Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 719 Intruder

The starting point quickly received a detailed battle report from the service center. In the command hall of the general headquarters, there was also a virtual Zerg planet floating in the center of the hall, and the lit part on it was related to the "expedition" The service center is exactly the same here.

"Mark Hong Lei's position." Chen Hai ordered immediately after receiving the battle report, and the combat staff at the side quickly marked Hong Lei's position on the Zerg planet. Looking at the red dot that has been magnified many times, Lei Yuan said with some uncertainty: "It seems that the Zerg have discovered the purpose of our operation, and they have begun to stop our operation. According to the longitude and latitude of the earth based on the general staff According to the scale method, Hong Lei’s location just entered the Arctic Circle. According to Qilin’s plan, the North Pole and the Antarctic are the last to lay communication equipment.”

"Not necessarily. I think the Zergs are still alive. They are observing our actions. After two days of observation, they plan to have a showdown with us after not getting detailed information. And Hong Lei is not dead now, but They are under siege. So we need to see the movements of these Zerg below to judge their motives." Chen Hai said after thinking for a while.

"Then let the 'Yuanzheng' service center take over the video, and let Qilin set up a network immediately to scan the existing coverage area." Chen Qiang directly ordered.

In the 'Expedition' service center, Qi Lin kept walking up and down in his office, thinking about the next action plan. After all, the situation has changed now. The entire Zerg planet and the north and south poles are not covered. This is a fatal flaw. He is only a person who pursues perfection and does not allow such things to happen. At this time, Huo Zun came in directly and said: "The headquarters let us start networking and scanning immediately, and make sure the communication is normal."

"What, if we set up a network now, what about the North and South Poles?" Qilin asked in disbelief.

Huo Zun shook his head and said, "Maybe I gave up. In fact, the current coverage area is enough. And according to our detection, the gravity of the north and south poles of the Zerg planet is much stronger. Even though the Zerg has adapted to the environment over the years, But they can't survive there either."

"Then start networking and scan. Let the communication team ensure that the relevant data can be synchronized to the headquarters as soon as possible." Qilin is actually relaxed, if the headquarters did not issue With this order, he may forcibly break through the Zerg's interception and lay down at the North and South Poles. But now there is no need, and there is no need to sacrifice personnel.

Hong Lei is very tired now, the mecha's energy consumption is quite high, and he tried to break through the siege of the Zerg, so the remaining energy can only last for about half an hour. He no longer had any hope of surviving, but what surprised him was that these Zerg didn't want to kill him, but wanted to trap him here. So now a state of confrontation has formed, and at this time he can clearly feel that there is a very powerful force in front of him.

He also tried to use the half-language translation device developed by the military's scientific research department to contact these Zerg, but everything was of no avail. He shouted until his voice was almost hoarse, but he didn't get the slightest memory. There were only bursts of neighing from the Zerg. Why did he think these screams were neighing? It was because he could feel anger and murderous aura in these screams.

It was a sharp cry that resounded through the surrounding space, and even made Hong Lei's eardrums ache a little bit. Because the air density on the Zerg planet is quite high, the intensity of the sound transmission is also relatively small. In addition to this short distance, if there is not the existence of the 'Xuanwu' mecha, his eardrums will be broken at this time. crack. He heard this kind of doubt from the cry, and at this moment he was sure that the cry came from the mouth of the strong man.

In fact, it wasn't just this Zerg expert who was screaming, the other Zerg experts all raised their heads as if they were looking at something, and used bursts of neighing to convey their doubts and warnings. Obviously, their behavior does not threaten the existence of 'Skynet'. A net covering 86% of the Zerg planet is being formed, and after this net is formed, all the movements of the Zerg in this area will be known to humans.

"Report, the networking is complete, and Skynet is operating normally." The person in charge of the communication department reported immediately after the networking.

"How many powerful people have been detected?" Qi Ling asked directly, this is what he cares most about.

"There are thirteen Martial King powerhouses, and more than 300,000 Martial King powerhouses. As for the powerhouses in other realms, there are countless. The lowest level of Zerg's strength is at the warrior level. There is also a very weak breath, but it exploded after we scanned it. For a moment, this strong man may be an existence beyond the Martial Emperor." A staff report reported.

At the same time, the starting point also received the data of the completed network. Looking at the number of strong people on the entire planet, even Chen Qiang couldn't help but take a breath. At this time, he was even a little thankful that he didn't rashly general the army. Put it in, or those troops will never return when the time comes.

Seeing this situation, an idea quickly appeared in his mind, so he ordered: "Connect the communication with Hong Lei immediately, I have something to say to him."

At this time, Hong Lei was getting weaker and weaker. As for the expanded form of 'Xuanwu', it had long since disappeared. After all, what's the use of not having strong energy. So Jean, who had lost hope, put away everything and lay quietly on the spot, waiting for the moment when he was bitten into pieces.

And at this moment, a voice came from his communication channel. This voice was very familiar to him. It was the voice of the Supreme Emperor of the Empire. He felt that he was going to die, after all, he had auditory hallucinations in his ears. However, his training these days was not in vain. Listening to the commands in the communication channel, he began to operate unconsciously. Soon the translation system of the 'Xuanwu' mecha was loaded with the universal language module.

"Hello, I want to know why you are besieging me." This series of operations let Hong Lei know that he is not dreaming, but he has no hope of living at all at this time, and this action is just to Conduct an experiment for the empire, so he asked very bluntly.

Hong Lei didn't expect the other party to answer him at all. After all, he had worked so hard a while ago. But at this time a very strange voice came to his ears: "Intruder, I want to know where you are from?"

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