Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 758 Undecided

"Dad, did you agree to Ma Yun and the others looking for you today?" Chen Lu, as the monarch of the empire, was of course very concerned about these matters, and she came to her parents' house on time during dinner at night.

Chen Qiang picked up a crystal elbow and took a bite before saying: "They are just worrying, but this is your business, why should I intervene, and they must be tired of pulling a group of old guys to miss the past all afternoon."

"Actually, it's okay for you to agree. After all, it's best to have your endorsement for this matter. I don't have that much energy yet." Chen Lu's tone was full of loneliness when she said this.

At this time, Mou Bing, who was next to her, picked up a chopsticks of green vegetables for her daughter, and then comforted her: "Xiao Bing, this matter is actually because you took it off for too long, and Ma Yun and others can't wait. If you can do it as soon as possible Let go of some of their personnel and teleport to the other end of the space gate so this thing won't happen."

"Mom, in fact, I still want to delay for a while. According to the current construction progress of Chen Hai, it will take at least three months to complete all the arrangements. If these families and company personnel are sent over at this time , then it is very likely to disrupt the current layout of the empire." Chen Lu said distressedly as she put down her bowl and chopsticks.

Chen Qiang couldn't bear it anymore when he heard this, and said directly: "Then it will be delayed for a while, and you should stop emphasizing the future many times, just give them a certain time. Those people are now They are very timid, and they have squeezed their wealth a little bit in the past few years, so now they have a kind of persecution paranoia."

"But Dad, in fact, the biggest problem right now is communication. We have invested in researchers to solve this problem, but so far there is still no news. This is completely behind the progress of our other projects. "Chen Lu asked a question again.

"There is no shortcut to this problem. It can only be solved by upgrading the means of communication. How about you organize some people to participate in the research. Divide all the researchers into three parts, and each part is responsible for a breakthrough in the means of communication. All the resources are put on quantum communication, I think quantum communication is still unable to solve the communication problem that spans many light years, maybe a breakthrough can be found in the other two communication methods.” Chen Qiang suggested after thinking for a while, the current quantum So many resources have been invested in communication and there is still no progress, which shows that this method may not be suitable for communication between universes.

Chen Lu thought for a while and agreed. After all, this is also the last solution. A lot of resources are invested in upgrading and breaking through the three communication methods currently mastered by the empire. When the time comes, as long as one breaks through one of them, then everything The investment is worthwhile. Of course, this method also has a big disadvantage, that is, the amount of resources invested will become very large, but for the current empire, this resource can still be sustained.

"Mr. Ma heard that you and the Supreme Emperor really talked about the past, how do you feel?" Musk came to Hangzhou the next day to meet his old rival Ma Yun.

Ma Yun has long guessed about Musk's arrival, because all the businessmen and high-level contacts over the years have all been conducted by the Eastern business community, and then he will pass it on to Musk, and then Musk will notify the Western business community. Such a big move this time will definitely attract the attention of the Western business community.

"It's good. It's been a long time since I chatted with the Supreme Emperor." Ma Yun said with a look of nostalgia.

"Mr. Ma, is there something I need to discuss with you this time?" Musk didn't smile, but said seriously.

Ma Yun also didn't expect that a little joke of hers didn't cause this person to whisper, but made him serious, so he also said seriously: "Actually, regarding the matter of the space gate, the empire has given us a definite answer." It's time, and we can act in three months, so we need to reserve a lot of technology and mobilize some technical personnel during this period."

"It's not Mr. Ma. What I want to discuss is another matter. I want to sell the space shuttle transport ship Tai No. 1 that has been built. What's your opinion?" Musk directly expressed his thoughts .

"Tai No. 1 can be sold. After all, we can't use this kind of transport ship at present, and the cost-effectiveness ratio is too high. We can't support it at all. But if you want to disband all the space shuttle device research laboratories that have been established, then I will not agree. If you insist on this, can you transfer the shares in your hand to me, although we will pay you the funds now, but we can choose to pay in installments, as for the interest rate, how about the normal bank loan." Ma Yun He frowned when he first heard this, but he quickly figured it out and said.

The Institute of Space Shuttle Devices was formed by the merger of the Space Technology Exploration Corporation and the Space Shuttle Research Department of Interstellar Space. It can be said that the two companies have assembled the most elite forces and the most powerful resource support. But until now, these research institutes still haven’t come up with their own space shuttle devices. In addition, all the companies in these years have been quite large at the beginning, so they are a little powerless. It is actually very understandable to quit Ma Yun now. After all, this is the only institution currently conducting private research on space shuttle devices. As for the research institutions in this field established by other companies, they have long been revoked.

"No, Mr. Ma, I want to sell the transport ship and buy from the Empire the blueprint for the construction of the space shuttle device of the Yuanqi Express technology route, and my plan is that the first batch of personnel from our two companies to go to the other end of the space gate is as much as possible. People from this research institute, so that they can start working immediately there." Musk quickly explained.

Ma Yun also understood Musk's thoughts at this time, so she said with some hesitation: "This is too eager. Although the military's research institutes have broken through the space shuttle device of the energy block technology route, it is impossible for the empire to The technical route of the vitality block is sold, and the most important thing is that the vitality block is a big problem."

"Actually, our exploration of the starry sky is what the empire is most willing to see, and if we gain a foothold in the alien world, then as the only owner of the vitality block, the empire must have sold us the vitality block for a reason. After all, it has also become capital. Inflow results. And you can also control their energy, this is a double-win thing, I think the empire will agree." Musk explained with some excitement, he has seen a large number of warships that can shuttle short distances controlled by himself situation.

"Okay, I'll think about it again, and I'll give you the answer tomorrow." Ma Yun said with some uncertainty.

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