Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 738: The Disappearance of Linxing City

"All personnel will conduct the last test, and immediately enter the dormant chamber to sleep after the test is completed." After glancing at the time, Chen Hai called out loudly in the communication channel, he is the commander in chief of this experiment. And he is also the last one to press the button, which means that he has no time to avoid possible disasters at all, and now he is still within the coverage of the entire instrument, so if there is a huge energy that erupts in an instant , then the possibility of his being smashed to pieces reaches 99%. However, this is also his choice. If this experiment is successful, then all the previous stains will no longer be an obstacle preventing him from entering the core of the military. But the stakes are a bit high, but for many people, rights are the ultimate pursuit, and other things can be given up in the process of pursuit. Chen Hai is now using his own life to make a bet that the experiment will be successful this time, so that the mistakes he made before will completely disappear. And in this situation, he is very likely to enter the core of the military, so in order not to disappoint Chen Qiang and Chen Lu, he was the one who applied for the commander-in-chief of this experiment. Chen Qiang is also very concerned about this experiment, and is watching the results of this experiment from time to time through the remote network. Chen Lu was watching the results of this experiment nervously, and she was more eager than Chen Qiang. Because going out of the current solar system is the goal she set for herself, so that she will be permanently remembered by history. This is an obsession of all emperors, and they all hope to describe it as "the emperor" in future history. For Mingjun. If this experiment is successful, then mankind will enter the era of space communication in an instant, and half of her mission will be completed by then. And the most important thing is that many commodities on the earth are saturated now, and a place to dump them is needed. But until now, human beings have not found a second civilization at all. The only Zerg that can be called a civilization has now been beaten to extinction by the empire, and the Zerg does not have much demand for commodities. Therefore, foreign exchanges have become a very important thing, at least for the current monarch of her empire, the sustained and healthy economic growth is the most important. Three minutes passed quickly. Chen Hai saw through the internal brain of the command center that all the personnel had entered a dormant state, and then he put his hand on the start button, but he did not press it, because everyone was in front of him. When it comes to death, they will not be so calm, at least they will hesitate. But after hesitating for a while, he finally pressed it, and then closed his eyes. At this time, the energy block placed in the energy channel of the instrument was disappearing at a very fast speed, and the entire instrument began to operate slowly under the enormous energy. At the 'Expedition' service center, Hu Yuanji was also paying close attention to this area. When a dazzling light covered the entire Linxing Basin, he was a little excited and a little scared. And Chen Hai, who was in the center of the light, had been waiting for death, but when the light penetrated his body and had an impact on it, but as the light became stronger and stronger, he felt as if he had been disintegrated. But the consciousness is very clear, so he began to try to mobilize the vitality in his body, but when the vitality was mobilized, he felt something was wrong, because the vitality seemed to be slowly dissipating. Hu Yuanji looked at this beam of light rushing through the atmosphere of the Zerg planet, a little excited and also a little puzzled, because according to his guess at this time, it should be the kind of wormhole that will be opened by a space shuttle device through this beam of light, but now this beam of light is passing through Through the black atmosphere of the Zerg. So he directly connected to Chen Hai's communication channel and loudly asked what happened, but there was no answer to all the calls. But at this time, the beam of light suddenly disappeared, and the information transmitted through Skynet shocked the entire military. Because the entire Linxing City disappeared, it was as if the defense never appeared. If it weren't for the other surrounding cities as a comparison, many people in the military would think that there was no city here at all. "Immediately send someone to the Linxing Basin to check the situation, and ask Professor Hu to go with him. Whether Chen Hai is dead or alive, I must see." Qilin ordered loudly at the first moment. A city disappeared like this. If the human mind had not been tempered many times, I am afraid that this matter would be attributed to metaphysics. In fact, when the beam of light was activated, a strong man on the Zerg planet quietly entered the beam of light and disappeared along with Linxing City. And on the military's detection map, a point disappeared, but because everyone is paying attention to Linxing City, no one here is paying attention. At the same time, Chen Qiang also received relevant information on the Starting Point, and seeing that the entire Linxin City had disappeared directly, he couldn't help feeling tense. What he was worried about was Chen Hai and others in Linxin City. Although these people were not irreplaceable to the empire, there was no room for sloppiness in the matter of human life. Therefore, he also recruited all the experts in the space field of the current empire, and sent them to the moon at the fastest speed through the space shuttle transport ship. And under the arrangement of the military, he entered Linxing City and followed Hu Yuanji to study this device, but after more than a thousand scientists studied for a month, they didn't find anything particularly big. "Let's talk about it, now we need some inspiration to analyze this incident." Hu Yuanji seemed a little out of spirits, but he still insisted on holding such a meeting.

"Professor Hu, we have only one way now, and that is to restart the device again. At that time, we will install some special detection instruments around. In this way, we should be able to get some relevant data. Only in this way can we have the conditions for analysis. Otherwise Let us find out the reason for the disappearance of Linxing City in front of such a huge device, which is a bit embarrassing for us." A gray-haired old professor first complained. "No, at present we don't have any guesses or theories about the cause of the disappearance, so we can't take any more risks." A military scientist objected directly, and his reason was very good, that is, no one should be sacrificed, otherwise the military Fang also has no way to explain to these missing people.

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