Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 723 New virus plan

Merchants are having a hard time these days. The empire needs more funds and Wuzong strongmen, all of which require them to recruit, and all of these require a lot of funds to guarantee. So they can only take out the last bit of their wealth. They can't give up, because all the investment will be in vain.

"Father, we don't have much rich funds now. According to the apportionment this time, we need to support 20 Wuzong strongmen. This is really embarrassing for us." Ma Chao complained a little during dinner.

Ma Yun also understands her son's complaints now, but now the empire needs them, merchants and families. This is an opportunity to make friends with the empire again, so everyone is unwilling to give up. If one family suddenly gives up at this time, then He doesn't have to hang around in this circle anymore. Don't underestimate the isolation of the entire business district. This is a fatal thing. Even if they are among the top batch of Interstellar Aerospace, it is impossible to produce everything by themselves and not communicate with other companies.

So after gritting her teeth, Ma Yun said: "Take out the batch of vitality blocks stored at home, and use these vitality blocks as bargaining chips to recruit Wuzong experts. As for the subsequent investment, we don't have to worry about it. It will be resolved."

"Dad, no, we saved this batch of vitality blocks for use in times of family crisis, and we haven't reached that level yet." Ma Chao objected directly, and the others also objected.

"Take it out, you have to believe that if the empire really gets the Zerg planet this time, then we merchants will get more." Ma Yun directly suppressed all the opposing voices.

In fact, the current situation is quite complicated. The military has never sent personnel into the Zerg planet since that operation, and all the personnel in the "Expedition" service center are waiting for orders from the starting point. At this time, an experiment report from Liu Jie's laboratory began to be passed up slowly, and finally reached Chen Qiang's hands.

Chen Qiang had an inexplicable feeling when he saw this report that was a bit of an enemy. From this report, it can be seen that humans spread this virus to the Zerg, which will have a great impact on the reproductive cycle of the Zerg, and it will be greatly accelerated. reproductive cycle. In short, if the virus infects the entire Zerg, I am afraid that in the future, the Zerg will usher in a reproductive outbreak period, and there will be dozens of times more larval Zerg born. This will be a huge obstacle to future human actions. After all, the military now lists the swarms produced by those Zerg as a first-level danger.

But when this report is combined with another report, it turns out that this is actually a good thing. And what this other report says is that the current source of food for all the Zergs on the Zerg planet is those young Zergs or the losers in the war. The level of the Zerg is very strict, and the level is divided according to the strength. The source of the improvement of the strength of the Zerg is how many Zerg have been devoured.

And when Chen Qiang was lost in thought, Chen Jun went directly into the office and shook him awake and said, "Your Majesty, I have a very bold idea, maybe we can try it out."

"Then let's talk about it first, maybe we thought of it together." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

Chen Jun was not polite, but sat down and said, "According to this report from Professor Liu Jie, we can formulate a virus release plan. At present, the military has counted all the Zerg in the covered area, and there are a total of one There are more than 13,000 kinds, among which more than 300 kinds of Zerg are the absolute upper class, and what we need is to let these more than 300 kinds of Zerg multiply in large numbers, and then these Zerg will consume more and more food. These The strong Zerg will eventually become a member of the battlefield, which will greatly reduce the number of strong Zerg and lay a solid foundation for us to enter this planet."

This plan can be said to be quite detailed. Although the details are different from what Chen Qiang thought, the general strategy is still the same. So he said: "It can be carried out. At that time, let the Wu Zongs drive the spaceship to the maximum speed, use artificial intelligence to control the throwing of the spaceship, and then give these more than 300 kinds of Zerg a virus every day until the virus infects these Zergs. "Subsequently, this plan was passed at the military staff meeting, and became more feasible after the supplement of these staff.

The 'Expedition' service center soon received an order from the military. The first time Qilin received the order was not to hold a military meeting, but came to the test area to find Liu Jie and asked: "What can we do now?" How long can a virus survive on a Zerg planet?"

Liu Jie is still a little confused by Qilin's sudden culture, but as a scientist, she has a good understanding of her research project, so she said: "Currently, it can exist for about five minutes. This is our latest research result. .”

"It's enough. I need at least 100,000 virus samples. How long will it take for you to complete it?" Qilin spoke in a hurry. No one knew why he was like this, but Liu Jie was frightened by his appearance.

"One hundred thousand copies of the virus, are you going to invest in the Zerg planet?" Liu Jie asked tentatively.

"A military order, here is a document that you can take a look at. I hope to get at least 10,000 virus samples in a week." After speaking, Qilin left, but before he left, he sent a copy from the military. The file was passed to Liu Jie.

After reading the document, Liu Jie, who was a little confused at first, immediately understood the military's intentions, so she began to call all the researchers in the laboratory to arrange the expansion and cultivation of virus samples. This is a very difficult job. There is no industrial production related technology for this newly produced virus and bacteria, so it can only be expanded by the most primitive drug culture or petri dish culture. . And after a week, 10,000 copies of the virus are needed, which is quite a challenge for her laboratory.

But everyone in the laboratory is meaningless, because now the military has not abandoned their research because of their mistake this time, but needs a full 100,000 copies of the virus, which means that the military still values ​​them. So these researchers' previous disappointment and unwillingness instantly turned into endless motivation in order to express themselves well.

Liu Jie is actually very happy now, she never thought that her achievements could be used in this way. Although she has become indifferent to fame and fortune now, she is still very concerned about the practicality of the things she researches. After all, the concept that she has come into contact with in Starry Sky Creatures since the beginning is that all research is ultimately for product services.

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