Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 751 Return and Counterattack

"What? Tang Caiyan and the others have news, is the news accurate?" Chen Qiang immediately stood up from his chair after hearing Lei Yuan's report, and asked in disbelief. In his heart, these people have already sacrificed a long time ago. As the first person to understand alien civilization and have the most contact with aliens, he understands the danger of deep space. Moreover, there is no introduction to the information currently accessible to the earth about this kind of cross-regional transmission, which shows that the builder of this channel may be a super civilization.

Lei Yuan was equally excited, because the war had already progressed to this point, and many people in the headquarters doubted whether it was worth it to sacrifice so much. Now that this result has been achieved, everything will become worthwhile, and all opposition voices from the military will disappear directly. After all, there have been results now, and if you object again, you will be against the empire and the military.

"I'm going to the Zerg planet, and I'll leave it to you here. The logistics work must be done well, and this time I will bring a group of soldiers there, and see if I can encircle and wipe out the Zerg in the Linxing Basin Periphery." King Chen Qiang ordered while walking outside, as for the group of troops he mentioned was the 'Dragon' Legion, now the whole legion has a total of 8,637 people, all of whom have entered the Martial Emperor realm. And in terms of combat experience, it is much richer than other martial emperors. With these people, it is no problem to destroy the strong Zerg first, and then cooperate with the ground troops to destroy most of the Zerg This plan is totally feasible.

"Yes, I'll arrange for the 'worm' warship to take you there." After Lei Yuan finished speaking, he quickened his pace and disappeared at the end of the passage.

The news that the first or second batch of personnel was about to return quickly reached the ears of people who cared about this matter in the empire, and many people began to gather together to discuss some things. Compared with the last few gatherings, this time the gatherings were all old guys, and many people were dying. Because their bodies are so broken, even if they reach the realm of Martial Emperors, there is no way to repair them immediately, they can only take care of them slowly. But in the face of this gathering, they still participated tirelessly, they were afraid that those juniors would mess around.

In an area of ​​the Linxing Basin, a large number of people have already built a defense line here, and the Martial Emperor and strong men in various armors are also surrounding this area to defend against the upcoming danger in all directions. At the edge of this area, a group of professors kept looking at something next to an instrument, and kept chattering. Faced with the countdown coming to an end, everyone's hearts were raised, and the Martial Emperors began to gather their strength to prepare to fight out, while the researchers looked at the open space excitedly.

A pillar of light slowly covered the entire Linxing Basin. Everyone who saw this situation understood that this was the call for teleportation. It's just that I'm not used to seeing this beam of light on the periphery of the Zerg planet, because the light beam didn't penetrate the atmosphere of the Zerg planet, but stopped growing when it reached 23,000 meters, and it caused many scientific research What the personnel couldn't figure out was that the diameter of this beam of light was shrinking. But Hu Yuanji and others in the center of the beam of light didn't understand this situation, and they didn't have the heart to understand it. Everyone watched all this happening intently, and they wanted to truly understand some technical theories of cross-space teleportation through this teleportation.

But when these scientists saw figures slowly forming in the beam of light, everyone fell silent. Because this situation is very similar to particle transmission, that is to say, when people are transported, they are broken into particles and then transported, and they are assembled when they reach the destination. This is somewhat unacceptable to human beings, and it is challenging the ethical concepts of human beings. After all, no one knows whether the person sent here is a combination of his previous body.

Compared to the silence of the scientists, it is unbelievable that the Martial Emperor and the strong were relieved of their tension after seeing the hundreds of people who were completely teleported over. They were already very tired with their highly concentrated mental power. This is the current situation. One of the problems of human beings is the lack of mental power, unless someone has specially cultivated mental power. But at present, there are not many exercises on the earth that can cultivate spiritual power, and each of them is like a family heirloom. This is also the reason why other Martial Emperors are somewhat weaker than the Martial Emperors of the 'Dragon' Legion. After all, not every Martial Emperor has access to the most primitive skills.

"Teacher, are you okay?" Tang Caiyan threw herself into Hu Yuanji's arms like a child and asked with tears streaming down her face.

Hu Yuanji was obviously not used to it, but he had long regarded this woman as his son and daughter all these years ago, so he slowly stroked her armored head and said, "It's been hard work, just come back, just come back."

"Professor, since you are all back, why don't we go indoors, this is really not a good place to talk." At this time, a major general of the military appeared to persuade him.

"Okay, let's go indoors." Hu Yuanji quickly let go of his disciple and said.

This major general is named Bai Yajiang, a child of the Bai family, and a powerful hypnotist. He was once famous for hypnotizing a peak martial arts expert. As for the hypnotized peak martial arts expert, he is the Bai family Yes, but this can also prove that his strength is quite impressive. At this time, he was sent by the military to understand the situation at the other end of the transmission device, and his role was to judge whether the things that were explained were concealed.

At the moment when the beam of light appeared, the attack of the Zerg stopped with a sharp cry. It was unknown whether the Zerg had a mysterious idea, but the soldiers on the defensive line knew that they could take a rest. Just when the soldiers on each defense line were about to take a break, an order appeared on everyone's communication bracelets: immediately rest on the spot to replenish energy, and prepare to counterattack in twelve hours. "

All the soldiers on the defense line were in an uproar for this order, but under the suppression of the officers, there was no major disturbance, but these officers began to contact their superiors one after another to ask what was going on. After they heard that the news was delivered by His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, everyone didn't ask any more questions and faithfully carried out the order. This situation is mainly due to the army's worship of Chen Qiang. This phenomenon has been established since the establishment of the army, and it has become an unspoken rule in the army after the great war in Australia.

So the troops above the defense line began to rest one after another, replenishing ammunition, replenishing ammunition, replenishing recruits, and recruiting recruits. Their only purpose is to show the most peak spirit in the next counterattack, after fighting for such a long time. They have long been filled with aggrieved hearts, and now that the Supreme Emperor is leading them to counterattack, no one wants to miss it.

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