Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 724 Between Life and Death

The task of 10,000 copies of the 'zombie virus' was fulfilled by Liu Jie's laboratory. They had almost no rest during this week, and all the researchers took turns to watch the virus' expansion process all the time. Qi Lin was very happy with this speed. Although he knew that this task was quite difficult, but seeing that it was completed so well, he felt relieved and prepared to proceed to the next step.

Why is he so eager? That is because humans and the Zerg are currently ideologically hostile. Although humans do not have much information known to the Zerg, the Zerg, as an intelligent race, will definitely obstruct the next actions of humans. of. Therefore, it is necessary to consider casualties when dispatching personnel, and Qilin's solution is to send tens of thousands of people at once, which will greatly increase the survival rate of these people. After all, the only ones on the Zerg planet who can catch up or take down the military's special spaceships are the dozen or so Martial Emperor powerhouses. Even the Martial King-level powerhouses cannot catch up to these spaceships.

Moreover, this plan has been deduced many times by the staff of the service center, and some loopholes have been filled, so the feasibility of the plan is quite high, which is also an important support for him to be so confident.

As for the mobilization meeting, Qilin has already finished, so the Wuzong powerhouses began to check their cars, and some people who didn't have a car re-customized their cars. It took seven days to produce a special spaceship of this kind. There is no problem with a well-established 'expedition' service center. For this action, the cabinet took out 100,000 yuan of vitality from the treasury, and every time the virus was successfully launched, one piece could be obtained, which made many Wuzong powerhouses very greedy.

"Old Lin, you have to be careful with this action." Several Wuzong strongmen from Tianfeng Construction kept persuading an old man. They could only say all the instructions they could think of. As for persuading this Bit don't go that's simply not possible.

Mr. Lin is Lin Hao, the founder of Tianfeng Construction. This old man doesn't enjoy his life as a rich man, so he has to come here to participate in the battle between the empire and the Zerg. Even if the persuasion of the whole family failed to bring the old man back, he could only spend a lot of money to hire a few people to protect his old man. Therefore, the Wuzong team from Tianfeng Construction is quite luxurious, and the spaceship is also quite powerful, directly using the military standard spaceship. Although others are also researched and built by the military, they are still a bit weak compared to standard spaceships. But the military's standard airships are very expensive, so expensive that the military has only equipped six ships so far.

Lin Hao was already a little impatient with the strong Wu Zong that he supported, so he waved his hand and said: "Got it, old man, I eat more salt than you eat, and I know what to do when encountering danger. "After speaking, jump directly on the spaceship, prepare to receive relevant supplies and then leave the port of call.

These Wu Zongs are a little speechless about the old man's stubborn attitude, but they can only do so much. A day ago, they made a phone call to Tianfeng Construction to explain the situation. Finally, through various relationships, they asked the staff department of the service center to assign them mission areas and tribes as close as possible to the old man. They can rush over to rescue them. At this time, they would rather die with the old man than go back by themselves. After all, Tianfeng Construction has really arranged all the arrangements for them after their sacrifices, and if the old man dies, then the meaning of their existence as Wuzong powerhouses will be gone.

"That's Mr. Lin's spaceship, right? Why is this old man still going? Didn't you go over and persuade him?" Qi Lin asked Huo Zun next to him with some doubts as he saw the spaceship slowly taking off after handing over the supplies.

Huo Zun said with a sigh: "I can do things that everyone in the Lin family can't persuade. No, I called in yesterday and asked me to change the place where the old man's virus was placed, and find a place that is not too dangerous. High place, so I handed over the task of delivering the virus to those ordinary ethnic tribes to the Wu Zong of Tianfeng Construction. I actually wanted to refuse, but I didn't expect them to ask the commander to talk about this matter. Although it is a personal friendship, but I have to do it too."

"This old man is a tosser, but that's good. There are fewer and fewer such benchmark tasks now. It's better to wait for the old man to come back this time and let a reporter from the national TV station interview him. Our 'Expedition' service center also needs one now." The image of a hero." Qilin also sighed.

Huo Zun didn't expect Qi Lin to have such an idea, so he said with a smile: "You old fox, you plan to use the power of the Lin family to push our service center into the public's sight, and when I see it, I will make a documentary or live broadcast , we became famous directly.”

"This idea is not bad. I'll give it a try when the time comes. Most of the missions this time are performed by civilian Wuzong strongmen, so we can't be sloppy with honor. If it is the military, it can be rewarded by raising the rank, but these People are not good enough, but we don't have too many rewards in kind, so we can only start with honor." Qilin said with a feeling as he watched the spaceship continuously ascending into the sky.

In fact, Chen Qiang has also considered the rewards for these personnel. This time, he plans to hand out a few medals. Of course, this matter will not be carried out until all the battles are over. After all, the achievements of these people have not yet reached that level. You must know that the energy contained in each medal that has been issued is extremely huge, and it is impossible for the royal family to break this situation. The fact that the medal is the highest honor cannot be broken.

The spaceships that took off from the "Expedition" service center began to line up under the escort of the military to rush to the Zerg planet. During this process, they were divided into ten teams according to the location, and entered the Zerg planet through ten passages. Of course, it is not ruled out that they will be discovered by those bugs after entering the Zerg planet, so all the spacecraft are set to sail at an altitude of 20,000 meters, and only drop the virus by diving bombs when they arrive at the destination.

This approach can greatly reduce the number of attacks on the spaceship by the strong Zerg. After all, according to the current speed of the spaceship dive, it only takes less than a minute to reach the ground from an altitude of 20,000 meters, which is a very fast time. Speed, under the control of artificial intelligence, it can grow bigger and drop the virus within a radius of one meter, which is enough for use. As long as the strong Zerg is not at high altitude when intercepting the spaceship, the spaceship can easily leave the battlefield.

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