Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 731: Lively After the Silence

"Commander, this is the latest detection. At present, the Zerg on the entire Zerg planet has tripled in size, and the frequency of wars has increased by more than ten times. But there is a bad news that the current Zerg Martial Emperor level The number of powerhouses has increased to 30, and the number of Wuwang powerhouses has reached a full one million, of which about 100,000 are at the peak of Wuwang. Maybe we really did something wrong this time, which is indirectly increasing the strength of the Zerg "Huo Zun read the latest detection information according to his usual habits, and immediately reported to Qilin when he saw the information.

They have been here for a year and a half, and the military headquarters has never sent any orders to the 'expedition' service center except for the monthly replenishment of supplies. It seemed as if the entire service center had been forgotten, but the two of them were still sticking to it, completing their tasks meticulously every day.

"There is no right or wrong, and our goal has been achieved. As for the newly increased Martial Emperor, we humans now have a Martial Emperor, so this is not a problem. I have a hunch that soon there will be a war on the Zerg planet. It's a very intense war. Our service center will be reactivated soon, so what we have to do now is to make all preparations and wait for the military's order." Qi Lin comforted Huo Zun.

Huo Zun didn't know how many times he heard this, but in the end he still said yes with a serious expression. As for the basis of his judgment, it is also very simple, that is, the commander Qilin is the confidant of the current emperor who pushed Chen Hai down, and it is impossible for the emperor to assign his confidant. So this has always been the most important strategic direction of the military, but it just needs to wait for the military to complete all the preparations.

In fact, their two guesses were not wrong. Three months ago, the military formed a staff department to formulate a plan for humans to land on the Zerg planet and the subsequent occupation plan. In a year's time, the cabinet has used almost all the vitality blocks already in stock and produced for the breakthrough of the Martial King's peak powerhouse. This kind of support regardless of the cost has directly created 163 Martial King powerhouses in human beings. Among these powerhouses, only three broke through with the resources they sought, and the rest of them all used the resources of the empire. Therefore, they need to enter the army to participate in the battle on the Zerg planet, and each of them can recover their freedom after three years of guarding. This is the condition for the support given by the empire to these people.

It is precisely because of the support of these one hundred and sixty Martial Emperors that the military plans to directly land on the Zerg planet and use powerful force to directly set up a landing camp on it, and then slowly erode the land and finally form a confrontation between the two sides. At this time, human hunters can enter. At that time, more martial emperors will be born by fighting to support the battle, so that the overall strength of human beings will be raised to a higher level.

"How is it? Have you chosen the landing site?" Chen Qiang brought Wu Wudi to the headquarters on the starting point and asked.

"I have already chosen, here. This is a basin, and we will build a steel city covering the entire basin on it. The surrounding mountains can assume energy cannons to resist Zerg attacks in the air." Chen Jun opened the map of the Zerg planet , introduced after zooming in many times.

Chen Qiang looked at the surrounding terrain and asked in confusion: "This is the lowest-lying area around, and you can see that there are many Zerg gathering places around. It will inevitably be a fierce battle, and it will take time to build the city. If you don't If all these Zergs are removed, the landing personnel may face a huge war." Chen Qiang's military quality is quite high, so he can see the mistakes of this plan at a glance. "

Chen Jun explained: "In fact, this is our greatest advantage. According to the test results of the 'Expedition' service center, there was a war involving three parties, so it became a taboo place for all Zergs. The surrounding Zergs The power is not very strong, so this is the best landing place compared to other places."

"Well, let's proceed according to this landing point, and immediately notify the service center to prepare for acceptance. And the team we formed needs to set off immediately. After all, it takes three months to sail. Bring news of a victory to mankind before the end of the year." Chen Qiang ordered.

"Yes." Chen Hai went to make arrangements after saluting.

Australia, this place was designated as a military training base three years ago, at this time a large number of ground-to-air vehicles were ready to transport teams of soldiers to the excursion ship "Miracle" docked outside the earth. The so-called tour ship is equivalent to the yacht on the earth, except that the tour ship sails in space. As for the Miracle, it is a troop carrier specially built by the military, which can accommodate 800,000 people. In addition to the separate cabins, there are various recreational facilities in the whole ship, in order to give these soldiers a place to entertain during the three-month voyage, so as not to cause deep space claustrophobia. Of course the ship already has a place, bought by a travel company run by a member of the Chen family, and is now used by the military to transport soldiers.

There were more than a hundred Martial Emperors who set off together. Some of them wanted to see the scenery of space, so they took the Miracle, while others went to the "Expedition" service center in advance on a military transport ship that can travel through space.

"Commander, the military department sent us an order to get us ready to accept it. You guessed it right." Huo Zun couldn't hide his happiness at this time. The one and a half years here made him understand his future. What will be faced in the official career, so I am excited when I see the military finally taking action. Because as long as the battle here is over, he will enter the military general headquarters smoothly, and may become the chief of the general staff in the future. As for the commander, he will be the one in front of him.

"How many people are here?" Qi Lin didn't ask when, but how many people came. The main reason is that he is afraid that the empire will send hundreds of people to do the temptation this time, and everything will be useless.

"There are hundreds of warriors and a mixed army of 730,000 people. According to the explanation of the order, this is used by the forward to open up a forward base on the Zerg planet. There may be more people coming later, But now I want to arrange these more than 700,000 people first, and our service center can't arrange all these people." Huo Zun asked with some concern at this time.

"No problem, the military can arrange more than a hundred Martial Emperors for us. I think these Martial Emperors will definitely go to the Zerg planet to test the strength of the Zergs. The military asked us to prepare I just want us to provide convenience to these people." Qi Lin was very energetic at this time, because he saw hope.

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