Super Black Technology

Chapter 609 Assassination of the Flying Dragon King

The bright light passed over their bodies at a speed hundreds and thousands of times faster than that of the Pathfinder larvae.

boom! boom! boom!

Pathfinder larvae exploded one by one, and in an instant, all Pathfinder worms that crossed Pluto's defense line died.

The human god Ike has made a move!

He must prevent the Zerg "scouts" from crossing the line of defense, because the human base camp - the earth is extremely empty. Once this information is learned by the flying dragons, they will definitely open the wormhole again and attack the human base camp.

If an infestor or xenomorph had fallen to Earth, the battle would have been entirely unnecessary.


The earth is full of ordinary people without power, and the elite troops of the human race are all outside the earth!

To be honest, without the existence of Ike, the people on earth would not dare to make such a desperate arrangement of troops.

In the multiverse, every civilization facing the Zerg basically loses the battle once the Zerg invades the central galaxy.

Playing Star Wars in your own home, once the game is over, no matter what the outcome is, your home will be finished.

Even if it is victory, it is equal to defeat!

Fortunately, the current earth has just developed into an interstellar civilization, and has not yet migrated its population to the seven planets of the solar system. Otherwise, based on the previous airdrop tactics of the Zerg, as long as it falls into the crowd of creatures, Pluto will definitely be destroyed.

The more biological resources, the faster the Zerg hatches. Once hatched by them to form a 6th-level unit - the giant mammoth...

Even if tens of thousands of humanoid weapons came, they would all be dead.

That is the king of land warfare of the Zerg, even a nuclear bomb may not be able to kill him!


At this time, seeing the Pathfinder bugs that crossed the defense line explode one after another, cheers immediately erupted in the Pluto main base.

"It's our Master Ike who made the move!"

"The Great God is helping us!"

"He didn't give up on Pluto!"

Accompanied by bursts of cheers, a voice of the soul came across the starry sky, and directly rang in the hearts of the generals of the five kingdoms.

"Generals, Pluto must hold off the flying dragon advance force for at least seven days!"

The generals of the five countries were very embarrassed when they received the telepathy.

"Little prodigy, we have too few troops, we can't last seven days at all!"

"Follow-up reinforcements from various countries are coming, and the Transformers Legion of the mechanical family will also arrive at Pluto tomorrow morning to join the battle! Remember, resist for at least seven days!"

"Yes, little prodigy!"

After getting the reply, Ike's consciousness left.

Accompanied by its departure, the bright light in the starry sky was instantly extinguished and disappeared.

"Order: The battleship that has rested will launch into the air immediately!"

"Order: Rotate the existing mecha soldiers, reserve mecha soldiers immediately enter the barracks, and control the mechas to fight!"

"Order: The humanoid weapons are scattered to each sub-base, in case the Zerg launch another alien attack on our sub-base!"

"Yes, General!"

With the military order issued from the main base, new battleships and mechas were launched into the air again, and were transported towards the 500,000-kilometer battlefield.

Time passed quickly, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.


On Pluto, the space portals rotated a blue water curtain.

A human army and Transformers Legion are transmitted from the moon, from Jupiter, and from the major planets in the solar system...

Not only that, behind Pluto, ripples appeared in the starry sky.

A moment later, hundreds of thousands of pumpkin warships came through the air, and immediately joined the battlefield...


The follow-up fleets of various countries are coming!

The Transformers are here too!

The Pluto line of defense, which was originally crumbling, was stabilized again because of the addition of new forces.

The war continues...


Moon. Governor's Palace.

From the day he guided the evolutionists to practice, until now, Ike has not slept for almost 10 days.

He can't sleep!

He must monitor the solar system at all times to prevent the Zerg from raiding the rear.

Similarly, in Ike's sea of ​​souls, the light ball Cross is also shining brightly all the time.

It is manipulating the "Dark Light Particles" and closely monitoring the follow-up main force of the Zerg.

The main force of 9 billion flying dragons is coming!

"Boom boom boom!" "Boom boom boom!"...

There was a knock on the door of the guest room.

"What's up?!"

Ike didn't get up, and asked directly.

"Mr. Ike, representatives from various countries on Earth are here, please go to the study to discuss the situation ahead!"

"No, let them discuss it themselves! I don't have time!"

What? Do not have time?

Moulton was taken aback.

God, what the hell is Ike doing? How come you are so busy that you don't even have time to go to the study to talk about military affairs?

In the midst of Moulton's extraordinarily puzzled thoughts, at this moment, a serious voice suddenly sounded in the bedroom and spread outside the door.

"I'm assassinate the 'Flying Dragon King'!"

What? !


Something happened, something happened! Come on, come on, our little national treasure has gone crazy again!

Moulton yelled and ran towards the governor's office.

After a while, Hughes came in a hurry, the representative of the White House of the United States came, the representative of the Communist Party of China came, and the generals sent by the Pumpkin Alliance to the moon came...

"Little Ike, think twice, don't do stupid things!"

"Little Ike, you already have a family and a daughter, so don't take it too hard!"

"Little Ike, your sister Alice is still waiting for you on Earth, you have to think clearly!"...

As soon as these words of advice came out, Ike was so angry that he almost vomited blood and died.

What do you mean don't do stupid things?

What do you mean by being overwhelmed?

please! Is that why you don't believe me?

Ike opened the door angrily, glaring at the representatives of these nonsense countries.

"No more persuasion, I've made up my mind!"

After finishing speaking, the door of the bedroom was closed again with a bang.

Everyone looked at each other, unable to say anything.

More than 10 minutes later, a series of calls came from the earth, to Moulton's mobile phone, to Hughes' mobile phone...

"I'm President Trump, put Ike on the phone!"

"I'm British Prime Minister Cameron, please answer the phone, Little Ike!"

"Mr. Moulton, I'm Alice, where is Brother Watermelon?"

"Mr. Moulton, I'm Chu Yun'er. Little Annie wants to hear his father's voice. Can you let him answer the phone?"

Faced with so many calls, Moulton was about to cry.

"I'm sorry, ma'am! Mr. Ike has shut the door so tightly that no one can get in!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Alice, but we can't persuade him! He's made up his mind!"

Upon receiving such a reply, the hostesses of the two luxurious manors on Earth burst into tears on the spot.

In the White House, US President Trump was even more furious.

"Hughes, stop him, stop him at all costs. Don't let him leave the governor's mansion for half a step!"


Accompanied by this order, the Moon City Guards came from the central city area and surrounded the entire Governor's Mansion tightly.

However, all this is in vain.

Ike won't leave the governor's mansion, at least not the main body. but……

What about his consciousness?


Under the anxious attention of the dignitaries of various countries, under the strict defense of the Moon City Guard, time passed quickly.

5 days later, December 25, 2018 AD.

Christmas, Ike's birthday.

On this day, the huge metal electronic sound pierced Ike's soul:

"Ike natives, they are here! Coordinates: Mercury True North Star Field - 3 million kilometers."

What? Didn't they come from the direction of Pluto?

"Yes, they entered the solar system from the opposite direction!"

"Okay! It's treacherous enough. Fortunately, I didn't pile up all my troops on Pluto!"

As the voice fell, surging consciousness suddenly gushed out of Ike's body, and a moment later, a dark green light and shadow appeared.

It is Ike's consciousness - the seventh-level Star Wars master.

"Ike" waved his hand, and a green light suddenly appeared, forming a light door in the bedroom.

With the belief of winning, "Ike" strode into the light gate, and then disappeared...

Dragon King, I'm here!


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