Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 740 Obstruction in the dark

Three months, this is the time limit for the military to restart the instruments on the Zerg planet. However, Hu Yuanji has been waiting for a while. He needs to re-screen all the current conditions to ensure that this experiment can achieve the expected results. But when the Zerg planet was in full swing, Chen Hai's situation was extremely bad, because there seemed to be some problems in Linxin City, and a powerful existence seemed to be interfering with the researcher's progress, but he was not at all right now. Can't find any evidence, but the feeling of facing the strong is very clear.

"Commander, this is the third time that Professor Tang has been in a coma. I feel that something may be disturbing the professor's spirit. According to Professor Wu Wang's peak strength, this person's strength should surpass the power of the Martial Emperor. Perhaps it may be something on this planet. Indigenous strong, we were under surveillance the moment we appeared." A thin-looking man reported to Chen Haihui, this is Wu Jing, he also participated in this experiment, but he His mission is to keep everyone safe after being teleported. Now not only people have been teleported, but even the whole city has been teleported. He is very eager to go back. After all, there are two lovely children and his wife on the earth. So he has been patrolling the entire city during this time to see if he can fight with the opponent, but this idea was quickly shattered.

Chen Hai suddenly understood after hearing this information, so he said: "During the construction of Linxing City, it was used as the capital of the Zerg planet, and all kinds of industrial equipment and related settings were equipped. Therefore, I decided to Let’s give up the research on going back and investigate the planet we are currently on. The first thing we need to do is to launch a satellite to detect some conditions outside the planet, what do you think.” When he said this, he and Wu Jing blinked.

"I think it's okay, maybe this planet will give us a surprise. And now it's been two months, there should be some action on the Zerg planet, maybe the next batch of personnel will be sent over soon." Wu Jing I also understood the meaning of Chen Hai's words.

The conversation between these two made the one in the dark very happy, because it also meant that these people had surrendered. With these people, it can explore the surrounding environment of this planet very well, and get out of this planet and enter the universe. It has been on the Zerg planet for hundreds of millions of years, and it has long been tired of crooked. It also tried to enter these human spaceships to go to outer space, but because the Zerg planet was sealed by the strong man billions of years ago, it was impossible to rush out. Now it has entered another space through this teleportation array, which means that it can enter the universe with the help of these people.

Within five days after the two of them finished talking, the professor Tang who had woken up never fell into a coma again, which also made Chen Hai and Wu Jing understand what they were facing. So the two directly opened the secret communication channel and began to communicate with virtual bracelets, and the communication method was changed to text. The way of doing this is mainly to prevent the peeping of that powerful being, after all, this person can understand even human language and some behaviors. Perhaps only text can avoid this person's peeping, and adding a communication channel that only belongs to human beings, so that the degree of secrecy will be higher.

"Commander, it looks like this may be the one on the Zerg planet? We can't afford to offend now, maybe we can only live here for the rest of our lives?" Wu Jing sent out the edited text, and then couldn't help but smile wryly. . However, he quickly took back the wry smile, and then replaced it with a big laugh that saw a joke. For this simple muscle, Confucius, who is a strong martial emperor, is still okay.

Chen Hai also smiled wryly after reading the text, but he still comforted him: "It's not urgent, we need to know what this person's purpose is now. There may be another experiment on the Zerg planet. If the destination of the teleportation is our If we are here, then there will be more and more people here, and the possibility of going back will be even greater. Since that person will not let us go back, we will first conduct some explorations on this planet and the surrounding starry sky. At that time, the people who come over will also have some research materials."

"Yes, Commander, I'm going to talk to other people about this plan. So far we have detected the area less than ten kilometers around this planet. We really need to do a good detection to make sure that there is no other life. Otherwise, we just can't stop the attacks of the natives." Wu Jing also slowly accepted the reality, in fact, she was still very interested in the strong man in the dark, after all, he was called a martial idiot At this time, he was wondering if he would have a breakthrough if he had a fight with this guy.

Compared to Wu Jing's straightforward thinking, Chen Hai thought a lot. The current situation is very simple, that is, they were teleported to another place. There are a total of 120 human beings, a city with complete facilities, a strong man who may reach the level of Wuzun, and some unclear surrounding environment. Now what he needs to consider is how to deal with more than 120 people if they find the natives on this planet. After all, all weapons designed by humans are human-oriented, and if there is no human operation, they will not be able to exert their maximum capabilities. And if there are natives, the opponent's intelligence cannot be simple. Even if it was very simple, the one hundred and twenty of them could be wiped out with just a pile of heads. Therefore, the biggest thing now is to establish a defense system and a detection system, so Chen Hai stood up and started to make related plans.

In ten days, Linxing City built the first artificial satellite and was preparing to launch it into space. Why use artificial satellites as the primary breakthrough point? That's because Linxing City doesn't have the materials to build spaceships at all. And most importantly, according to the calculations of current scientists, the gravity of this planet is only twice that of the earth, which is about 20 g. Calculation is also relatively easy.

The launch of satellites requires rockets, but Linxing City can’t produce chemical gunpowder at all, so it can only use the engine using energy blocks to transform a two-stage rocket. In fact, according to the calculation data, one-stage rocket is enough to send satellites into orbit. Above, but in order to prevent accidents, a two-stage rocket was designed. This also made some engineers distressed for a long time. You must know that these engines are reusable, but they can only be used once if they are placed on the rocket.

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