"Report, Commander, this is an order from the military headquarters." Chen Hai is optimizing the new round of construction drawings for Terminus Star. The optimization here is to add some defensive devices and military garrison points to the current planning drawings.

After Chen Hai heard the news, he raised his head immediately, but Tiao Ling looked at it carefully, and a happy smile appeared on his face after reading it.

He already knew about the re-election meeting of the cabinet held by the empire more than half a year ago. He knew that the re-election of the military was coming soon, so he had been waiting. But after waiting for a long time, he didn't get it. Later, the personnel sent over learned that Majesty Chen Lu was on vacation, which made him almost spit the coffee out of his mouth.

During this period of time, he was very anxious. After all, as long as people have hope, they will wait forever. Even if the hope is very slim, they will use their unskilled gambling skills to gamble.

And the most important thing is that Chen Hai actually has high hopes. After his analysis, he found that His Majesty Chen Lu didn't have many choices, and he was one of them. So no matter what, he can enter the interior of the imperial military, but since he can enter the top three, why can't he strive for the first place? What he cares most about now is this first place, that is, the candidate for the commander-in-chief of the military.

Qilin on the Moon Fortress also received such a document, but at the back of the document he was asked to wait for Chen Hai to go to the headquarters together. As for some other military executives, they also received corresponding orders, so the news of the military's change of office was quickly passed on.

"Xiaolu, I still have a problem with your list. I don't think it's a problem with Chen Hai, the commander-in-chief of the military. I don't have a problem with Qi Lin as the chief of staff, but Huo Zun is the head of the logistics department. Minister Georgi Constantine, I have some opinions." Chen Jun looked at the list that Chen Lu had made and frowned.

Chen Lu was not angry either, but humbly asked, "Second Uncle, why is that?"

"First of all, Huo Zun, he has always been the chief of staff and has never commanded a battle alone. At present, there are many people in the army who have higher qualifications than him, so if he serves as the head of the logistics department, many people will be dissatisfied. There is also Constantine, a very outstanding child of the Zhukov family, but he has been on the earth since he joined the army, and has never been exposed to space warfare. Now that there are fewer and fewer mutant beasts, the strength of human beings is getting higher and higher, so ground warfare There is no possibility at all." Chen Jun explained seriously.

"Then what do you mean?" Chen Lu asked.

"How about this, Huo Zun will be directly promoted to the commander of the Moon Fortress on the spot. Since Shen Kuo has gone to the terminal star, then let Constantine be placed in the lost place. As for the head of the equipment department, Heinz ·William, Guderian's youngest son, is now the fleet commander of the Eighth Fleet. This kid used to be a Ph.D. in mechanics from Star University, so I should be very successful in this position. The logistics department will be handed over to Yi Bell, the high-level military needs a female soldier, which is also good for future development." Chen Jun quickly arranged everything.

Chen Lu did not agree, but took the revised list back and thought about it. After all, she has been in a very laissez-faire state for the military these years. First, although her father Chen Qiang doesn't care much about military affairs, his influence is still there, and second uncle Chen Jun is the commander-in-chief of the military. She didn't want to move the military, so she delayed it like this. She didn't know many people on this list and needed to investigate carefully.

Chen Jun was worried when he saw the back of his niece leaving. Now the military is as strong as a cloud. He was afraid that this niece would not be able to suppress those old guys in the military, and there was no retirement date in the military at all, and the older she was, the richer her experience was, which was what the military needed now.

So he directly changed the list and added the grandson of Marshal Zhukov, so that at least some people could be deterred. Also, Yi Ling was one of the orphans adopted by Chen Qiang back then. She was originally the deputy head of the logistics department, but now she is promoted to the head of the head, so it can be regarded as leaving a backup for Chen Lu, and she has her at the critical time. One vote and everything is easy to handle.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, Qilin, Commander-in-Chief of the Moon Fortress (Chen Hai, Commander of the Terminus Star), came to report." When Qilin and Chen Hai arrived at the Starting Point, they found Commander-in-Chief Chen Jun waiting for them as soon as they got off the transport ship. Flattered and hastened to salute.

Chen Jun patted the shoulders of the two of them with a smile and said: "Not bad, very good. Let's go, I have already prepared the reception banquet, and I, the commander-in-chief, have no extra rewards for you, so I can only treat you to eat." Dinner is over."

"To be able to eat the meal invited by the commander-in-chief, the two of us can be regarded as the first in this army. I will not change this kind of honor for a first-class merit." Chen Hai quickly answered.

In fact, both of them understood why the commander-in-chief invited them to dinner, and after looking at each other, they both found the excitement in each other's eyes.

After drinking for three rounds, it was time to speak. Chen Jun first said: "Let me reveal to you that the commander-in-chief and chief of staff of the imperial army are elected from among the two of you. As for the specific appointment, I still don't know." Having said that, I will give you two six points of suspense. I invite you to dinner today. It is very simple. It is to tell you some things inside the military. In fact, it is much more complicated than the cabinet military. The programs are all run by the military, so it's a huge agency and you need to be prepared for that."

In fact, the two of Chen Hai have heard about these things, but they have been taking out soldiers for these years, so they don't have much contact with them. So Qilin asked curiously: "Could it be that we will cause dissatisfaction among these people when we take office?"

"Maybe this one, in the military there is no such thing as retirement, there are many people who are more qualified than you, not to mention other fleet commanders of the top ten fleets of the empire are actually much more qualified than you, But you were defeated in this competition. You also understand the reason, so you need to use strong means to quickly rectify the army after you come to power. If you are slower, if those people react, the two of you And Chen Lu's strength can't be suppressed at all." Chen Hai explained with a smile, although he was very worried, he also wanted to see how these young people dealt with this problem.

After drinking this wine for twelve hours, Chen Hai and Qi Lin's excited faces were now full of seriousness when they came out of the place where they were drinking.

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