Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 752 Destroy Zerg

After Chen Qiang got the documents from the military asking about the returned personnel this time, he immediately checked them out. In fact, he is now very interested in the outer space. After all, human beings have not been in contact with alien civilizations for a long time. At the same time, Chen Lu is also carefully checking this document, which is more urgent than her own father.

"Your Majesty, we have arrived. Commander Chen is waiting for you below." Just as Chen Qiang was fascinated, a major general came to report. Only then did he break away from the documents in his hands, and at this moment he couldn't help sighing, because the current situation didn't look very good.

"Your Majesty, have you read the document? Maybe our next batch of teleportation personnel will be delayed for a while. After all, we still have any information on the other party. Otherwise, sending personnel there rashly may become slaves. After all, in the A slave in the universe is a recognized identity." After receiving Chen Qiang, Chen Jun reported immediately, and confessed some of his thoughts.

Chen Qiang said as he walked: "There is no rush to solve this problem. At present, what we need most is to suppress the chaos on the Zerg planet first, otherwise even if we have many coping methods, it may cause great harm under the harassment of these Zergs." Dangerous. How is the arrangement on your side? Are you sure you can wipe out all the Zerg at once?" Chen Qiang did not report that question, but directly asked whether the arrangement for the next battle was completed.

"The layout has been completed. If you add the 'Dragon' Legion you brought over this time, you can completely encircle and wipe out all the Zerg in one place, but there is a big problem that needs a group of powerful Martial Emperors to fight against the Zerg. The emperor beheaded." Chen Jun brought up the current difficulties, as for his purpose is to mobilize the rights of the 'Dragon' Legion, the 'Dragon' Legion, as the royal guard directly under the royal family, can only obey the orders of the royal family and other people's orders It doesn't work at all. That's why he raised such a question during this time period, otherwise it would affect his next arrangements.

Chen Qiang said without thinking at all: "I will order the 'Dragon' Legion to go on. From now until the end of this war, the command power will be given to you. You can use it as you like. But take it easy, these Martial Emperors It is not easy to cultivate the royal family, and the most important thing is that I plan to participate in this battle, so you can put me and Wu Wudi in a small team."

After hearing the news, Chen Jun smiled wryly, but he didn't persuade him any more. He knew this brother's temper very well, and also gave him a face to put Wu Wudi by his side, so he could only agree. But mentally, he was thinking about who the other warriors in this team should arrange. These people must be very strong, otherwise they would not be able to protect this person at all.

The news of Chen Qiang's arrival was completely blocked. Even if the three worm-style warships landed at the airport, they would use them to transport troops and corresponding supplies, and there was no mention of the news of the arrival of the Supreme Emperor of the Empire. However, Chen Qiang came to the activity space of the returning personnel immediately after entering the moon.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" After seeing Chen Qiang, many people were in disbelief, and Tang Caiyan was the one who had seen the emperor of the empire the most among them, so she hurriedly got up and greeted him.

Chen Qiang said with a smile: "Professor Tang, you are all heroes of the empire. How do you feel now? After all, the process of space shuttle will cause some danger to the human body."

"Your Majesty, the inspection is all right. It's just that the military forcibly blocked us here and didn't let us participate in the research, which makes us a little sad." Tang Caiyan now believed in the news that was spreading among the high-level researchers. She is the greatest scientist of mankind, otherwise she would not have deduced the assertion that the transmission process affects the human body from some of the things she explained. But she quickly put this idea behind her, and said a little aggrieved.

Chen Qiang was a little funny when he heard this man screaming at him, but he still held back and explained: "You may not know that some time ago, the Zerg crazily attacked our human defense line, and now the entire Zerg planet except for the Linxing Basin, all They are all fallen. During this period of time, the empire plans to launch a counter-offensive to solve the problem of Zerg once and for all. You have nothing to play, so you should take a good rest during this period. If you want to go back, you can go to the army If you apply, there will be someone specially assigned to arrange for you to go home."

Hearing Chen Qiang's explanation, the grievances in the hearts of all the people present dissipated. Some people who missed their children or wanted to see the earth made requests to go home one after another at this time, and the followers next to them also immediately started counting. And notify the military to make arrangements here. This is the role of a leader, and in many cases it can be the final word.

The Facing Star Basin on the Zerg planet is now full of various supplies, and a special channel for bombers to take off has been opened. Bombs that don't look big but have skulls painted on them are loaded on the plane. This is the peak hydrogen bomb that is currently a chemical weapon for mankind. At present, there are actually 200 bombs that Chen Qiang brought over. These hydrogen bombs will all be dropped on the gathering places of the Zerg within the next ten days.

However, at this time, a large number of spaceships were parked in an open space not far away. On the runway, there were many people in military uniforms who were in a loose queue and began to combine and accept their tasks. Their task is very simple, that is, to carry out all-round encirclement and suppression operations against the Zerg Martial Emperors discovered so far, and at that time there will be military weapons and equipment and strong Martial Kings to support them, and strive to kill all the Martial Kings in the shortest possible time.

As for the many researchers here, they were all sent to the moon at this time, waiting for the victory of the military's counterattack. No one thinks that this time the war will fail. More than 15,000 Martial Kings participated in the battle, and there were 27 million soldiers in the military. Under the baptism of such a long war, he can fight against ordinary Martial Emperors without losing the wind.

This is currently the battle with the highest average human strength, so many people don't have any doubts. And coupled with the existence of two hundred hydrogen bombs and the support of all kinds of artillery, this time everyone in the military held their breath and wiped out all these damn Zergs, especially those who had experienced wars on the front line Soldiers and officers have long been a little uneasy. If the military plan had not issued their mission to make up for the Zerg that hadn't died yet, I'm afraid they would rush forward now.

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