Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 768 Development of handicraft industry

The leader of the 300,000 troops in the Lost Land is Shen Kuo, who was originally a small captain of the 'Dragon' Legion, but later joined the military when he wanted to go to the front line. Because the soldiers in the Lost Land are basically the elites of each unit. The soldiers who formed this unit were all selected from the soldiers who survived the war against the Zerg, so all of them are rebellious, Therefore, a strong leader is needed, and Shen Kuo, who has just transferred from the royal guard to the military, has entered Chen Jun's sight.

"Not bad, being able to use the environment to train troops and break through yourself shows that your choice is not wrong." Chen Qiang looked at Shen Kuo who came to greet him, and praised him with some surprise after considering his strength.

Shen Kuo was less than fifty years old, and Chen Qiang went to the 'Dragon' Legion every now and then, so he said shyly, "I must thank the Supreme Emperor for your strong recommendation, otherwise I would not have reached this level."

"Does Shen Kuo have any idea to go to the terminal star?" Chen Lu asked after looking at the somewhat shy general in front of him after thinking for a while.

Apparently I was caught by Chen Lu's question. In fact, this good place is not willing to leave for people with relatively high strength, but now Shen Kuo belongs to the military, so he needs to obey the orders of the current emperor, so he answered loudly. Said: "Shen Kuo accepts the order."

Chen Lu was obviously taken aback by this loud answer, and Shen Kuo also loudly agreed to the matter. This made her a little dumbfounded, because the sentence just now was just asking for this opinion.

But now things have become a foregone conclusion, so she didn't think about changing it.

So Shen Kuo's appointment as the commander of the terminal star was confirmed in this way.

As for Chen Qiang next to him, he couldn't laugh or cry after seeing this scene, because he knew that his daughter's words were just asking for opinions, but Shen Kuo took it as an order.

Of course, he was happy to see this scene. After all, he had been a commander in Terminal Star for more than ten years, and UI would definitely be transferred to the military headquarters, so Shen Kuo had a very good future.

Although Chen Lu has always been in the mentality of traveling around the mountains and rivers during this period, as long as she is in the position of the emperor of the empire, she will definitely not be able to let go of various affairs of the empire. In many situations where she is alone, she will make some plans for the next things, and the most important thing next is the choice of the new leadership of the military.

This is a big problem. Chen Qiang chose his own people for the first two military commanders-in-chief and chief of staff, and they have also experienced many wars. Now Chen Lu doesn't have many choices, and there are not many people who are really capable of taking such a position, and compared to Chen Jun and Zhukov, she is a little dissatisfied.

But since there is no choice, she can only grow up from the short ones, so she has almost arranged the personnel in her heart. The commander-in-chief of the military is Chen Hai, and the chief of the general staff is Qi Lin. Since these two people are going to be transferred to the military headquarters, someone needs to fill the vacant positions.

This does not solve one of the problems without Shen Kuo. As for the commander of the Lost Land, he can be directly promoted from the army. From the location of the Lost Land, it is determined that it can only be used as a military training ground for the empire, and will not be exposed to any war at all. Moreover, this is also a place where the royal family uses to hide their strength, so it is doomed to be unknown.

Under the auspices of Merkel, the cabinet and the Academy of Sciences spent a total of 1.3 trillion star coins to build ten spirit gathering arrays in the lost place. Each of these gathering spirit arrays can only enter one person. But because not many people came this time, it was enough.

After undergoing the training of relevant personnel, Chen Qiang and others began to board the Juling Formation and began to retreat. Compared with Chen Qiang and others who were conservative and only moved within a radius of 100 kilometers from the military station, Wu Wudi directly let The intellectual brain on the Spirit Gathering Formation led him to the place closest to the crack of the seal.

Because most of the source gas comes out of the cracks, the closer to the cracks, the higher the concentration of the source gas. Although Chen Qiang and others also hope to use this opportunity to break through the universe level, but as the empire's The pillars must not be in danger, even if they had the heart, Shen Kuo, as the person in charge of this place, would stop them.

Half a year has passed, and the human situation has stabilized after the three fires that Cage took office have burned, but what everyone is not used to is that neither the Supreme Emperor nor the current His Majesty Chen Lu has ever appeared again , and even some media began to make multiple speculations there.

However, this kind of action was directly banned by the Imperial News Bureau. As for those media who speculated and released the news, they all faced huge fines.

The biggest change for human beings in the past six months is the economic aspect. As the empire increased its support for small and medium-sized enterprises and many large groups began to slowly shift their business focus, they began to transfer a large number of heavy industries to the terminal star. All the institutions in the solar system have been converted into material acquisition companies.

This has caused many companies that were suppressed by these large groups to start to rise rapidly, and began to seize the market vacated by these large groups. However, under the adjustment of the cabinet, this time there is no situation where one company directly monopolizes the entire market. Many of the vacated markets are shared by many companies with the same product.

If these companies want to obtain greater profits, they need to work hard on prices and product quality. As for the previous situation of not buying products from other companies with poor results, it is gone forever.

And because this time the voyage trade fleet took away a large number of various handicrafts on the earth, this has also led to the prosperity of handicrafts in the current market.

Many handicrafts that have been handed down before the empire are now shining again, among which the silk industry is the fastest growing. Especially after the silkworm has been improved, the silk it squirts has some other characteristics. For example, a company in the base city of Siam has improved silkworms so that silk has the effect of absorbing vitality.

During the tests conducted by the empire, it was found that if clothes made of top-quality silk were worn during cultivation, the efficiency of vitality absorption could be increased by 15%.

This is a very large number, that is to say, when cultivating in the same vitality array, the cultivation effect of those wearing this kind of silk clothes is 15% better than that of those without it.

Therefore, the products of this company are sold like crazy, and each pair is very expensive. Even the lowest-grade products cost one million star coins, which is still priceless. This kind of silk clothes has been bought for 8 million star coins on various trading websites, which has made many people a lot of money.

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