Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 747 Zerg Crazy

But just when Chen Hai was about to notify everyone, the old worm directly interrupted his action and continued: "Actually, you have another way, I wonder if you want to know?"

"I don't want to know. I only know that in the face of absolute strength, human beings have no room for resistance. We have encountered that situation three times, so I don't want human beings to experience it again." Chen Hai's movements still did not stop , start editing the post and publish it to everyone. But when he clicked to send, he couldn't send it. He knew it was an old bug, so he asked in a bad tone: "What are you going to do? You plan to let more than a thousand of us and the whole Are humans buried with you?"

"Hahaha, you are too sensitive. In fact, after getting along with you during this time, I like your civilization very much. I also look forward to how far you can go in the future. But now I have some troubles, so I need some help from your civilization. Of course These are not free, and I will protect you to get a trading seat in the business alliance, which is not a bad condition." Old Worm slowly seduces in his tone. However, Chen Hai was not tempted at all, but the current situation is not very good, so he could only ask: "Then what exactly do you want us to do?"

"It's very simple. According to your calculations, my current strength is the peak of the Martial Emperor, and according to the calculation method of the universal strength of the universe, it is the mid-star stage. My strength used to be at the domain master level, so what you need to do is very simple and that is to provide me with a lot of The pure vitality allows me to recover my strength, and with my protection, you will at least be able to reach the level of the fourth-level peak civilization." The old insect finally expressed his ultimate goal.

Chen Hai had never heard of the methods of dividing the strengths of stars, universes, domain masters, etc., but it couldn't stop him from making some comparisons, and finally found that the current strength of human beings is really nothing in the universe. However, he still asked his doubts: "The origin qi you mentioned, is it the kind of vitality block we use to cultivate? If it is this kind, there are many such vitality blocks on the Zerg planet. Why do you What if you don't absorb it?"

"The origin qi I mentioned is the source of all things, and the origin qi you mentioned is just a kind of origin qi, which is born in the core of the earth. At the same time, it will greatly increase the burden on the core of the earth after it is produced. Many civilizations are discovering After this secret, I practiced very crazy, and I always cared about the issue of the home planet. In the end, the entire civilization and the home star were in the universe at the same time, so I advise you not to consume too much vitality, or your home star will perish faster. "The old insect persuaded with some earnestness.

Chen Hai didn't think there would be such a relationship, so he asked: "Then how can we supply you with pure Genesis Qi, we haven't heard of Genesis Qi until now, so we can't do anything about it."

"The so-called source gas only exists in the universe, and special instruments are needed to capture and produce it. Do you know why the space space where the Zerg planet and your civilization exist is an abandoned place? It is because the civilization that built this passage In order to enhance the strength of the most powerful man in his civilization, all the source qi in that space was evacuated. Later, after the strong man failed to break through, he blocked the space in a fit of anger. The source qi in this space is quite rich , so you can capture the source gas according to the instrument blueprint I provided, but all of this needs to be done in secret, otherwise it will be discovered by those in the business alliance, and your civilization may really not exist by then." The old bug is now also He is fearless and has revealed everything he knows. He is now betting that this civilization is full of curiosity about the universe and needs his protection in the days to come.

After thinking for a while, Chen Hai said: "I can't decide this matter, I need to discuss it with His Majesty of our empire. Therefore, I decided to open the secondary portal and open the transmission channel."

"Yes, I will not stop any of your actions in the future. I hope you can bring my words back to you." After the old insect finished speaking, he was never born again. Chen Hai also felt that this person had left, so he He began to order through the virtual bracelet: "Let Professor Tang come to see me immediately, as well as Chief of Staff Huo Zun and Wu Jing, and let all engineers and space scientists stop their work immediately and prepare to start the plan for the secondary space." A series of orders made the entire Linxing City full of noise, and many people began to talk about it, and the most talked about was that they could go home.

When Linxing City was making big moves, the third batch of teleporters on the Zerg planet encountered a big problem, that is, the Zergs attacked Linxing Basin crazily and even regardless of the cost. . Because of the Zerg's madness, the defense line established by the military was broken again and again, and the military's blocking troops retreated again and again. Now a large number of Zerg have surrounded the Linxing Basin and began to attack the military's last line of defense.

"Commander, this is already the 63rd wave of attack. We have suffered a lot of casualties, and there are only three nuclear bombs left in stock, and various weapons and ammunition are frequently in emergency. Now there is only one way left, That is to retreat, otherwise our troops will sacrifice even more." Yang Xingguo, the newly appointed chief of staff, began to persuade.

Why didn't Qi Lin know that the military casualties would be huge, but there was no instruction from the military headquarters that he couldn't just retreat like this, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Send the last troops on the moon, There is also an increase in the supply of various ammunition, especially high-explosive ammunition and other large-scale anti-injury ammunition. The military department has not sent an order to retreat, so it means that we need to stick to it all the time, remember that we must hold on to the front line regardless of the cost. Star Basin."

"Yes." Yang Xingguo still wanted to persuade him, but after seeing the commander Qi Lin's eyes that wanted to eat people, he could only swallow the words on his lips, and then turned around to arrange the deployment of troops.

Because of the existence of the moon, the current military strength is still quite ample, but there are not many troops that can really fight on the Zerg planet, and many soldiers are still in training. This time, the troops that Qilin called out were the military's teaching troops. All of them were elites who appeared in the battle against the Zerg, and they were transferred to train new recruits. He is still a little reluctant to let these people go to the battlefield now, but there is no other way. If this army is exhausted, he intends to send tens of millions of recruits there, and then come to a battlefield for training. His purpose is also very simple, that is to defend the Linxing Basin at all costs before the military issues an order to retreat.

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