"Commander, the current construction of Skynet has reached the final stage. According to the data of the area we have linked so far, the iron element on this planet is quite small, unless we can enter the core for mining, so we use high-strength alloys for construction. The spaceship plan is already bankrupt." After Huo Zun accepted the reality, he immediately devoted himself to his duties, and he is currently in charge of all the management of Linxing City.

After Chen Hai heard the news, he couldn't help but feel happy, but he said with a wry smile: "Then is there any other way, or use other materials? After all, our scientific research strength is relatively strong now, and we should be able to overcome This problem."

"No, according to the research of scientific researchers, most of the atmosphere of this planet is the same as that of the Zerg planet. During the shuttle, the spacecraft needs to resist the threat of ultra-high temperature. If there is no alloy material as a heat insulation layer, then the spacecraft will It can only be used once and cannot be used for multiple flights. This is not in line with our plan at all. After all, people need to come down after they go up, otherwise they will be slaughtered alive." Huo Zun reported the report very seriously, and he actually knew it psychologically This was reported to the strong man in the dark, so the words were quite easy to understand.

"Then finish building Skynet first, and I'll figure out how to do the rest." Chen Hai ordered directly. As for the way he said to think about, it was just to report these things to the strong man. Let that person come up with a relevant charter.

"Okay, I'll do it now. But one more thing is that among the group of people who came with me, there are several botanists and agricultural experts. They plan to try to grow crops on this planet, I hope we can set aside a marginal area for them to use." Huo Zun planned to go down to arrange work when he answered, but finally thought of something, and turned around to report directly.

Chen Hai was very happy to hear that everyone is now interested in this planet and planning for their future life. However, in his opinion, it is completely unfeasible to try to transform this planet now. So far, no one has left Linxing City except that strong man. This is also why he issued the death order, in order to preserve the current state of everyone and prevent accidents. So he shook his head and refused: "Now is not the time, you have arrived for four months, maybe the next batch of people from the empire will arrive soon, so you should prepare to receive these people, according to the specification of 5,000 people. "

"Actually, you don't need to act like this. If you have anything to say, you can tell me directly. After all, we are a cooperative relationship now." Just as Chen Qiang picked up the cold coffee on his table and wanted to take a sip, a voice suddenly appeared in the into the office.

He was not surprised by the voice, but calmly took a sip of the not-so-tasty cold coffee and said, "I said, old bug, why don't you want us to contact the Zerg planet? If you let us contact I'm afraid you have entered space now? Or you have other ideas, why don't you let me guess?"

"Okay, you can guess that you humans are indeed relatively strong in this area, and your logical thinking ability may be at the forefront among the major races in the universe." Lao Chong is a name Chen Hai gave to this strong man. Of course, this person also admitted this title.

Chen Hai took a deep breath and then said: "You have a powerful enemy in this universe, in fact, according to your current strength, you can enter space without our tools, but you are not sure what the enemy is. Does it exist. And we are the scouts you sent out, in order to find out some news for you after contacting the alien civilization. The most important thing is that as a new civilization, we are the only ones in the eyes of other cosmic civilizations. Like a child, you can just use this reason to return to the universe again. As for why you don’t want to let the secondary door open, it’s mainly because you’re afraid that too many strong human beings will come over and you won’t be able to control it.”

After a long time, the old bug opened his mouth and said, "Eighty percent of your guesses are correct, and the remaining twenty percent is about the same. This area of ​​the universe should be called the CBD in the language of your civilization." , is a large commercial gathering place. Especially the center of the universe is very prosperous. Basically, 90% of the civilizations in the universe will set up permanent commercial establishments here, but this area also has a The rule is that civilizations below the third level cannot enter at all. If the civilizations below the third level want to enter this area, there are only two ways: the first is to become a vassal civilization of a civilization above the third level, so that you can use their civilization Commercial activities in the region, and there are cosmic-level powerhouses in the civilization, your civilization is not qualified to enter this universe at all."

Chen Hai didn't understand the reason why Lao Chong said this, so he asked directly: "Does this have something to do with us, and we humans don't want to enter this area at all." In fact, he said so, but after listening When I realized that this cosmic area was the center of commerce, my heart was filled with shock and joy. The empire has been desperately improving its own technology over the years in order to communicate with other alien civilizations across several light years. Now this wish is within sight. , He has no reason not to be tempted.

The old bug snorted coldly at this time: "Do you think that nothing will happen if your civilization does not enter this area? In fact, these two teleportation stars alone are enough to make your civilization completely disappear in the universe. This area was at that time Quite prosperous, I don't understand why the business alliance hasn't taken back this teleportation star until now, but I can be sure that this teleportation star is still in the attention of the business alliance, maybe you will be taken back by the business alliance in a short time. Those people were discovered. If you encounter better personnel, you may escape, but if you encounter vicious personnel, I am afraid that your civilization will become the slaves of those people."

This sentence surprised Chen Hai, because he didn't expect such a big danger, so he said directly: "Then we have to go back. Since you have the strength to leave this planet, you can go by yourself." Yes. Those of us must go immediately, otherwise it would be bad to attract the attention of the business alliance you are talking about." After finishing speaking, he was going to notify everyone to go to the big conference and inform everyone of these things.

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