Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 753 It's time to end

"Your Majesty, my suggestion is that you stay here and wait for our triumphant return. Going this way will definitely have an impact on our battle." Wu Wudi is now persuading Chen Qiang who is about to board the spaceship with a serious face. He has no doubts about the strength of the position. But anything can happen on the battlefield. If there is something wrong with this person, then he, the guard, will definitely focus on the pillar of shame.

Chen Qiang scolded directly with dissatisfaction on his face: "Mother-in-law, why didn't I know that you Wu Wudi still has such a side, I can do both now, what are you afraid of." After finishing speaking, he boarded the plane directly and already The others who are ready say hello. Of course he understood that these people already knew his identity, so he didn't force them to treat him like comrades-in-arms.

All the spaceships that the Martial Emperor was on were ready to take off. During this period, because all the Zergs stopped attacking, the military's positioning of the Zerg Martial Emperor was quite accurate. So more than a thousand spaceships began to divide into forty-three teams and flew towards the Zerg Martial Emperor they were going to deal with. As for Chen Qiang, he is the latest to enter this realm for the Zerg Martial Emperor to face, and his strength is relatively weak in the future. This is also the arrangement of the military, otherwise the military will not escape punishment if there is a problem.

"The 130th team, you have arrived at the target area. Please stabilize the spaceship at an altitude of 6,000 meters. The Martial Emperor will immediately leave the cabin and form an encirclement circle." This is the first time Chen Qiang has come to the Zerg planet. Still very interested. Moreover, the gravity here is really a bit high, he is not used to it, and he is wearing the heaviest 'Xuanwu' mecha on his body, so he feels a little inconvenient to move. Of course, Wu Wudi also feels the same.

After hearing the sound of the broadcast, Wu Wudi, the captain of the 131st Team, stood up and said directly: "Everyone is ready to leave the cabin immediately, and now start checking all the equipment to see if there is anything missing." Why is the captain not Chen Qiang? It's not that he doesn't want to be it, but other people don't let him be it, and even the mecha is chosen by others for him. The purpose of this is to ensure the life of the overlord of the empire when economic conditions arise.

After all, the captain is already the chief officer. According to the current unspoken rules of the military and civilian teams, the captain is the most powerful person, but this person will also become the one who wants to be the last one when he is in danger. people. No matter how high your status is, it is such a distribution when you are in danger.

After getting out of the spaceship, Chen Qiang had a deeper sense of gravity. When he used his power to float in the air, he couldn't do it. So he could only turn on the armored flight system, and followed the dozen or so teammates in front to fly to the intended target. At this time, the Zerg Martial Emperor also felt the danger approaching, and they began to float up into the air to sense the source of danger around them. After they felt that they were surrounded, they were very angry, and some grumpy rushed directly towards a defense line.

But obviously these Zerg were slowly killed under the siege of so many emperors. As for the Zerg that Chen Qiang was facing even faster, before he could make any moves, the other teams responsible for surrounding the Zerg had already killed it, and the body was taken away. The one that is cleaned on the battlefield is probably very rare. Seeing this situation, Chen Qiang was a little depressed, but fortunately, there were still many Zergs on the ground, so more than a hundred Martial Emperors rushed directly to the Zergs on the ground, and directly killed the higher-strength Zergs inside. He also got a few kills from the Zerg race, which is considered to have passed the addiction of killing the enemy, and vented a lot of depression in his heart.

This time the beheading operation was quite successful. Except for one Zerg Martial Emperor who was good at drilling into the ground and escaped, the other Zerg Martial Emperors were all killed on the spot. In addition, many high-level Zerg around these Martial Emperors were also beheaded to kill a large part, which made it impossible for the Zerg to show up with a Martial Emperor in a short period of time. At this time, the military's hydrogen bombs began to be released. As for the location of the release, it was 500 kilometers away from the area around the Linxing Basin. This is the best distance for the power of the hydrogen bomb not to threaten the Linxing Basin.

So the first batch of 20 hydrogen bombs were dropped, and 20 mushroom clouds rose up on the Zerg planet for a while. After seeing this scene, those Zergs ran away crazily. Many Zergs who were good at digging holes began to dig holes to avoid the shock wave generated by nuclear fusion. But it was too late, and a large number of Zergs were overturned, and even the Zergs within ten kilometers of the hydrogen bomb explosion were directly vaporized.

Fifty seconds later, the shock wave generated by the hydrogen bomb reached the Linxing Basin, but the military, which had already prepared, opened the defense facilities in good time. Arriving at a place not far from the military defense line, a mountain composed of Zerg corpses was formed in a short period of time.

"Everyone in the whole company heard me clearly, and put on all their equipment. If you encounter Zerg, press the distress button first, and then wait for other personnel to arrive in a defensive state. Remember that this regulation applies to all The Zerg. No one is allowed to attack the Zerg privately, or you will be finished if there is an accident." At this time, the regiment leader above a line of defense told all the soldiers below him through the communication channel,

His purpose of doing this is very simple, that is to protect the lives of his own soldiers. In the years of fighting against the Zerg, humans have long understood that these bugs are quite intelligent. Many previous hunters have encountered this situation, a weak Zerg appeared in the eyes of everyone, but in the process of everyone chasing and killing this Zerg, there will be a large number of Zergs who have already ambushed and waited for these people arrival.

Moreover, the strength of the current military soldiers is still somewhat weak for these Zergs. If there are not a large number of soldiers to besiege, many Zergs cannot be killed by a single soldier. But even if the Zerg just smashed the outer shell of the clothing worn by attacking humans, then this human may face the threat of death, after all, there is too little oxygen on this planet. In the confrontation with the Zerg these days, soldiers who died due to lack of oxygen accounted for 40% of all dead soldiers, which is already a large number.

Such a scene was played out on all the defense lines, especially those newly added soldiers were repeatedly emphasized this order.

After all, all officers hope that their soldiers can go home safe and sound, and it is time for the war to end at this moment.

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