Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 759 Unexpected or impossible

"Son, you have to take the exam well, and you have to believe that you can do it." It's another year of college entrance examination season, and the number of applicants for this year's Martial Arts University, which is approved to enroll students in advance, once again exceeded 100 million, but Martial Arts University can only admit one person at most. Ten thousand people, this is already one in ten thousand, and all the people who can be selected are the elites of this generation of elites.

"Mom, you can rest assured that my peak martial artist strength should be about the same." Although the man was a little timid, he was quite confident when it came to his own strength. To be able to reach the peak of a martial artist before the age of eighteen is quite a genius even in this era where various strength-enhancing drugs are flooding.

After seeing her son lying in the virtual cabin and entering the virtual space, the mother was obviously a little worried and planned to go in to watch the battle, but at this time, she was stopped by the man sitting on the sofa reading a book: "Xiao Wan, although Xiao Yuan's strength is not good enough It's at the top, but at least in this year's candidates, China is also ranked in the top 100, so you don't have to go to watch the game, and it's okay to watch it on a virtual screen. I haven't eaten yet, are you going to do it? a little."

"Okay, I'll do it for you. But if my son doesn't get into the Martial Arts University, then you won't be able to sleep in my bed and sleep in the study." Seeing her husband's calm attitude, Dong Wan felt in her heart The anxiety also slowly relaxed.

The man smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this, I have taken Xiao Yuan to practice in the training room of the Warrior University more than once. According to the recruitment process of the Warrior University over the years, this time the exam will definitely be a trial of the Warrior University The contents of the first floor of the tower, so you can rest assured about this."

Warrior University Trial Tower, this is a place built by the third president of Warrior University to increase combat experience after discussing with Chen Qiang and accessing the intelligence of Starry Sky. Later, it gradually became a way of assessing the strength of Warrior University's grades. Everyone can graduate smoothly only when they reach the third floor of the Trial Tower.

And those who can reach this level basically have quite rich experience in actual combat, so Warrior University has gradually introduced this method in the admissions examination. The purpose is to discover geniuses in combat. After all, all the people trained by Warrior University have either entered the Royal Guard or entered the special forces of the military. No matter where the requirements for strength are, it is a rigid rule.

However, the current Warrior University has also slowly undergone some changes. After all, no one can escape the bondage of human affection in this world, so many people with rights or relationships will basically send their children to Wuzhe University in the early stage of enrollment. Enter the Trial Tower to experience it. With this experience, there will be no suspense in the admissions exam. Therefore, in recent years, there have been more and more wealthy children in the Warrior University, and the atmosphere of the Warrior has gradually weakened. .

However, there is a rigid requirement for graduation, so there is no decline in strength, but the military and the royal guard can recruit very few people. After all, it is impossible for children of wealthy families to enter these two departments, and Even if you want to enter, you need a series of reviews, otherwise you won't want it even if you have enough strength.

Chen Qiang was finally free, and in addition to the fact that today was the admissions exam for the University of Warriors, he took a leisurely walk to the University of Warriors located on the south bank of Xingkong Lake. He wanted to see if the empire's efforts over the years had any effect. He remembered that when the first admissions class of Wuzhe University took the culture test, 10,000 students were over-enrolled, and finally passed the comparison of strengths. Among them, 3,000 people were selected, and the one with the highest strength at that time seemed to be the peak warrior.

When he walked to the campus, he was very relieved to see that everyone's strength was almost uniform at the level of generals, and he could even see students at the level of Martial Kings. So he came to a super-large classroom, which is the assessment office for the admissions of Warrior University this time.

Seeing the arrival of the Supreme Emperor, hundreds of martial arts powerhouses all stood up and put down their work to say hello. Qi Haoran, the fifth president of Wuzhe University, shook hands and quickly introduced: "Your Majesty, the faculty team of Wuzhe University is also This time, the admissions examiner. These students who take part in the examination will first undergo a round of machine screening, and the screening criterion is whether they have the courage to face the powerful beast race's impact and sacrifice their lives."

"Okay, I made these rules together with Wu Wudi back then, and you are still using them now. It seems that you still haven't changed your life in the assessment method. Pull out the information of the ten best-performing candidates so far, and I'll take a look. Who are they, and what is their strength?" Chen Qiang directly stopped Qi Haoran from continuing to introduce, but instructed an operator next to him.

Warrior University has its own artificial intelligence to do these statistics and screening, so soon the current list of the top ten personnel appeared in front of Chen Qiang. Seeing this list, he couldn't help but frown, because none of them were ordinary people, and all ten candidates belonged to various families, and all of them were members of families above the middle level.

So he continued to order: "Call out the list of ten people with the highest strength, and count those who are eliminated."

In an instant, a list appeared on the screen again, and this list made Chen Qiang even more puzzled, because none of the ten strongest people were among the top ten. But he didn't say anything, but turned around and left. But Qi Haoran, the principal of Wuzhe University, was drenched in sweat at this moment.

"Xing Kong, analyze why Gao Yuan and others have such strength." Chen Qiang always felt that something was wrong, so he ordered. As the starry sky that currently controls the lifeline of the entire human being, it is a piece of cake to check this matter, and soon the problem report appeared in front of Chen Qiang.

"That's how it is. I didn't expect Warrior University to become like this. Sometimes it's really not impossible but unexpected. I didn't expect that the assessment that is now recognized by the empire as the most fair has all the shortcuts. Xingkong will pass this matter on. Go to the cabinet and Chen Lu, ask them to come up with a charter and order the Ministry of Education to conduct some investigations on all colleges and universities, no matter what, they must not block the access to the lower-level personnel." Chen Qiang directly ordered.

Compared to before, Chen Qiang's temper is several times milder now, otherwise, with his previous temperament, he would have ordered people to arrest all the people who have been connected with Qi Haoran in this matter, as for the main culprit, they would all be shot dead on the spot. And deprived most of the rights of his family. But now he just reported this matter to the cabinet and Chen Lu. As for the specific handling measures, the empire remembered the law to judge.

But he forgot one thing, his prestige still exists, and the empire will definitely deal with it immediately and deal with all criminals severely.

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