Super Craftsman

Chapter 447: Poverty is not your fault (below)

Guo Tailai stunned, Lin Jiayi and Chu Fei also stunned. Which country's poor boy? Who is this talking about?

An angry color flashed away in Guo Tailai's eyes. This guy actually said that China is a casual country? Can't look down on my country?

Seeing the anger in Guo Tailai's gaze, the successful white man showed a slight sneer and sneaked over Guo Tailai's body.

The movement is very obvious. Even Guo Tailai couldn't help but look down on his body and look at his own clothes. Is there anything wrong with his own dress?

Chu Fei personally designed and found the best tailors in the country to use the best materials to hand-made down jackets, pants are also the same, even the shoes are also handmade by the famous, this set down, according to Lin Jiayi's calculation, cheaper also get RMB Tens of thousands of pieces! This is not the design fee of Chu Fei. From where can I see that I am a poor boy? Mo

No, is it because there are no trademarks on these clothes? Or is this guy's impression of China? Chu

Philippine alone gave Guo Tailai customized clothes, of course, there is no trademark. That is exclusive to Guo Tailai. Moreover, when Guo Tailai wore ordinary clothes, he felt that there was a trademark on the back of the collar that was quite uncomfortable. Chu Fei gave Guo Tailai clothes. The first principle is that Guo Tailai is comfortable to wear, and secondly it is good-looking, so there is no trademark at all. Is it because of this?

“Need me to take you in to visit?” The successful white man looked at Guo Tailai very well and enjoyed the feeling of being superior, then his eyes turned to Lin Jiayi and Chu Fei. Two

Even if the woman is in the winter, the graceful figure still attracts a lot of attention. At least the successful people in front of him are deeply attracted, otherwise he will not deliberately devalue or even insult Guo Tailai, in order to get Lin Jiayi's favor. Between people and people, in fact, the most fear of contrast, even if Guo Tailai is a beautiful Lin Jiayi companion, but when she can clearly see the insurmountable gap between herself and the fat man, will she still insist on being friends with him? ?

A brand without a brand of goods, to the official union of Switzerland Union Bank is not a formal, is a Chinese, bullying and bullying, the Chinese people he has seen is not always like this? If you are bullied, you will not say a word, you will not resist, but you will bear it silently. Do you not bully them who bully? "

Maybe it's a good idea. Guo Tailai squeezed a smile on his face and gently waved his hand behind him, stopping several security guards from relying on the action. He found that this guy only recognized the clothes and did not recognize people. Guo Tailai also had some funny things. Anyway, there is a bank service for appointment. Yes, it’s a good time to pass the time with this guy."

a wise decision. "The white man succeeded and smiled very happily. His eyes fell on Lin Jiayi's face again. His eyes flashed with excitement, because he saw Lin Jiayi seem to have such a very surprised expression. Lin

Jiayi had a helpless look at Guo Tailai, Guo Tailai rushed her to pick an eyebrow, and the next Chu Fei was afraid of the excitement of the world, as if they wanted to see the next wonderful, can only squeeze a smile without speech. Successful male for whites. "

My name is Dean. "White successful men finally have the opportunity to introduce themselves: "The Frenchman, opened an Internet company in Paris. As you know, although it is the winter of Nasdaq, our company has performed very well. I am here for a holiday, and I accept some personal wealth management services. ”

Dean’s simple words seem to reveal his own advantages in a self-introduction. The Frenchman, working and living in Paris, high-quality it male, high-tech career, and economic ability is very good, otherwise Will not come to UBS to do private financial management.

"Please come with me!" Dean made a gesture of grace, and it seemed that the gentleman was leading the way: "The service here basically needs an appointment, and few people temporarily line up. So, you want to come. I am afraid that I can only look at the hall at most."

The door is a large cloud court. It is a real cloud court. The top of the hall runs through the entire building, but below it is a piece of cloud-like decoration. There are some seats in the hall, and some people sit and wait in the seat. "

The open office area on the first floor is an area of ​​general service. Dean rushed to everyone, of course, mainly Lin Jiayi said: "Go to the initial level of deposit and withdrawal services. On this side, it is a wealth management service. The standard for receiving services here is that the assets in the account here exceed one million dollars. You know, it took me only three years from graduation to earning a million dollars. ”

As he said, Dean proudly extended three fingers, not forgetting to suppress Guo Tailai: "If it is in China, I am afraid you will not earn so much money in your life?"

"That's not necessarily. Maybe you can?" Guo Tailai replied very silently, next to Chu Fei is a heartless smile. After coming in, she pulled the zipper of the down jacket. The supermodel's general body attracted Dean's belly. How could this fat man attract a woman of such good size?

"The hope of embarrassment is equal to impossible." Dean shook his head and simply refuted Guo Tailai's luck: "The service area on the second floor has a separate reception office, which is for customers with more than five million dollars in assets. Of course. This is not a big deal in Switzerland. I made an appointment today on the second floor."

"What about the higher floor?" Chu Fei interjected and asked. "

There are no special regulations. Dean smiled: "In general, the two-tier service area is enough. Real big customers will have exclusive senior account managers to serve them, but that will require at least $10 million in assets. Of course, the higher the floor, the higher the service level. "Big

In the hall, I saw it briefly. Dean walked up the escalator to the second floor. Immediately, a beautiful reception customer service station wearing an ol uniform came up and greeted him: "Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes." Dean replied gracefully. "My name is Dean. I made an appointment for ten."

Ok, Mr. Dean. "The pretty female customer service queried on the computer in front of her, and smiled at Dean politely. "I found your appointment, please sit down, please wait a moment, there is one in front, and I will be there soon. ”

"You can also sit here, wait for me to finish my business, I can take you around to see." Dean rushed to the customer service and smiled and yelled at Guo Tai. Guo

What Tailai was trying to say, Lin Jiayi’s phone rang, and Lin Jiayi picked up the phone and listened to two sentences. She immediately said: “My boss and I are on the second floor.”

After the phone call, in less than twenty seconds, a middle-aged man in a suit and a suit came out of the elevator. He came here and saw Guo Tailai at a glance. Far away, Guo Tailai reached out and smiled with great sincerity on his face: "Mr. G, Swiss Union Bank welcomes you, I am Luca, Vice President of Geneva, please come with me to my top floor. The office is very detailed and I am very honored to serve you."

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