Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 765 Long Voyage Trade Fleet

The terminal star is a boundary of the first starry sky empire of human beings. Because it is located at the boundary and has a relatively special environment and role, the empire has not transformed it at all. So the more than three million people living on this planet can only live in individual bubbles, and the largest bubble is Linxing City, the capital of the terminal star.

Today's Linxing City is filled with a serious atmosphere, because the first long-distance trade fleet of mankind is ready to set off. This fleet has 23 transport ships, and all the spaceships in the fleet have the space shuttle function. The leader of the team is Ma Yun, the marquis of the empire, and the deputy leader is another Marquis Musk.

These two think of it together. Ma Yun is because the current interstellar spaceflight is the same with him or without him, so she plans to spend the rest of her life exploring the universe. If unfortunately she dies in the universe, it will be considered a worthy death . As for Musk, he is a person who is keen on stimulation. Although the space technology exploration company is not very stable now, he still resolutely joined this long-distance trade operation.

There are ships of other aerospace companies in the fleet, but they are not as bold as the two horses. They just sent the most elite children of their own family as the person in charge, and have no intention of going into battle in person.

"Boss Ma, have a good journey. Our fleet will first lead you to two space jumps, and you need to go the rest of the way by yourself. If you don't encounter alien civilizations, please return immediately, otherwise you will not be able to return. Here we come." Chen Hai handed two glasses of wine to Ma Yun and Musk, picked up the rest, and was warned.

The main reason for the military fleet to lead this long-distance trading team to make two jumps is to reduce the energy consumption of this fleet. After all, there is no way to replenish energy such as vitality blocks. Another thing is to give this fleet more time to search in areas five light years away. After all, it is impossible for alien civilizations to exist five light years away. Another is to clearly express the empire's support for this action, and it also gives reassurance to the next batch of people who will conduct long-distance trade.

After drinking the farewell wine, the two horses boarded the flagship directly, and the commander of the fleet lifted off and left. They sailed behind the military fleet, and just above their route was a disk device with a diameter of 10,000 meters. This device was covered by a light mask, and it was impossible to see what was inside. But everyone knows that this is a strong person retreating, and the military personnel know more.

Ma Yun looked at the device and said with a sigh: "Thank you for the materials, otherwise I would not have set off so early." At this time, the old worm in the center of the disc who was retreating suddenly trembled, but soon Soon fell into retreat again.

Half of the materials carried by this long-distance trading fleet are special products of the earth, such as silk, etc.; the remaining half are human technological products, such as anti-gravity aircraft. About 10% of them are vitality blocks and energy blocks. As for why traditional products such as silk are carried, the main reason is to create a human for aliens. In fact, a newcomer who has just stepped out of his own star field does not know much about the various rules of the universe.

Because according to the old bug, if you encounter this kind of new civilization, then all civilizations will not be able to attack, and it will be protected by the business alliance, and there will be many preferential policies in commercial transactions. In fact, human beings are really new, but because they have had contact with wandering merchants, they need to conceal this point. The business alliance and the organization of wandering merchants are opposites. This is the introduction of the old bug, although the credibility needs to be discussed. But you have to believe it.

"Your Majesty, they have already left, and according to the Academy of Sciences' calculation, the next return may be a year later. So we should go back, otherwise His Majesty Chen Lu will not be able to explain." Wu Wudi saw all the fleets After they all disappeared, they immediately persuaded Chen Qiang and Mou Bing beside them.

Chen Qiang was a little bored at this time, he didn't expect that he had really come to this step, and he didn't feel too much joy in his heart, but instead had a lot of worries. So, without Li Wudi's persuasion, he asked to himself: "Is this a good thing or a bad thing? This matter should be organized by the empire."

"This matter is actually a good thing. Since you and Xiaolu have set the terminal star as the border of the empire, then anyone in the world outside the border can go out and even establish their own country. The starry sky empire was established from the very beginning. Sometimes there are problems. Over the years, you have done a lot of things you didn't want to do in order to stabilize the entire empire. It also caused Ma Yun and others to panic every day. Now everything is fine, and you no longer suspect these people of conspiracy. There is also a place where you can breathe and give full play to your talents, there is nothing wrong with killing two birds with one stone." Mu Bing said directly, she has seen it most clearly in front of Chen Qiang over the years.

Wu Wudi didn't speak at this time, because he didn't know how to answer. And from the perspective of the stability of the empire, what Chen Qiang has done these years is actually not wrong, but sometimes some things cannot be seen from one aspect alone, otherwise it will cause big problems at that time.

"What about Lao Wu, do you have the confidence to fight the creature in the mask if it ends its retreat?" Chen Qiang also knew that this question was not very festive, so he changed the subject and asked where the old insect was retreating.

Wu Wudi narrowed his eyes and looked at the place where the old worm was. He could feel the strong energy inside, and sometimes he even wished that it was himself inside.

"Although I can't confidently say that I can kill the other party, it is still possible to hurt both sides." Wu Wudi said with some confidence, because he is now a strong Wu Zun, and coupled with the opening of the supply of Imperial Origin Qi, he feels that it will take a while. If it is quiet, he can reach the peak of Wuzun. If all goes well, he will truly become a strong man at the cosmic level by this time next year.

"That's good, prepare well, and restore your physical skills to the peak first. There is news from Chen Lu that the Gathering Spirit Formation in the Lost Land is about to be built. After the construction is completed, you can go to retreat. Break through the cosmic level with the fastest speed so that human beings will have some protection." Chen Qiang encouraged.

"Understood." When a matter is given responsibility, then the person concerned will definitely become serious. Just like Wu Wudi now, he knows what his breakthrough means to human beings.

This is mainly because all human cultivation systems currently follow Wu Wudi's route. Even if Wu Jing accidentally broke through, it was an accident, so he couldn't make a summary of his own breakthrough. And when Wu Wudi also broke through, other peak powerhouses of mankind also broke through, this is the role of a pioneer.

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