All of a sudden, the whole venue was noisy. The more than 1,000 scientists present were all people with a great say in their own fields, so they all had their own pride. The military researchers are considering that it is impossible to sacrifice people now. After all, more than a hundred people have disappeared just like this. And at this moment, a woman's voice made the whole meeting place quiet: "I may have some ideas, I don't know if it's right?"

"Little Tang, tell me, it might be useful." Hu Yuanji saw that it was his proud disciple Tang Caiyan who spoke suddenly, so he said quickly. In this way, the responsibility for the whole matter can be taken on oneself, and these scientists will not be so unscrupulous when they attack.

Hearing these words from her teacher, Tang Caiyan was also a little moved, so she stood up and went to the podium to pass a prepared document to the bracelets of every scientist through the communication channel of the venue before saying: "I My best guess is that this device may be a quantum teleportation device, and General Chen Hai and others, as well as Linxing City, were all teleported to another dimension, which may or may not be in our universe."

"May I ask why you have such a guess? If it is quantum teleportation, why is there no sign of the land around the Zerg planet being teleported." A scientist directly stood up and objected, which is currently the biggest statement of these scientists about space teleportation Confuse.

"Actually, the land of the Zerg planet has been transmitted, but it's a little less, about one millimeter." Tang Caiyan passed a piece of data to the virtual big screen through the bracelet and said.

Tang Caiyan was originally on leave because of a breakthrough in the space shuttle device. She couldn't stay idle, so she came to Zerg Planet to join the teacher's research group. In fact, it is also possible to form a research group by herself according to her current strength. But because it was a vacation, there was no need at all. She also learned a lot during the days with the teacher, and even had other better design ideas for some designs of the current space shuttle device.

After seeing the device covering the entire Linxing Basin on the Zerg planet, she had a feeling that she had seen it before, because this device had many similarities with the space shuttle device she designed next. So she began to frantically study some detailed designs of this device, and reduced these designs and placed them on the space shuttle device. This action directly tells that the design of the space shuttle device has become faster, and many ideas are better than the current human. Design ideas should be concise and effective. This made her more interested in this device, so she stayed on. As for the space shuttle device, she didn't need a lot of care at all. The whole project is currently going smoothly.

This meeting also made Tang Caiyan steal the limelight, and her proposal for another experiment was successfully passed. Now that there are related conjectures and some evidence as proof, it is also possible to conduct an experiment. Although there may be some sacrifices, if a wrong answer can be ruled out, it is also a victory for scientific research. It's not that the military doesn't stop these scientists from conducting experiments, but it's afraid of experiments that don't yield any results. In this way, if the experiment fails, the missing people are really worthless.

Just when the military frantically transported a large amount of energy blocks from the earth to the Zerg planet again, Chen Hai, somewhere in the universe, woke up. After waking up, he first conducted a test on the entire Linxing City. After seeing that all the test results were normal, he breathed a sigh of relief and opened the communication channel to try to contact the outside. He doesn't have much hope for being able to contact humans, because as the Martial Emperor, he can feel that he has traveled to a new place.

Sure enough, as he expected, even if the current Linxing City communication device was adjusted to the maximum, there was no response. However, he was not very disappointed, but began to detect the surrounding environment. The released detection robot came back soon. After seeing the images and information of the completed detection, Chen Hai was a little confused, because all the information was to prove that he was on the Zerg planet, but why he couldn't contact the earth. Unable to figure it out, he planned to wake up the researchers and engineers who had entered the sleep chamber.

Originally, he didn't intend to wake up these people. After all, the sleeping chambers equipped for Linxing City are the latest generation, and they are also the generation that can guarantee the longest life of people. It can guarantee the existence of the human body for about 100,000 years. Of course, such a powerful function is also flawed, that is, being awakened after a hibernation means that the dormant chamber is discarded. In simple terms, the new generation of dormant chambers are disposable items. But now I don't care about these anymore, and wake up the other 119 people in the whole city through smart devices.

"Commander, we are still alive, we are still alive." Apparently these newly awakened people were still immersed in the fact that they were alive, and did not observe the surrounding environment.

Chen Hai looked at these happily dancing researchers and engineers and regretted that he woke them up, but now there is no regret medicine to take. So he coughed to calm everyone down and said: "The situation is very bad now. Although we survived, we can't go back. According to my observations during this period, we may have traveled to another planet. This is the information I detected just now, and I found that this planet is very similar to the Zerg planet, so I wake you up and want to ask what's going on?"

Everyone at the scene was stunned when they heard the news, and some even felt as if they had heard a myth, and plucked their ears. However, after seeing Chen Hai's serious expression, many people were already crushed. These people did not expect that although they survived the dangerous operation, they were teleported to another planet.

"Cheer up, everyone. Since we can shuttle over, we can shuttle there, so I hope everyone can cheer up, sort out our current situation, and make a plan for us to go back." Chen Hai loudly addressed these rushing people. yelled the broken scientists and engineers. Only in this way can these emotionally broken people find some reason, and going back has now become the obsession of the 120 people present.

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