Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 770: A Question

Compared with the big move of the cabinet change, the change of high-level military officials is just a document on the military's official website. But the media's sense of smell is quite sensitive, and they wrote this matter as news and released it immediately. The common people's understanding of this order is just that the new military leader came to power, but many organizations and companies understand that the configuration of the military's top management means that most of the energy of the empire may be on the expeditionary star in the future.

As a result, many companies have begun to adjust their business strategies and prepare to go to Expedition Star to see if they can take advantage of this opportunity to take off.

Venus, the second habitable planet built by human beings, was completely characterized because of the nature of the entire planet in the initial stage of planetary transformation. So there is no large-scale industry at all, but in order to digest the entire planet's nearly 8 billion people, the Governor's Office of Venus has made a decision to vigorously develop the biomedical industry.

After these years of development, Venus has become the main production place for human daily consumption of pharmaceuticals and various pharmaceuticals and biological products.

However, in order for Venus to undertake the planting task of the earth's vitality medicinal materials, the Governor's Office of Venus invested a huge amount of money in researching a technology that can fix the vitality in the soil.

After the successful research and development of this technology, many pharmaceutical companies on the earth have set up research institutions and production plants in Venus, which can be said to have greatly increased the employment rate and economic development of Venus.

However, this also comes at a high price. The price of the empire's vitality block was quite high before, so the Venus Governor's Mansion cultivated the bio-industry with subsidies. However, with the rapid development of the bio-industry, the amount of the subsidy was getting bigger and bigger. Just after Chen Lu completed all the adjustments, the Venus Governor's Mansion declared bankruptcy.

"Governor's Mansion of Venus is bankrupt?" Chen Lu was a little dumbfounded after hearing the news, because just three months ago she allocated a batch of vitality blocks to Venus in order to support Venus's biological industry, although This kind of price is a bit high, but in the face of the rapid increase in the number of human beings, the demand for this medicine will increase in the future. It is completely impossible to rely on the earth, so since Venus has this strength, it is also possible to support it.

In fact, Cage was a little unbelievable after hearing the news, but the news he got was this, so he said helplessly: "Yes, Governor Wu Qi of the Venus Governor's Mansion called me personally and said that we should send personnel to Come to receive the Venus regime."

Because Venus is a reshaped planet, the Starry Sky Empire did not intervene too much in its governing system. Just like the previous Mars, it is another institution independent of the Earth's government affairs system but not divorced from the imperial power.

Mars has now smoothly integrated into the empire's government affairs system, but Venus has not. In Chenlu's plan, it will take another twenty-five years for the empire to include it, but now with the bankruptcy of the Governor's Mansion, everything needs to be brought forward.

After thinking for a while, Chen Lu immediately ordered: "Organize a group of personnel to rush there immediately, and bring the personnel of the Academy of Sciences there, and then merge the entire data system of Venus into the various systems of the empire."

"Yes." Cage replied directly.

Chen Lu didn't continue to work after the chief assistant Cage left, but came directly to the Starry Sky Tower. When she entered the Star Tower, a joyful voice said: "Welcome back, Your Majesty."

"Xing Kong, let me find out why the Venus Governor's Mansion went bankrupt?" Chen Lu didn't believe that the Venus Governor's Mansion would go bankrupt at all. These years, the Governor's Mansion has been running smoothly, and in this relief, she replaced the original Venus Governor's Mansion. He was transferred back to serve as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice, and then Wu Qi, the former mayor of the South Asian base city, was transferred to Jinxing.

Although Wu Qi is the head of the Wu family, even Chen Lu can't help sighing in front of his impeccable resume.

But now Chen Lu felt that there should be many problems, so she came to the Starry Sky Tower to verify her conjecture.

"It has been found out that the Venus Governor's Mansion is indeed bankrupt. The specific direction of the flow of vitality is as follows?" After a while, Xingkong took out the specific direction of the flow of vitality.

Facing the dense company names and data, Chen Lu didn't have a headache, but started to operate on the virtual big screen. After a while, she targeted three companies: Nanya Aerospace, Yaru Investment, and Keying Technology.

So she ordered again: "Check these three companies to see who is behind them."

It's no surprise that after a long time outside the mainstream, some people take risks. There is a family behind the three companies, and that is the Nanya Wu family.

First of all, Chen Lu didn't understand, because since the Wu family entered South Asia, it has become the leading family in that region, and it has developed very well in all aspects. Why did he take such a risk and attack the vitality of the Venus Governor's Mansion, and he was so confident in contacting the imperial cabinet to talk about bankruptcy.

But no matter what, this kind of thing must not be tolerated. Therefore, he directly used the virtual bracelet to notify the head of the Red Dragon Legion to lead someone to control all the members of the Wu family in South Asia, and he also gave the military commander stationed in Jinxing an order to arrest all members of the Governor's Mansion .

She wanted to find out what made these people have such courage and courage to do these things.

Facing powerful organizations like the military and the Dragon Legion, there are too few human forces who can contend with them, even a top-level family like the Wu family. Just after the actions of these two, many families have received some news, and some of them are very popular. Many people started to frantically ask what was the reason, but because Chen Lu didn't issue a gag order this time, these people soon found out what was going on.

"How is it? Is there any news?" Ma Chao was also a little anxious at this time, so he sent someone to inquire immediately after the news was revealed.

"I heard that something happened to Wu Qi, the head of the Wu family, and he emptied the entire governor's mansion." An old man said in surprise.

"What?" Even Ma Chao didn't expect this result. Although the Wu family has a big business, although the prices of those vitality blocks are very high, they still have some shortcomings in the face of the consequences.

At the same time, many families have already understood that it was the Wu family who committed the crime this time, and it was not that the upper echelons of the empire planned to take action against the family, which made these people feel relieved. Since they had nothing to do, it wouldn't hinder them from watching the show, so they all looked at the Wu family and the empire.

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