Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 741 Space Gate

A huge planet, this is what Chen Hai and others sighed when they saw the entire planet and formed a topographic map of the planet after the satellite was launched into space. According to the data, the diameter of this planet is 100,000 kilometers, which is about nine times that of the earth. The content of the atmosphere is very similar to that of Mars, but there is no sign of water. No signs of life were found either. It is good news that there is no life, but it does not confirm that there is no life on this planet. During this time, Chen Hai and others were all staying in Linxing City, and did not go out to explore at all. The main reason is that they are afraid that there are foreign germs in the outside environment, and when they bring them into Linxing City, everyone will die without a doctor.

As for the construction of Skynet, it is completely unfeasible. Chen Hai felt that going on like this was not an option, so he could only use it as a last resort. He entered his room, blocked all communications, and asked the air, "What are you going to do, what is your purpose?" He planned to talk to that strong man, if he could stand with humans Together, so many things can be done. "

"I want to go to space to see, you should have the ability to send me up there." After a long time, a voice reached Chen Hai's ears. This voice he was familiar with belonged to Wu Jing, but he also understood that it was not It's not the real Wu Jing, but the strong man imitated Wu Jing's voice.

"We don't have that ability at all. There are not many materials in the base to build a spaceship. Building a spaceship requires a lot of time and materials. We only have 120 people, even if we all go out to find materials, we can build a low-level spaceship." Spaceships need tens of thousands of years. We can’t live until that time, so now you have two choices, the first is to kill us directly; the second is to join us and help us do something.” Chen Hai directly proposed his own His purpose, he hates secretive people the most, even at this time it hasn't changed a bit.

It was a long time before the voice said, "You need me to do something."

Hearing this answer, Chen Hai was overjoyed, so he began to seduce: "What is your current strength, and how long does it take to fly around this planet?"

"Why are you asking this?" The man's tone was a little wary.

"Since you need to find materials, you need to build a Skynet on the entire planet. Skynet has many nodes and needs to be placed in relevant places. So I need your strength to make a plan and determine the time for the successful construction of Skynet. "In fact, what Chen Hai is most worried about these days is this person's strength. If it is really high, then they really have no chance, and when the time comes, the other people who will be sent over can only be under the majesty of this person." To become a slave, who knows if this person wants to go to the universe is his real purpose, so now that he has the opportunity, he must seize it.

Still after a long time, the voice said impatiently: "It's about the peak of the Martial Emperor. I need twenty-six hours of your human time to go around this planet. Maybe you can arrange the sky in the same way as on the teleportation star." Network nodes. In this way, arrange a part first, cover a part of the range and find the materials you need from these ranges, which can greatly save time." Now this person is not a fool, so he put forward his own idea.

Chen Qiang didn't listen to this person's suggestion seriously, but was shocked by the word 'teleportation star', so he asked impatiently: "The Zerg planet is a teleportation star, so you also know that this place is a teleportation star." somewhere, right?"

Obviously, that person didn't expect that he would accidentally leak the secrets of the Zerg planet, but in order to let Chen Hai and others do things for him, he explained: "Yes, I actually came from this universe and was sent to You call it the transfer point of the Zerg planet. The area where you used to have a very high civilization, I also want to see it. But what I didn’t expect was that when I arrived at the Zerg planet, that planet was sealed Well, the civilization that operates this transmission route broke out in war and blocked the entire transmission star, so I can only stay there and wait for hundreds of millions of years." Speaking of this, the man was obviously a little emotional.

"Then there are civilizations in this universe? But why is there no life on this planet, and there is no operator as you mentioned?" Chen Hai asked his own question.

"Actually, the device that teleports us here is called a space gate. The space gate has a characteristic that it has a main gate and other sub-gates. If the main gate is not opened, then the other sub-gates cannot transmit anything. Teleportation Planet The door above is the main door, but I didn't have that much energy to open the main door at that time, otherwise I would have left some hellish place long ago." The more he said, the more excited he became.

Chen Hai also became more and more excited, so it can be explained in this way. This method is to prevent some other forces from attacking through the space gate, and it is also the safest way.

"Does that mean that when the main gate is opened, the secondary gate can be teleported to the main gate?" Chen Hai actually had a guess, but he was not sure, so he continued to ask.

"No, the main gate will respond when the secondary gate is activated. Only when the main gate agrees to accept the things sent by the secondary gate will the transmission occur." Although the voice was agitated, in order to get out of this Planet, still seriously answered Chen Hai's question.

In such back-and-forth exchanges, Chen Hai's understanding of this universe became deeper and deeper, and he even learned more and more about the space gate. Perhaps the strong man didn't feel that he had said so many things. This may be the art of language, which can slowly withdraw the other party's vigilance and enter the trap built by the party concerned. Of course, in order not to make this strong man angry and completely refuse to cooperate with humans, Chen Hai had to stop. And on the spot, he notified other people, especially scientific researchers, to build a large number of Skynet nodes on the spot, as if he wanted to send this person into space as soon as possible.

The three months on the Zerg planet have passed quickly, and the second batch of experimenters has been prepared, about 1,500 people. These people cover almost all the current human jobs, and there are several related scientists. The purpose is to find the way back after being teleported. Of course, along with these people, there are also a lot of living materials and energy blocks that are enough to use the teleportation equipment twice.

"Check the instrument and make sure it is in the same state as the previous transmission." Huo Zun is the commander of this transmission and is also a member of the transmission. He ordered loudly in the communication channel, this is also to ensure that the transmission location is consistent with Chen Hai.

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