Super Black Technology

Chapter 608: Battle of Rise (Part 2)

China. Zhongnanhai.

"Grandpa Chairman, I'm going to Pluto too, I'm going too!"

Wang Xinyue bounced to the chairman's office, pestering the chairman's grandfather.

Hearing this, the chairman patted the little guy on the head kindly: "You are still a child, and the task of a child is to study and play! Old Liu, you come in and take Xiao Xinyue to continue playing "Human Civilization"!"

"Yes, Chairman!"

A staff member entered the room, coaxed and persuaded, and finally got the little guy away.

Although the order of the Military Commission was to recruit tens of thousands of humanoid weapons in Hangzhou, under this order, there were some exceptions, that is - underage children.

No matter how powerful they are, it is impossible for the country to send children to the battlefield.

Children are the future of the country, the future of the nation!

Human beings have not yet reached that point of despair, and neither has China.



In the heavily guarded space gate of the Moon and Nether, the azure water curtain is spinning rapidly.

Endless particles were transported across space, and recombined into Asian men.

They are humanoid weapons from Hangzhou, China.

"Major General Zhang, Pluto welcomes you!"

The generals from the five countries came to greet them collectively and shook hands with the former mayor of Hangzhou and the current major general of the army.

"Major General Zhang, the military affairs are urgent. I won't gossip about other gossip. At present, the swarm has captured 7 sub-bases, and the number has skyrocketed to about 2 million. We hope you can kill all these swarms."

Major General Zhang nodded: "Okay, Chief!"

"Do you need any equipment? Except for battleships and mechs, Pluto can provide you with all other equipment. Including nuclear bombs!"

Hearing this, Major General Zhang shook his head: "No need! We have brought enough equipment!"

As soon as these words came out, the generals were taken aback.

Did you bring your equipment? Why didn't we see it? Where?

"In the space bracelet!" Major General Zhang opened his sleeves, and lit up a metal bracelet on his wrist, "There are 2 life fruits in it! This is our equipment!"

"Don't you need machine guns and shells?"

"No, no need! Our body is the best weapon!"

As the sound fell, sharp bone claws stretched out from Major General Zhang's hands, and the dark bone armor instantly covered Major General Zhang's whole body...

Under the astonished eyes of the multi-national generals on Pluto, Major General Zhang roared up to the sky, and his loud voice resounded through the sky and the earth.

As the roar fell, the 500,000 human-shaped weapons that had arrived earlier jumped up in an instant, rushing frantically towards the battlefield ahead.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

The earth was shaking, and a series of afterimages appeared in the sight of human beings.

What a terrifying power that is, and what an astonishing speed it is, faster than the flying speeds of fighter jets in active service in various countries.

"Chinese Second Artillery Corps, Russian Rocket Corps, British Royal Air Force, provide them with fire support!"

"Yes, sir!"


Pluto. southwest orientation.

The Zerg marines all over the mountains and plains ushered in a big enemy.

500,000 human-shaped weapons rushed from a distance, like a black tide, rushing fiercely towards the swarm of insects...

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

In front of the swarm, countless puppy soldiers were knocked into the air, and their bodies were instantly torn apart by the huge force.

"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!"...

The bone claws were like knives, slashing across Red Snake's head. The head broke immediately, and endless green blood sprayed out.


After monitoring this scene, the alien commander in the swarm was stunned.

Fuck, isn't this our cutting-edge bio-modification technology? How come this indigenous civilization also exists?

what happened?

At this moment, the alien commander felt that he was going crazy, and it roared instantly.

Death order issued!

The red snakes in the swarm gathered quickly and formed groups. The densely packed Red Snake Army began to spit out biological acid, forming a terrifying firepower network in front of them, preventing the humanoid weapons from advancing.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

Ahead, smoke rose from the bodies of countless humanoid weapons, the bone armor was pierced by the terrible acid, and the arms were melted off...

In an instant, a celebrity weapon fell on the battlefield.

At this critical moment, with the last chance of life, the fallen humanoid weapon opened the space bracelet. One after another, the miraculous fruits of life flew out of the portable space and submerged into their bodies.

The surging creatures can produce effects instantly...

The concentrated acid was removed, the body recovered, and the dark and strong bone armor once again covered the bodies of the humanoid weapons.

The humanoid weapon that fell to the ground jumped up, facing the firepower net of the Red Snake, and rushed in abruptly.




The terrifying humanoid weapons are like tigers like a flock of sheep, launching a frenzied massacre.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of red snakes were all killed.

The Zerg are retreating steadily!

Seeing this scene, the alien commander was about to cry, really about to cry.

The long-distance legion is completely destroyed by the heavy warriors.

What is going on with this indigenous civilization? How could they have our cutting-edge bio-modification technology? And what are those radiant fruits? How to bring the enemy soldiers back to life?

Could it be... the legendary fruit of life?

Damn, how can you fight like this? !

withdraw! retreat!

The alien commander roared to the sky, and with the order to retreat, the remaining insect soldiers immediately dispersed and rushed in all directions.

They want to avoid these terrifying humanoid weapons and attack the weakly defended sub-bases of the natives.

As long as you give me seven days, I can hatch more advanced units, even the king of Zerg land warfare-mammoth (level 6 units).

At that time, these humanoid biological soldiers are all scum.

At that time, all bases on this planet will be destroyed by me. Without logistics, our Dragon Fleet will surely win the final victory.

This is the strategy of the Alien Commander!

It wants to delay time!


Alien Commander's idea is good, but the reality is cruel!

At this moment, the roar of the engine sounded in the sky.

Dense fighter planes came from all directions, dropping hot incendiary bombs.

Not only that, countless groups of Terran missiles fell from space, covering the entire battlefield...




Pluto vibrated, huge balls of fire rose from the earth, and the blazing fire stretched for hundreds of miles...

Two million bug corps destroyed!

At the last moment of death, the Alien Commander recorded the battle situation and transmitted it to the Dragon Commander 500,000 kilometers away with biological waves.

After receiving the information, the Flying Dragon Commander, who was commanding the fleet, was taken aback.

Are there humanoid weapons on Pluto? What about other planets?

Thinking of this, Commander Feilong once again had a choice. A biological electric wave is sent out instantly...

Following this order, the endless pathfinder larvae left the swarm and flew towards the rear of Pluto.

"Stop them! Planetary gun, stop them!"


The antimatter planetary cannon sounded again, and bright suns rose in the interstellar space.

However, the number of these pathfinder larvae is simply too much.

Even if the planetary cannons fired without stopping, they couldn't stop them from moving forward.

The Pathfinder larvae spread out and flew towards Mars, Venus, Jupiter... and even the Earth at super speed.

Just then, suddenly!

A bright light rises from the moon, then cuts through the starry sky, shockingly descends...

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