Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 732 The Power of Gunpowder Weapons

The war is about to begin, and the atmosphere in the 'Expedition' service center is quite solemn at this moment. All the soldiers and some engineers have started to board the ship with their equipment. For this operation, the service center has built 100,000 of the largest warships that can enter the Zerg planet at present, so that this group of people can be transported at once. sent to the Zerg planet and successfully landed.

"Old Chen, you have to be careful. As for the follow-up resource issue, you don't have to worry about it. I will definitely guarantee it." Qilin and a man stood on the bridge and looked at the hurried soldiers below. reminded.

As for the man next to him, it is obviously Chen Hai who was sent to the military court. Because he knew that this mission might fail, many generals in the military were unwilling to lead the army. In the end, Chen Qiang made the decision to transfer Chen Hai who was in prison. Come out to command this battle.

"If you don't succeed this time, you will be benevolent. You and I both know this. The empire has not been easy these years. In order to keep the fire of mankind, it has desperately tried to expand outside. The Zerg planet is the first threshold, and I am The person who wants to knock on the door. As for how strong the guards are, I will go too." Chen Hai said while smoking a cigarette, he still learned smoking in prison, and now it has become an indispensable thing.

"Since you are the knocker, then I will be a gatekeeper. Don't worry, I will not leave a bug in the Zerg planet." Qilin patted Chen Hai on the shoulder and left. He actually had a lot of things to do. This time it was also to see off my comrades.

"Commander, all the troops are waiting for the ship. When will the special brigade ask them to board the ship?" A staff officer ran over and asked Chen Hai.

"Board the ship immediately and get ready to go." Chen Hai ordered directly.


This time the empire dispatched a total of 100,600 spaceships, loaded with 810,000 soldiers, construction personnel, and various necessary personnel at the station. There are also the Martial Emperor strongmen who have formed a special brigade. These people will be the main personnel in the next battle. After all, there are many strong men on the Zerg planet. This time the landing operation is divided into four steps in total. First, 100,000 warships enter the Zerg planet and then assemble. All these operations need to be carried out at an altitude of 20,000 meters; The location is to clean up the surrounding Zerg; the third is that the engineers start to land and build a simple defense formula; the last is to build a permanent garrison point after resisting the attack of the Zerg.

A very huge plan can be summed up in four points, but as the commander of this operation, Chen Hai did not relax at all. Since he entered the spaceship, his brain is like a computer running at high speed, constantly performing various calculations , and then the constant command went down. After they took off from the port at the service center, the lives of more than 800,000 people were in his hands, and the pressure was quite heavy. It was even bigger than when he was fighting the mutant beast. After all, the attack of the mutant beast is known, and the Zerg that he will face next is unknown.

"Chen Hai and the others have already set off?" Chen Qiang asked after staring at the virtual Zerg planet.

"It's already set off, and we will get the outer edge of the Zerg planet in about three hours. After fifteen hours, we will gather in the Zerg planet and start implementing the plan." Chen Jun was also a little bit drummed at this time.

Chen Lu is also here. This is a very important moment. As the current monarch of the empire, she must come here to witness this moment. And for this plan, the cabinet has also invested a huge amount of resources. You must know that the treasury can run mice again. If there is not a trillion additional star coins, I am afraid that the current cabinet will go bankrupt. Moreover, the battle against the Zerg planet in the past few years has caused great changes in the human economy, and the growth rate can be described as a cliff-like decline. According to the calculations of the cabinet's financial department, negative growth may occur this year. This is great bad news for Chen Lu, a monarch who is determined to bring the empire to the fast track of economic development.

Fifteen hours passed quickly, and a huge fleet group had assembled above a basin of the Zerg planet, and at the same time, densely packed Zergs were also densely packed on the ground or in the air at an area of ​​20,000 meters. Especially the Zerg at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, all staring at the top of their heads motionless at this time, they felt that there was something in the huge battleship group that could threaten their lives.

"Report to the commander, all the troops have assembled." A staff officer reported.

After hearing the news, Chen Hai immediately picked up a communicator next to him and said: "Attention all captains, immediately turn the muzzle to face the Zerg below us, and shoot three times."

This action was not included in all the landing plans, so many captains were a little stunned, but they naturally obeyed the order after waking up, began to charge the laser cannon on the spacecraft, and then waited for the commander's next step Order.

After hearing that all the captains in the communication channel had completed their energy storage, Chen Hai immediately gave the order to attack. With 100,000 spaceships, three consecutive shots are 300,000 laser beams. If this is placed on the earth, it will be a very powerful attack. But on the Zerg planet, the light can't move, and the intensity of the beams of lasers is slowly decreasing. In the end, only the Zerg in the air were concentrated, and the Zerg on the ground did not suffer any damage at all. However, even the Zerg in the air can kill well. There may only be about 100,000 Zerg that can truly kill with one blow.

Chen Hai, who saw this situation, was not surprised, but continued to issue orders: "The Red Flag multi-point missile is ready."

The so-called Red Flag multi-point seeker missile can hit many distributed warheads in one missile. These warheads are specially developed, and the energy contained in each warhead is equivalent to 100,000 tons of TNT. You must know that the power of the Hiroshima atomic bomb is no more than It has reached 20,000 tons.

"Launch." One hundred thousand missiles were fired at once. The trajectory of these missiles was also very simple, that is, they rushed straight down. After they reached an altitude of 5,000 meters, the front ends of the missiles suddenly separated, and dozens of warheads began to explode. Slowly spread out. Some warheads hit the Zerg in the air and exploded directly, while some warheads continued to fall to the ground and exploded in the densely packed Zerg swarm.

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