Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 776 Change

Starry Sky City, as the former capital, has slowly lost its leading position. And this happened because the legislature of the empire passed a resolution, which was to establish the earth as the capital planet. After this decision was made, the status of Starry Sky City gradually declined, and many departments of the empire also began to relocate.

At the same time, the earth has begun to establish a strict household registration system, and humans from other planets are not allowed to live permanently on the earth. This is mainly to control the population of the earth. The empire has been migrating the population of the earth these years, and it has reached the minimum goal set before, which is to reduce the population of the earth to 10 billion.

This number is the largest capacity of the empire in these years, but because of the mutant beasts, the population on the earth is concentrated in many big cities. Starry Sky City is the most representative of these large cities. After all, in the hearts of the people, the capital's defense conditions are the best. Therefore, many people want to enter the capital's jurisdiction even if they cannot enter. Star City is also excellent.

Under the effect of this kind of emotion, the population of Starry Sky City has directly reached 550 million person-times. Of course, this is still the permanent population without counting the floating population. If the floating population is included, this number may increase by about 800 million. The huge population has also led to the ever-increasing area under the jurisdiction of Starry Sky City, and the buildings built are also getting taller.

In the past, tall buildings over 500 meters were considered the highest level of human architecture, but now Starry Sky City, especially in the center, is full of tall buildings of 1,000 meters. Surrounded by a group of tall brothers. This means that anti-gravity flying vehicles have long been popularized, otherwise such a high-rise super high-rise building would be impossible at all, even if it can be built, the problem of travel is quite big.

As for Star City, it has now completely covered the former ALS area, and it has formed the largest city on Earth. The daily consumption of energy and food is an astronomical figure. It used to be self-sufficient, but now 50% of Starry Sky City's various resources need to be brought in from outside, which is why the empire moved out most of its administrative agencies. The purpose is to relocate part of the personnel of Starry Sky City to the outside to achieve self-sufficiency in resources.

Self-sufficiency in basic living materials is also a basic national policy of the empire. According to the data released by the empire, the current population of the empire with an annual income of less than 50,000 star coins accounts for forty percent of the total population. Based on the current economic aggregate of the empire, an annual income of 50,000 means that you Get rid of poverty and enter a well-off stage. And these impoverished population empires will provide basic living materials, which is what the empire has done from the beginning.

When the empire was established, the development of commerce has always been in a state of laissez-faire, which also caused a considerable gap between the rich and the poor in the empire. However, under the control of the empire, the prices of basic living materials related to the people have not increased in recent years, and the value of the star coins has been quite stable, so it can be said that the lives of the people are also very happy.

Of course, this is not based on the comparison of strength. If a person wants to cultivate to become a martial artist or even a higher level, he needs huge resources, and these resources are beyond the reach of ordinary people. As for the army and the Empire's Martial Arts University, it has the strength to provide these, but it is impossible to popularize them. Only those with the highest talents can enjoy them. And these resources are not only available to civilians, even those whose families have sufficient resources can also obtain them.

Therefore, the society has been relatively solidified in recent years, but because a large number of former businessmen have begun to move outside the region, this is also a great opportunity for the empire. So under Chen Lu's instruction, the empire passed the legislative provisions of the capital star, and then various administrative agencies began to move out slowly.

Of course, many businessmen are still waiting and watching. If the long-distance trading fleet returns smoothly and successfully communicates with alien civilizations, more people will go into deep space.

Chen Lu had thought of this point, so the top management of the entire empire was adjusting the direction of governance during this period. Try to move a large number of people out of the capital star, especially on the route to the expedition star, which has become the construction site of a large number of real estate construction companies, and those who get nearby planets or large meteorites will directly start to build related facilities.

And those real estate companies that didn't get these started to build all-steel residential areas, and even some large companies directly dragged one from other places and placed them near the airline to build residential areas.

Of course, these real estate companies build the most commercial facilities, such as supply ports and ship repair yards. Under the propaganda of the empire, this route seems to be full of gold, which also greatly increases many jobs.

The Moon Fortress, which is the most advanced technology collection of mankind, is of course also the first bridgehead for mankind to face alien invasion. But today is its most important moment, because it is about to become a satellite of Expeditionary Star.

Originally, the lunar fortress was ready to go into orbit after it arrived at the expedition star, but the researchers found that the gravitational force of the expedition star is too strong. According to the current mass of the moon, there is no way to enter orbit. Even if it enters orbit, the moon fortress will become A big energy consumer.

And just recently, researchers composed of the empire's top scholars and warriors cracked the seal on the expedition star and succeeded.

This directly reduces the gravity on the expedition star by about half, but it also doubles the time for the expedition star to produce the vitality block. The vitality block that could be fully formed in fifty years now takes a hundred years.

However, this price must be borne, otherwise the energy consumption of Lunar Fortress for hundreds of years would be a huge amount.

Expedition Star already has billions of people here, but most of them are employees of major companies. There are less than 200 million people who really live on this planet, and many of them are employed by the Empire's agricultural department to raise Zerg, and the only job of these people is very simple, that is, to attack the Zerg brood as soon as it appears. Just kill it.

This job is not so easy to do. First of all, you need to have strong strength at least at the Martial Emperor level, and then you need to have high spiritual power, which can at least cover the entire farm.

It is also normal for the horse to stumble. In the past few years, there have been several bug swarms on the Expeditionary Star, but they were quickly suppressed in front of the powerful imperial army. There were some losses but not great.

Moreover, the empire's research on the Zerg has been relatively in-depth in recent years, so it has become much easier to monitor.

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