Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 778 Return

The commander of the Ninth Fleet is Tang Sheng, the first graduate of the fifth batch of the Imperial Military Command Academy, and an inspirational person who climbed from the grass roots. As the empire's control over the people became stronger and stronger, the suppression of various families was also strengthened a lot. Therefore, with the deliberate support of the empire, the former nobles and families are slowly fading out in various industries of the empire. More civilians began to rise to power.

It was precisely for this reason that Tang Sheng became the commander of the Ninth Fleet. Of course, his qualifications in participating in many wars were also an important reason for him to take this position.

"Report to the commander, the radar has found an abnormal situation, and the second jump point has fluctuations. It may be that a large fleet is shuttling." The radar ship of the Ninth Fleet reported immediately after discovering the situation.

Tang Sheng knew the purpose of his visit this time, so he directly ordered: "Start Explorer 1 immediately, and check whether the shuttle fleet is a long-distance trading fleet."

"Yes, Probe No. 1 is being activated, and it has been activated successfully." Everyone on the flagship is tense at this moment, because if the opponent is not a long-distance trading fleet, then they will face a war. The other ships have also been authorized to turn on the weapon system, and the captains are also ready to fight, and the laser cannons on the ship have begun to charge.

Probe 1 is the surveillance satellite placed by the Ninth Fleet at the second jumping point. There are nine such satellites in total. These satellites have another function, that is, if the fleet coming over is an alien fleet, these satellites will expose themselves and interfere The second jump point will completely abandon it, so that at least in a short period of time, no fleet will teleport over, and their fleet's winning rate will be higher.

The detector's signal was transmitted quickly, and everyone was relieved, because it was the long-distance trading fleet. However, to be careful, Tang Sheng still ordered: "Contact the other party immediately, and let the entire long-distance trading fleet stay in place, waiting for inspection."

The return of the fleet does not mean that the people are back. It is still necessary to be careful for the sake of human beings. However, the people on the Yuanhang Trading Fleet were not very happy, because they spent two years opening the channel for humans, but they were intercepted and inspected when they returned home.

However, Ma Yun and Ren Fei understood the empire's approach very well. They had experienced the disasters caused by the invasion of alien microorganisms, so they directly told everyone on the fleet to cooperate with the military inspection.

The inspection team of the Ninth Fleet was drawn from the Starry Sky Creatures team that specializes in the study of exotic microorganisms. As for the team leading it, it was called Wang Yutong, the daughter of Wang Wenhao and Liu Jie. He has now inherited his parents' work as an expert in the field of biology.

"Professor Wang didn't expect you to lead the team this time." After seeing the people, Ma Yun hurried over to greet them. He was actually very envious of the researchers of starry sky creatures, although they were not well-known in the scientific circles of the entire empire. Obviously, but it is true that the mainstay of scientific research in the entire empire, especially the group of researchers who entered the space biology at the beginning, is the existence of the ancestors of the biological world. So he prefers to make friends with these people, and he hugged the woman in front of him when he was a child.

"Uncle Ma, call me Yutong. Aunt Ouyang was originally leading the team this time, but the empire will not let her come here. After all, it is not good for someone over two hundred years old to come to such a dangerous place." Wang Yutong said with a smile.

"Then you are still here? To be honest, do you want to work here? I will try my best to satisfy you whatever you want." Ma Yun still couldn't help digging around.

"Uncle Ma, if you say this in front of my parents, you will definitely be thrown out again." Wang Yutong didn't answer directly, but her attitude was quite firm.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Ma Yun's face. She still couldn't figure out how Chen Qiang had such a powerful charm to tie so many people to his chariot, even if he ate chaff and swallowed vegetables, he would have no regrets.

This time, Wang Yutong brought an inspection team of nearly 3,000 people, plus various advanced instruments, to complete the inspection of all the people in the long-distance trading fleet within 24 hours. The results of the inspection made Wang Yutong, Ma Yun Renfei and Tang Sheng of the Ninth Fleet break out in cold sweat.

No one was infected, but within 24 hours, the entire inspection medical team found thousands of different microorganisms, and of course there must be more that have not been found. However, compared to the pure fear of Tang Sheng and Ma Yun, Wang Yutong is full of excitement after the fear. These microorganisms are the best research materials for researchers like them. Fewer and fewer toys they have, and with these microbes there are more toys.

Because there are too many alien microorganisms in the long-distance trade fleet, after discussion and reporting, it was decided to bring back the people of the long-distance trade fleet by the Ninth Fleet after careful inspection and elimination of the alien microorganisms. As for the goods on the fleet, It is necessary to wait for the empire to build a large-scale sterilization facility at the second jump point before entering the terminal star.

Of course, the construction of the entire process must be funded by these businessmen, and the technology is provided by the empire and responsible for the construction.

"Brother, isn't this too fast? It's not a good thing for the military and us to put the control area at the second jumping point." After Chen Jun stepped down as the commander-in-chief of the imperial army, he now Wandering around, just like Chen Qiang, this is not because he also followed after hearing that the emperor of the empire came to the end star.

Chen Qiang said with a smile: "Chen Lu did a good job. We don't want to control the second jump point and the first jump point, but just leave a buffer zone. At that time, the empire only needs to control the first jump point. , and then control the alien microorganisms to enter the terminal star."

"I heard that the Communication Research Institute seems to be preparing to experiment with cross-space gate communication again recently. I think if this experiment is successful, cross-jump point communication will not be far away by then." Wu Wudi interrupted suddenly.

Chen Jun shook his head and said: "It's unlikely, those guys almost destroyed the space gate last time, to be honest, as our research on space deepens, our fear of this world is getting bigger and bigger There are already several people from the Academy of Sciences who have started to practice Taoism or Buddhism, and some people have even started to commit suicide because of fear."

"Oh? Why don't I know these things." Chen Qiang frowned and asked.

"Xiaolu won't tell you, I'm afraid that you, a human science reinventor, will study something again, and it won't be good to seek death and life." Chen Jun said in a teasing tone.

Chen Qiang sighed and said, "Oh, our accumulation is still too little, which makes the most cutting-edge scientists have the illusion that the end of science is theology."

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