Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 745: The Possibility of Founding a Nation

"I already know why everyone is here, and I need to apologize to everyone for this matter. I am really sorry that the empire did not inform you of this matter at the first time. As for the matter that you want to join this teleportation, this There is nothing to do with one batch, you can make some preparations first and wait for the next batch to be sent." Chen Lu said directly.

In fact, Chen Lu has been very busy during this period, and she has forgotten about this group of people. In addition, the Zerg planet quickly discovered that the empire did not lack funds, which led to this scene. In fact, because these people made some small moves when she took office, she still doesn't have a good impression of these people. In addition, the idea that his father Chen Qiang has always instilled in him is that this group of people are leeks, and they will be harvested after a period of time, otherwise they will threaten the status of the royal family. So there is no surprise that such a scene appeared, maybe she did it on purpose.

Hearing His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire apologize to himself, the courage to force the palace mentioned by everyone below disappeared without a trace in an instant. As for Ma Chao, after seeing everyone in this state, he understood that the leader of this meeting had changed. However, he still tried to ask: "When is your Majesty's next batch? If those of us gather together the supernatural energy blocks that activate the teleportation device, can we teleport immediately?"

"It can be understood in this way. But I advise everyone that the danger here is very high. At present, the military has sent out more than a thousand troops and there is no news. If you want to send, the personnel will stay with the military It is the safest. According to the guesses of relevant military researchers, the end point of the teleportation may also be a planet like the Zerg planet, and there will also be powerful natives." Chen Lu did not expect these people to be so eager, now The third batch of military personnel has not set off yet, and will leave in about a month according to the plan. If these people try their best, they may be able to get enough energy blocks for the transmission device within five days, and after ten days, form a corresponding transmission team. In other words, teleportation can be carried out after two weeks, which is much faster than the military.

Ma Chao didn't talk nonsense and asked directly: "Then I request to activate the space transmission device in ten days, and we will complete all preparations within ten days after we return home."

"Ma Chao, don't you understand His Majesty's words? She is also doing it for your own good. Such a hasty dispatch of personnel in the past is purely courting death. How many times can you lose like this with your little wealth?" Cage retorted directly at this time, he He didn't expect Chen Lu to go to this extent, and the other party still clung to her tightly.

Ma Chao was not angry but said calmly: "Cage Jisuke, since the writer has agreed to join this plan, then what's the problem with sending a group of people there in advance? And we are also opening up territories for human beings. The efficiency of the military is really too slow, if we were to entrust this matter to us, I’m afraid the result would have already been reached by now.”

For a while, there will often be a tense atmosphere slowly rising, and a confrontation seems to be formed on the jaw platform. But the degree quickly broke the atmosphere: "Ma Chao, I know what you are thinking, you don't need to be so nervous. After the empire has completed the relevant research and ensured the integrity of the transmission channel, we will not stop your footsteps at all Some time ago, I communicated with the Supreme Emperor about letting human beings go out and create a country on their own. Now the universe is too big and the empire can't occupy it all."

In fact, Chen Lu didn't want to argue with these people. After all, everyone has their own way of life, and their views on things are different from different directions. Although the royal family is now on guard against these big families and companies, they have not exhausted their resources, otherwise these big families and companies would have ceased to exist. We must know that the output value generated by the Star Group at the beginning was equivalent to 63% of the GDP of the empire at that time. If the Star Group had not been disbanded at that time, it would definitely be even more terrifying as a state-owned enterprise of the Empire now.

After the second batch of teleporters successfully teleported, she had a simple exchange with her father, Chen Qiang. Of course, the prerequisite for this conversation was that the current teleportation device was usable and bidirectional. Originally, she planned to build an outpost at the end of the teleportation device, and then slowly expand and finally incorporate the surrounding star field into the empire's territory. But father, Chen Qiang, you proposed another plan, that is, the current starry sky empire exists as the ancestral land of human beings, and then that passage is the only passage for the outside universe to communicate with mankind. At that time, as long as the empire controls this passage, it will be OK. As for the universe and starry sky, leave it to the current people to develop. Regardless of whether these people build their own empires or own their own planets, all of this has nothing to do with the empire. The empire only needs to do a good job of logistics support for these people.

In fact, at the beginning, she didn't understand this plan very much, and even objected a little. Because she feels that her blood is not cold yet, and she can still expand the territory for the empire. But after thinking about it carefully, I found that the current empire is actually very fragile. If it faces the invasion of alien civilizations, it will collapse quickly. If it only controls this channel, then the empire still has some spare power. But since this channel is leading to another cosmic civilization or several cosmic civilizations, human beings must communicate with it, so that they will gradually improve. And the task of this communication is given to those who plan to travel in the universe, so that they can avoid the related influence caused by the rapid expansion of the empire, and can contact the pre-installed civilization, and get its essence and integrate it into human beings among civilizations.

Everyone present was surprised by Chen Lu's remark, because they did not expect the empire to have such a plan. I know that the empire has not allowed at all these years, others to interfere in the various work of the empire. Even in the past few years, the empire abolished the private ownership of land and turned all the land currently inhabitable by humans into state ownership. Now that the empire has suddenly opened up its requirements for space exploration, many people feel a little unreal.

So Lin Xiaofan from Xiaomi Aerospace boldly asked: "Even if we establish a country there, the empire doesn't have any opinions, and even recognizes our legitimacy and establishes diplomatic relations with us?"

"If you have the ability, you are very willing to see the result." Chen Lu said with a smile

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