Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 777: The Most Concerned Thing

The terminal star, this is the frontier planet of the empire and the most prosperous planet, where the desire of human beings to go to deep space and contact other civilizations is entrusted. This place has become a paradise for the business community, and with the entry of a large number of funds and businessmen, the entire terminal star has slowly entered the stage of self-sufficiency.

This is completely independent in the current policy of the empire. You must know that with the completion of the construction and relocation of the relevant facilities and personnel of the empire, in order to better control these places, every large human gathering place will have a full support from the empire. industries, and others will be handed over to another place.

Although this approach will greatly increase the cost of goods, it can increase the connection between each gathering place and the empire a lot. As long as this situation continues, these gathering places will gradually become inseparable from the empire.

This idea and consideration is quite thoughtful, and it is still within the scope of the empire's current tolerance, so the imperial cabinet headed by Cage is fully supporting the implementation of this plan.

Of course, the terminal star is different. In order to control the entire planetary empire, not only a member of the Chen clan was dispatched as the commander-in-chief of the defense fleet, but also a member of the Chen clan was sent as the chief executive of the terminal star. In this way, all the military and government affairs are caught in the hands, which has become a default result of the terminal star.

Not only that, as the military's investment on the Expedition Star has gradually come to an end, a large amount of military funds have begun to pour into the End Star. The purpose of the military is also quite simple, that is to control the light-year star field around the terminal star, and provide early warning time for the possible outbreak of war.

Such a large-scale expansion of the empire outside the Terminus Star also caused many merchants to be dissatisfied, because they could not obtain a large amount of valuable ore under the strength of the military. Most of the ore was discovered and marked by the military. If they If you need it, you need to pay a huge price to get it.

This is also a countermeasure of the empire, but it was Chen Qiang, the Supreme Emperor, who proposed this idea. He had stayed at the terminal star for a while, and also found that the merchants had too much wealth, so he came up with this method to plunder the wealth in their hands.

There is nothing wrong with money being able to pass through the mind, especially since there are more than a hundred people who have been convicted of corruption on the Key Star side. This is also caused by the fact that the power of the starry sky cannot reach this place at all, which also puts forward high requirements for the ability of the chief executive of the terminal star.

However, in recent years, the empire's administrative system personnel have been able to form a systematic training model, so there is not a shortage of talents in this area, so after the empire has mobilized a group of elite soldiers and generals, the situation in the terminal star has gradually improved. change of direction.

"Governor Chen, according to the travel time of the long-distance trading fleet, it will be back in about a week, so I think it is possible to send troops to meet it." Deputy Governor Yang Wancheng reminded.

The direct descendants of the Yang family of Yang Wancheng's empire are also the targets of the business world's efforts to win over this time, because this family has a very complete government affairs training system and has very rich experience, which is very attractive to the business world.

And he became the vice-governor of the terminal star was also strongly recommended by the business community, in order to have his own spokesperson at the top of the terminal star. The empire doesn't care much about this, because the guns of the entire terminal star are still in the hands of the empire, and according to the agreement, those who want to go out in the business world cannot have any lethal power before the return of the first voyage fleet weapons, otherwise they will be hit hard by the imperial army.

"Old Yang, you don't have to worry about this. I have already sent the Ninth Fleet to meet you at the second jumping point. If there are no accidents, there will be news in a week." Chen Gong said with a smile.

But Yang Wancheng's smile was a little stiff, because he understood the purpose of the Ninth Fleet to go to the second jumping point. Now the empire has a total of thirteen space fleets. Among them, the first to tenth fleets are old fleets with a history of more than a hundred years, while the eleventh to thirteenth fleets are the latest ones.

For the safety of the terminal star, the imperial military directly dispatched all members of the Ninth Fleet and the Tenth Fleet, and because the space gate could not enter the battleship, the battleships of these two fleets were all newly built. Therefore, the combat effectiveness is quite strong, especially the Ninth Fleet once participated in the war with the wandering merchant Carlo, so it has rich actual combat experience.

The dispatch of the Ninth Fleet also made Yang Wancheng understand that if people like them cannot go out, they will definitely live in the shadow of the empire for the rest of their lives. And he doesn't believe that the Ninth Fleet is there to meet the long-distance trading fleet. The most likely thing is to monitor and inspect. If there is any problem, the Ninth Fleet will immediately kill everyone on the long-distance trade fleet.

Just when the two governors of Terminal Star were discussing the situation of the long-distance trading fleet, a very special person came to Terminal Star again.

"Old Wu, you can just practice hard. What's the matter with me?" Chen Qiang complained a little. He has completely left government affairs now, so he is very disgusted with many people protecting himself, but the leader of the royal dragon army He didn't wink at all, and he didn't listen to the Supreme Emperor's complaints at all, and he did whatever he wanted.

This time when Chen Qiang came out, if it weren't for his strong opposition, there would be a lot of guards, and finally Chen Lu came forward and invited Wu Wudi, the number one expert in the empire, to come to defend.

"I said the emperor, you don't have any psychological points for your own status. I am also very worried, old man. Now it's just the two of us, so don't hide anything." Wu Wudi was also a little scared by Chen Qiang's Tang monk-style nagging Yes, a rare resignation.

In fact, people feel more and more boring when they are idle, especially those who have been in high positions. They can't adapt to this kind of life after retirement.

So the current Chen Qiang will go there if he has something to do. Of course, he will not interfere with the work of the local government agencies, he just goes there with the mentality of watching the excitement.

Regardless of this time, it is different. The long-distance trading fleet not only carries the hopes of many people in the business world, but also carries the hopes of the entire empire, especially the founder of his empire, who pays great attention to this matter.

The peaceful life of these years made him slowly reflect on some things in these years, and he gradually understood that only a civilization with a solid foundation can have the opportunity to explore deep space.

However, under the leadership of Chen Qiang, human beings began to explore on a basis that was not yet fully pragmatic, which made human scientific and technological discoveries always in a deformed state, which was also a drawback of early development.

It is also the punishment of this universe for aggressiveness. In recent years, the empire has invested almost 10% of its GDP in basic scientific research, in order to lay a solid foundation. Going out to communicate with the outside world is also a way to lay a solid foundation, so Chen Qiang is very concerned about the situation of the Yuanhang trade fleet.

Brothers, I'm really sorry, it's really unreasonable for me to break the update every time I rush to the street. Now I am stuck in a kind of bottleneck. I didn’t have an outline at all when I was writing, and I slowly completed a little outline later, so now I am a little hesitant to write and communicate with outside civilizations. So those who follow this book should give up and come back when you want to read it. I will definitely finish it normally, but the time is a bit uncertain.

I will update as much as I write at that time, thank you for your support.

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