Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 779 Human Business Alliance

The Human Business Alliance was established. This is a purely commercial organization. Of course, it is like this on the terminal star. As for whether it is like this in other places, I don’t know. The purpose of the establishment of the Human Business Alliance is very simple, that is to gather all businessmen who intend to go deep into space, and use these people's human, material and financial resources to build a huge fleet for the second voyage. It is clear that it is the planet called Huth on the map traded from the Heluo tribe.

Huth, a planet on the edge of the commercial alliance's star field, is also a place where many low-level civilizations trade. As for the low-level civilizations in the central area of ​​the commercial alliance, they cannot enter at all.

"Mr. Ma, you have gained a lot from this trip." Chen Qiang did not summon Ma Yun immediately, but only summoned this person after a month. A human business alliance organization was formed.

"The emperor, to be honest, this trip was a narrow escape. We were lucky to meet the Henuo tribe on the way back." Ma Yun shook her head and smiled wryly.

"Then will you lead the team out next time?" Chen Qiang continued to ask.

"Go, even if I die on the way, I will go." Ma Yun said firmly.

After hearing this, Chen Qiang laughed, and after a while he said: "You should also have heard that the empire spent huge sums of money to build a place to absorb origin qi, and if you were asked to practice in the past, you might not go there, so I will Let the Ministry of Construction of the military build one at the second jumping point, of course, you need to pay for the materials yourself, as well as the wages of the builders."

"Thank you, my lord. With this thing, we have confidence in the future." Ma Yun immediately expressed gratitude. He understood that this thing is really important to them, and this time he was able to come back smoothly because of all the members of the fleet. Their strength has reached the level of the Martial Emperor, and everyone's body has long formed resistance to alien microorganisms, otherwise these alien microorganisms alone would be enough to wipe out their entire army.

Chen Qiang very much hopes that one day the footprints of human beings can spread all over the universe, but he thinks that this distant view cannot be seen in his lifetime. But with groups of people like Ma Yun rushing out, this goal will be achieved one day.

So he plans to build a place on the second jumping point that uses vitality to cultivate. As for the one outside the terminal star, it can also be opened. This will greatly improve the overall strength of human beings and increase the survival rate of those who go out to fight.

Chen Qiang looked at Ma Yun who kept bowing to him and hurriedly supported him: "The things you brought back this time are very good, and have solved a lot of confusion in the empire. I will leave the outside to you in the future."

"Don't worry about this, the foreign exchange of the empire will be left to us." Ma Yun said vowedly.

"Ah, by the way, a few boys from the family formed the Star Group and plan to go out together. I hope Mr. Ma can take care of it in the Human Business Alliance. They are still young and have no ability." Chen Qiang asked with a smile.

Ma Yun also knows that today is impossible to escape. The reason why he formed the Human Business Alliance in such a short period of time is that he can gather most of the business circles and quickly twist them into a rope so that when the empire mixes sand into it, there will be scruples. But what he didn't expect was that the Supreme Emperor would end in person, and the name of the newly established company was called Xingkong Group. They were the most familiar and fearful of this company.

But now there is no chance of rejection, if he says no, he may not be able to leave, so Ma Yun nodded directly: "Don't worry about this, the Human Business Alliance welcomes all companies to join."

The matter was over, and the time was short, but Ma Yun's back was wet when he left, and he knew that he had walked through the gate of hell again.

The reorganization of the Star Group is the result of the joint promotion of various families in the empire. The family mentioned here refers to the family that rose through the Star Group, and the family power behind Ma Yun and others is the old family left over from the past. Of course, there are also families that take both sides, but after these years of mutual balance and elimination, such families no longer exist.

And the empire also approved the establishment of this group, and also used the funds in the treasury to invest in a share. It can be said that the Star Group will travel to the depths of the starry sky on behalf of the interests of the empire in the future. Chen Lu also wanted to prevent the empire's road to the starry sky from being monopolized by the human business alliance, so that the entire empire would become deaf and blind, so Chen Qiang was pulled out to act as the bad guy.

The terminal star is very prosperous now, and the number of people coming and going every day is quite large. If it weren't for the limitation of the number of people sent by the space gate each time, more people would come. According to the latest statistics from the Governor's Office of the Terminus, the number of humans on the Terminus currently exceeds three billion, and there are a large number of elite talents gathered here.

But today, both ends of the space gate are in a state of blockade, because the Imperial Communication Research Institute is going to experiment with cross-space gate communication equipment, but this time there are quite a lot of people who oppose it, and some people even started to attack the experimental team If it weren't for the military to maintain order, it might have become a catastrophe long ago.

The last cross-space gate communication experiment shocked human beings, especially businessmen, who were scared to death. It directly caused the stocks and securities markets on the earth to drop by more than 10%, and trillions of star coins evaporated directly. Of course, the evaporation of these has no effect on the top management of the empire. After all, there are many bubbles in the stock and securities markets.

So they asked the empire to form an exploration team to open the passage between the expedition star and the terminal star that does not require a space gate, but it was directly rejected by the empire's research department and the military, and a research report was thrown to them.

This report is the feasibility report of the Imperial Research Institute and the military on the construction of the non-space gate passage between the expedition star and the terminal star. It turns out that the empire has already started to study this passage, and has sent the most advanced warship currently in the military. To explore, but without any results. After traveling thirteen light-years according to the research direction of the Academy of Sciences, the exploration fleet never continued, because this is the farthest distance humans can explore so far.

Therefore, the military and the Academy of Sciences have come to the final conclusion that it is possible for humans to open up this channel after a thousand years of discovery. Of course, this is the case when everything goes well.

However, with the research of space gates, humans have gradually begun to develop this kind of thing, and it can be used within a range of hundreds of kilometers. Of course, this distance is a bit tasteless, but it can still be used in some special cases.

As for the company that developed this usage, it is a transportation company, or a courier company. They are conducting research on this space gate, hoping to be able to send them to different places through a space gate after research.

This idea is good, but technically it is still a bit difficult. Of course, as long as there is continued capital investment, research will always come out, because of the pioneering use of this company, other companies have also begun to set up their own research departments for space gates.

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