg is very weak. It needs three Wuzong strongmen to break it." Huo Zun quickly persuaded, as the chief of staff, he manages the trivial matters of the army, so the relationship with these Wuzong strongmen is still good. If Hong Lei is not rescued now, then there will definitely be resentment in people's hearts, which is quite detrimental to the military's follow-up plans. He is not a person who has never seen death, but the military does not need death, but needs many people who can complete military tasks with quality.

Qilin ignored Huo Zun, but stared at the picture on the big screen, and said after a long time: "Immediately let all the people who entered the Zerg planet retreat, as for the rest of the place, we have no chance to arrange it." We can't give these buggers any more hostages."

"Yes." A staff officer began to send a message to all Wu Zong who entered the Zerg planet.

At this time Huo Zun also suddenly came to his senses and asked: "Commander, do the Zerg know about our plan, and plan to negotiate with us this time?" He also understood in his heart why he has always been the chief of staff. He is a steward, not a military chief, and he cannot achieve such a strong military perception.

"Believe it or not, there must be a strong Zerg among or behind these Zergs. If we send people to rescue them, everyone will be there. The Zergs will not make the same mistake twice. Most of the first batch of Wu Zong sent in survived because of the carelessness of the Zerg. And didn't you see that ten minutes have passed since Hong Lei was besieged, but the Zerg did not continue to attack. "Qi Lin has been waiting for a while, waiting for the Zerg to attack, as long as they attack, everything will be very simple. But now the Zerg didn't attack, which confirmed his worst idea.

"Siege to fight for help? Are the command of the Zerg so high now? What do these Zerg want to do?" Huo Zun felt a chill down his spine at this moment. Humans may have to pay a huge price in the future for a race with such wisdom. Take it down.

Qi Ling said very seriously: "I have done research on the Zerg, especially the first document about the Zerg. I wonder if you have read it."

"It seems that it is a battle between the Zerg races. It is quite methodical, and it can be said that there is quite a deep wisdom in it." At this time, Huo Zun remembered that battle, and the work that humans have done this year It's all about this battle.

"Now you understand, report this matter to see what the general headquarters has any opinions. As for Hong Lei asking him to open the external release device of the mech to see if the latest translation system works, that's a good idea." It is also the last thing he can do for the empire." After Qilin finished speaking, he asked a staff member to turn off the big virtual screen, and Huo Zun didn't ask for rescue of Hong Lei either, he must die under the current situation .

Hong Lei was the first to be besieged by the Zerg. As for the other Wu Zong who did not encounter this situation, they all quickly evacuated the Zerg planet under the warning of the military. With some of the previous examples, the evacuation of these people was quite fast. After all, life is one's own. In this colorful world, one day is one day. As for those who have lived enough and don't want to live, there are only a small number of people.

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