Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 766: Big Action

"They're all gone?" Chen Lu was also waiting for the news of the long-distance trade fleet, and she asked directly after hearing her secretary knock on the door.

"Already set off." The secretary also knew that Chen Lu was waiting for the news, so she replied very briefly.

At this time, Chen Lu lowered her head and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, muttering to herself, "It's time, the term of the cabinet seems to have come." Naturally, the secretary could not express any opinions on these words, so this Bit can only bow his head and wait for the order.

The term of each cabinet prime minister is 50 years, and Anderson's term is actually far longer than 50 years, but that is a special case. So this year is Lei Jun's fiftieth year in office, the government affairs system is quite chaotic now, because many people want to stay and take a step forward, decades or even hundreds of years of government affairs career have decided that they will never I don't have the courage to venture outside, so many people want to stay in this environment.

There is also the cabinet. The current cabinet members are all from Anderson's era, and the only young man is Cage. So Chen Lu plans to retire all the cabinet members except Cage, who is going to be the prime minister, and no longer hold any positions. Of course, the think tank of the Royal Office will hire these people soon.

Now the population of the empire has exceeded 30 billion, but it is still a bit small for the entire universe, so the empire has not initiated birth control measures. In order to manage these huge populations, the number of government officials in the empire is increasing every year. According to the data obtained by Chen Lu not long ago, there are currently 130 million official government officials (including police officers) in the empire, which does not include zero temporary workers. Some of these government officials have even stayed in the same position. It has been hundreds of years, so the handling of these 'old people' is a very important issue in the current election.

"Your Majesty, according to statistics, there are currently about 1.3 million people who have been in politics for more than 70 years. If these people retire all at once, it may affect their work. Why don't we take our time." Lei Jun was listening. After Chen Lu planned to abolish the government officials who had been in office for more than 70 years, he hurried over to persuade him that at least he could not carry out this matter during his tenure, otherwise he would be hated to death by the 1.3 million people.

The corners of Chen Lu's mouth curled up, and then she said with a smile: "Lei Shoufu, I just have this plan for this matter. I have counted more than five million people who have graduated and trained from the Government Affairs University in the past ten years. These people should be able to replace This part of the people. Nowadays, many people regard government departments as private property. This is not a good phenomenon. So let’s do this, first issue a notice to let those who have served for more than 70 years automatically submit their resignations and retire. The cabinet will do a good job in distributing retirement expenses.”

The empire's government personnel regulations have very clear regulations on the retirement expenses of retirees. These people can only receive one hundred months of retirement expenses from their own wages at a time, and the empire will never ask about the rest. Of course, these are only the rules of the empire on the surface, and there are many unspoken rules in private. For example, if you want to join the elite army of the empire, you need to review the personnel. If someone in the three generations of this person is a government official, then the qualifications for being selected are quite high.

In addition, if a government official plans to start a company after retirement, he will receive a loan of almost 10 million star coins from Star Bank, and some technologies sold by the Imperial Academy of Sciences will be given priority to this person. Such various benefits make government workers one of the jobs with the best benefits, and many people want to join the system every year.

The easiest way to enter the system is to be admitted to the Government Affairs University. As long as you graduate from this university and want to enter the system, you will be assigned directly, and the rest is to participate in social recruitment. This process is quite difficult, requiring the parties not only to have sufficient strength but also to have enough luck.

"What is this? What is this? Is the higher-ups planning to cross the river and demolish the bridge? My old Zhao has worked hard for more than seventy years to get such a result. Why?" In a subordinate office of Kunlun Base City, an old man saw this After documenting this document, he went into a rage, and everyone on this floor heard it.

"Alas, you have heard that no empire intends to retire all those who have served more than seventy years this time."

"I've heard about it a long time ago, but this is also good news. At least we have a channel to continue upward."

"Keep your voice down, be careful if old man Zhao hears you and walk around."

For some people this news is not acceptable, but for others it is quite good news. So for a while, the entire government affairs system, which was originally somewhat messy, became even more messy because of this document. Many people began to frequently report to the leadership office. At this critical juncture, as long as the leadership can remember themselves, it will be a victory. Maybe the position that the department lacks is my own.

In fact, everyone who has served for more than 70 years is basically the leader of a certain department, so the execution of this document is not very strong. But there are also some people who understand that the empire may enforce it this time, and they are not very clean, so they quickly submitted their retirement applications. There are still some people who don't believe in evil and plan to continue to fight to the end, and the rest are those who continue to wait and see. They are betting that the empire of this document will not continue this time.

A week later, Chen Lu directly asked during the cabinet meeting: "How, how many people have submitted retirement applications now?"

"There are a total of 57,000 people. At present, all the applications of all people have been approved, and the vacant positions are quickly filled by newcomers. It is currently running well." Cagehui reported that it is inappropriate for other people to report this matter , but he is fitting, because the next fifty years will be his time.

"Your Majesty, the people below are really busy during this period, so these people have been busy, so now is not the time to carry out this work. How about postponing it for a while and letting these people retire after the work is over?" Lei Jun continued persuaded.

Chen Lu didn't listen to Lei Jun's persuasion, she knew that he didn't want to cause trouble at the last moment, but there are some things that he can't decide. Now is the best time, otherwise the empire will spend a lot of energy on this matter after Cage takes office. As for the plan that has been formulated long ago, it will need to be delayed for a while. Can form a group to rush out.

"This is a document. When the time comes, you will arrest people according to this list, and you can do whatever you want according to the law." Chen Lu threw out a hot potato again, and the cabinet members present were a little confused, because this If the large-scale action is not carried out sooner or later, it will be carried out when they are about to step down, which will not allow officials to work.

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