Super Craftsman

Chapter 448: Cooperation with UBS (on)

Vice-President Luca can certainly recognize Guo Tailai at a glance, because Lin Jiayi had known the identity of the customer when he made an appointment. Huaxia, male, and the second floor, now only Guo Tailai, a yellow man, even if he has never seen Guo Tailai’s photo. It should also be able to see at a glance. more

What's more, UBS has already had a certain understanding of Guo Tailai. Vice President Luca has a clear picture of Guo Tailai's just when she was obese. Love

He is one of the top three hundred-year-old stores in the top ten watches, and taylor g is a rising star in the watch industry. Both watch companies are all Swiss, and they are all in the valley. As a new shareholder of Audemars Piguet, the major shareholder of the subsidiary brand taylor g, how can Swiss Union Bank not pay attention?

These two titles are worthy of the direct cooperation of the big client department of UBS. This is not a shareholder of Guo Tailai or ac Milan club, a shareholder of Pagani, and a true master of technology, world-renowned, UBS If Guo Tailai didn't know it, it would be too late.

Mrt, the creator of the leaders of the two great powers, he gave the car industry a redefinition of the letter t. The single letter t is now used by the entire car industry only for Guo Tailai. Other manufacturers completely abide by it. This rule, this is a silent reverence for the true master of manufacturing. It is said that the super-super sports car of Lamborghini, which was the most powerful in the past few days, is the work of Guo Tailai. Or, at UBS, it is definitely Guo Tailai's work. most

Most importantly, the biggest competitor of UBS's current top-end customer service Platinum card is the centurion black gold card of American Express Bank. The one who knows the most about himself is definitely the enemy. If Swiss Union Bank does not even know the top-end beauty service of the current Centurion Club, they can surrender at the door of the door from top to bottom.

Who provides the highest-end beauty service? Guo Tailai! This kind of super-customer who has both money and identity and out-of-print resources can't be pulled into the Platinum Club of UBS, it is a crime! Place

Therefore, when Lin Jiayi made an appointment here, he immediately alerted the top of the Swiss Union Bank. To this end, the high-level meeting also held a special meeting to discuss the service for Guo Tailai. The vice president of the division was only the initial reception. That is, Lin Jiayi’s appointment last afternoon was relatively late. The senior headquarters of the headquarters worked overtime. Now the current president of the Zurich headquarters is already rushing. The way to come. Next to

The Frenchman Dean stunned and watched the man, who was known as the vice president, as if he were facing the king. His face was sincerely revealing the standard courtesy of eight teeth, and he was far away from Guo Tailai’s initiative to shake hands. The look of being mean and kneeling, can’t help but be amazed. What is going on?

This fat man who came from China to share the goods, is actually not the service of the ordinary dedicated account manager, but the reception of the top floor office of the vice president of the branch? A $10 million asset is eligible for exclusive account manager services, so how much does the asset have to meet the reception of the vice president? One billion? five billion?

"Mr. Mr., the current president of our bank headquarters is already on the way from Zurich, he will personally provide services for you." Dean’s mind just flashed the idea, and the vice president of Luca directly let Dean almost The ground fell a bit. The current president of UBS is on the way. What the hell? Guo

Mr. Tai Lai politely and Mr. Luca shook hands and was about to go upstairs with him. He suddenly remembered something. He turned to Dean and asked, "Mr. Dean, do you want to go up and visit together?"

"No!" Dean barely squeezed out a smile and waved at Guo Tailai: "Thank you, Mr. G, it will be my turn soon."

Unconsciously, Dean also referred to Guo Tailai as Mr. G with the vice president of Luca, and the tone became the same respect. How can the super-premier customers who can let the president of UBS personally come to the reception, how can they think that they are just a poor boy from China? Now

Thinking of what he said at the bank door and Guo Tai, Dean had no choice but to be self-confident. In the face of a super rich who may have at least several billions of dollars in his own home, he actually said in front of him with a scornful tone that "Poverty is not your fault in Switzerland"? day

where! Dean lowered his head and hated that there was a seam on the floor of this sturdy bank building. He got into it.

"Your friend?" Vice President Luca asked more. "

We just met. Guo Tailai nodded with a smile: "At the bank door. ”

"I will arrange the service for this gentleman right away." Vice-President Luca understood the meaning of Guo Tailai, and said that he immediately told the beautiful customer service next to him.

"Okay!" The beautiful customer service hurriedly promised, and then made a gesture to Dean: "Sir, please come with me!"

“Thank you!” Dean rushed to Guo Tailai to make a smile. After thanking, he quickly left with the beautiful customer service. He can stand in front of Guo Tailai without a face, it is too shameful!

Now think about it, Guo Tailai's clothes don't have a trademark, but there are very few folds, which is a very high-quality material. It can only be said that this may be the private high-handedness of the best tailors who hand-sewn the best tailors. How do you blink your eyes and think that it is a stall? And even if Guo Tailai is a local seller, the same model that Guo Tailai is wearing a couple-style supermodel is the same cloth. Is it possible to spread the goods? people

It’s all afterwards, and Dean is now dying to die. Nothing has actually offended such a big rich man at the bank door, which is troublesome. I hope Guo Tailai has a large number of adults and will not find him trouble! I can only look forward to it! Guo

Tailai did not put this Mr. Dean at all. Following the vice president of Luca, the three people took the exclusive elevator to the top floor and sat down in the office of Luca's vice president. The beautiful secretary sent the coffee. "

Sorry, Mr. G, today our branch president is just on a business trip, otherwise it should be his reception. Vice-President Luca felt very honored to explain to Guo Tailai: "This gives me the opportunity to receive you first, very honored! ”

Guo Tailai also politely expressed his gratitude. Then Mr. Luca talked about business. "

Miss Lin’s business scheduled for yesterday, I have already handled it in advance. Luka’s vice president first talked with Lin Jiayi about the official business: “The transfer of Lamborghini has been confirmed, and the total amount is 400 million US dollars. You can use it at any time. ”

The reason why UBS can determine that Lamborghini's super sports car is related to Guo Tailai, this transfer is also the key evidence. This cash alone is enough for UBS to pay attention to Guo Tailai. How many of the world’s richest people can take out $400 million in cash at a time? What's more, Guo Tailai is still here!

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