Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 720 A New Discovery

Following this voice came out a creature that was the same as a praying mantis on earth. After studying the corpses of the Zerg, the Empire found that the creatures on this planet were also carbon-based creatures, which were of the same attribute as humans, so the military and the cabinet would Create these actions to target the Zerg. The empire's description of the Zerg also followed some of the old names of the bugs on the earth. As for most of the Zergs on the earth now, only a few are alive, but these living Zergs have also mutated.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Hong Lei asked the praying mantis with excitement and fear.

"I want to know where you are from and what level of civilization has you reached?" Mantis's voice was so cold that Hong Lei's body couldn't help but tremble, but at this moment he didn't know the answer at all.

At this time, Chen Qiang's voice saved this person: "Tell it that we are from an earth civilization 0.5 light-years away, and the civilization level is three levels higher."

"We come from 0.5 light-years away, and the civilization level is three levels higher." Hong Lei said in a trembling voice, and he didn't even notice what was missing. Although he is now at the peak of King Wu, but facing this man, he has no desire to resist at all, because that aura has already crushed his strong heart, and now he also understands that if he does not kill him in the future If this is the case, I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to enter the Martial Emperor at all.

The mantis seemed to be remembering something, but at this moment, Chen Qiang and the others put their hearts into their throats, because this person's actions were too threatening. It is very likely that this person knows the existence of his own earth. If this guess is correct, then part of the history of the earth may have to be pushed on the Internet.

"It turned out to be the No. 3 galaxy. I didn't expect that planet to give birth to life again." This sentence seemed to be muttering to himself, but it was like thunder in the ears of Chen Qiang and others. It turns out that the earth once really gave birth to other civilizations, and it seems that they have slowly left the earth and entered the starry sky.

After saying this, the mantis directly raised its paw and slammed Hong Lei into the soil layer. Looking at Hong Lei who was almost as fleshy, the mantis seemed to be talking to himself: "It's time to end all of this. You sealed us here in the first place just to give your descendants an additional trial ground, but you didn't expect that all the descendants you left here would be hunted down by us. As for these newly born Life looks a little bad, and the strength is really not very strong. But these strange things look good, but they will still die in front of strength." Swallowed into the stomach.

Maybe the mantis was unintentional, but at this time the commander-in-chief who owns Skynet heard these words completely. At this time, the entire command hall was extremely quiet, and a catastrophe might happen to human beings. This is the first time for everyone. a reaction. Chen Qiang immediately broke the calm and said: "Immediately notify the cabinet, the military, and major think tanks to hold a meeting. This may be an opportunity for us, and of course it may also be our biggest crisis."

The convening of this meeting is completely without any recruitment, and there are also many non-governmental think tank experts and some professors from major universities who are also invited. Even some former old people were also invited. This was the first time that a meeting of this level was held, and it was almost equivalent to a one-person National Congress.

Chen Lu was in great pain after receiving this order. During this period of time, she has been mobilizing some supplies on the earth to ensure the success of military operations. She attends meetings almost every day and also receives some businessmen. Drained her energy. And now a meeting involving so many people is going to be held, and it takes a lot of time, including the security, the selection of the meeting place, and the living guarantee of the participants, but the order only gave her three days.

But fortunately, she has doubled the size of the royal office during this period, at least there is no shortage of manpower, so she still bites the bullet and arranges this matter, as for other things, it can only be left behind moved. As for why such a big meeting was held, she didn't ask why. Now she also clearly divides her abilities, and she doesn't have the ability to command such a war between civilizations, so she directly chose logistics. All military affairs were handed over to Chen Qiang and Chen Jun.

"Professor, this is the latest Zerg corpse we dissected. We found that if there is enough energy, the reproductive cycle of these Zergs will be shortened. At the fastest time, a generation can be born every three days. And our virus directly accelerated this. process, and will make up for the shortcoming of requiring energy.” A researcher reported to Liu Jiehui with a report.

"Did the virus have any other effects?" Liu Jie had actually received relevant reports a long time ago. This time, she called the person in charge to come over mainly to ask if there were any other effects. In her opinion, this effect had no effect at all. Same, even counting as helping the Zerg. If this report goes up, then the military will definitely question it. Although there will be no problems in her laboratory, these experimenters will definitely get hit from the military.

"According to the explanation above in this report, there are male and female Zergs. Since it is effective for female Zergs, have you found out what effect it will have on male Zergs?" This is Liu Jie's purpose, no matter what At least this time, a result is needed. Since it has this effect on female Zerg, whether it has an effect on male Zerg, as long as there is a little result, she can report it well.

But obviously her purpose failed, and the researcher shook her head and said: "There is no effect at all. We have observed that the resistance of these male Zergs to viruses is far greater than that of female Zergs."

"Then you go back first, I will leave this report here." Liu Jie was obviously very dissatisfied with this conversation, but she is not a person who is easily angry, so she still can't send it out to her subordinates This is hot.

Soon the desk of the military received this report from Liu Jie's laboratory. After seeing this report, Qilin was incredulous at first, but then he was quite happy, because this report was the first report for the military. Solving the Zerg problem provides another solution. So he began to draft the plan, and in his opinion, the possibility of the plan being passed was quite high.

It's just that what he didn't expect is that the situation has changed drastically now, and everything that happened on the Zerg planet is still buried in the dark.

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