Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2060: Come to Asgard, exchange

It is hard to say whether Malekis, who has survived from Bor's time to the present, will be resurrected or not.

Asgard's side is just trying to prevent it, and everything else depends on luck.

Luke was able to confirm that Malekis himself was really dead.

But whether the top boss will come to a clone resurrection, or a show operation such as clone regeneration, he can not guarantee.

Besides, how Asgard wanted to deal with it had nothing to do with the earth, so he didn't need to worry about it anyway.

Sitting on the Rainbow Bridge is a wonderful thing.

This is especially true for people like Luke who are very knowledgeable, superpowers, and physical.

Some materials originally only obtained from Thor, but finally have personal experience, and can even see more secrets.

The transmission of the Rainbow Bridge is not static, nor is it completed in an instant.

People can even perform a certain degree of action inside, but too much power will cause the effect of "falling" out of the bridge.

Only heaven knows where the person who "falls" will fly to in the universe.

Therefore, the white wolf clone passed the teleportation process quietly and came to Asgard.

He lightly tapped on the ground a few times, and after releasing the momentum when he came out, he stood firm.

In front of me is a magnificent vaulted building.

There is nothing in the wide hall, only various fast-rotating golden gears on the walls and a two-story circular table in the middle of the hall.

A flashing yellow cylinder protruded from the center of the small platform, with a gorgeous giant sword inserted on it, held in both hands by a non-chief man wearing golden armor.

Seeing the three arrived, the non-chief giant raised the giant sword, interrupted the energy supply of the Rainbow Bridge, and then inserted the giant sword back into the column.

Then, his eyes looked at the white wolf clone.

The giant man's pupils are yellow, but the center is two black points, which looks a little strange.

The White Wolf clone felt a sense of peeping past her body, but just as if she didn't know.

Because this non-chiefman is Heimdall, he controls the Asgard entrance and exit of the Rainbow Bridge and can monitor the "gatekeeper" in any corner of the universe.

Well, he can't actually monitor any part of the universe.

First of all, the person who controls the Infinite Gems can block this peeping, and the others with powerful powers, such as the ancient masters and dark elves, can certainly not be monitored.

Second, being able to monitor and monitoring at any time are two different things.

Just like Luke's good neighbor attorney Ma Xiaohong in the Clinton district, attorney Ma's monitoring range is almost half of New York, but his brain can't handle the sounds that are pouring into half of the city at the same time.

Moreover, Judging from Thor's performance, Heimdall obviously does not know the incarnation of Luke into the Justice League.

The prince did not have that city.

Think about it too, where did Heimdall stare at those people on earth every day.

At most, take the time to see Dr. Jane and report to Thor that he is safe. The Avengers and the Bat squad have no need to watch.

The Earth had fought the Zetaru once before, and it was a touch with "Star Wars".

Will the big American intelligence agencies stare at a few fighters in a certain country in Africa? Obviously not.

But this time the earth side eliminated the dark elves, and it should have received more attention.

But Luke had just determined that Heimdall's peeping would give him a slight but unique sense of crisis.

Obviously, Heimdall, who controls the Rainbow Bridge, is a fatal threat to Luke and will stimulate his death prediction ability.

With this ability to be on guard, he is not afraid of being caught too much by Heimdall.

Thor nodded to Heimdall, and then just said to the white wolf "follow up", he picked up the hammer and flew up with the storage box containing the ether particles.

The White Wolf clone started the armor to keep up, pretending to look curiously at the surrounding scenery.

In fact, the avatar of Beidou has been here for some time.

It's just that now he can only watch the Asgard guards walking around in the cell, as well as the strange aliens in the surrounding cells-Thor is busy getting the ether particles back, before he can be released.

Luke wasn't angry either.

Because he saw Fandral in the cell diagonally opposite.

Like the bearded Vostag, this is also one of the three warriors of the palace, Thor's **** general.

Thor just said on the other side of the earth that this man stunned the guards and grabbed the flying boat in order to help him escape from Asgard.

Asgard was attacked by the dark elves, and the casualties were not small, including the death of the queen and the second public.

Therefore, the elder prince’s **** subordinates must also be locked up for violations. The Beidou clone, an "outsider", is a dangerous factor. Of course, they should not be left outside.

The White Wolf clone who had just arrived was not much better, and Thor was placed in the barracks outside the Golden Palace, the core of Asgard, surrounded by Asgardian guards staring at him.

This is not Thor's order, but he himself left Asgard "privately".

He was not caught by the guards because he was already the only prince, but don't even want to bring an outsider into the Golden Palace.

Fortunately, after half a day, Thor released both clones.

However, the face of the prince was not so good, and he walked towards the Rainbow Bridge with two clones.

The Beidou clone sensed his abnormal emotions and asked, "Tor, where are we going?"

Thor casually said: "I will send you out of Asgard first. There have been many situations in the city this time, and my father said that I can't keep you here."

The Beidou clone raised an eyebrow and stopped: "Wait, Thor."

Thor walked a few steps before realizing that something was wrong, turning his head and looking, "What's the matter?"

The Beidou clone pointed to the White Wolf clone and himself: "We destroyed the Dark Elf fleet, killed Malekis, and got the ether particles back, right?"

Thor didn't care: "I'm also in the war."

The Beidou clone stretched out its index finger and shook it gently: "No, no, Thor, you have to figure out one thing-the ether particles are our trophies."

Thor opened his mouth, only to find that he was speechless.

The dark elves attacked Greenwich, it can be said that the earth people must fight, he can be regarded as helping.

But Thor didn't know how Malkis died. UU Reading didn't hurt the other party seriously. He really didn't have any credit for getting the ether particles back.

Beidou said that the ether particles are the trophies of the bat squad, and they are indeed fine.

He could only speak subconsciously: "The Infinite Gems are dangerous goods and cannot be kept on the earth..."

The Beidou clone interrupted him: "But Asgard can't store two Infinite Gems at the same time, right?"

Thor was stunned and lost his voice: "How do you know?"

The Beidou clone waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. The important thing is to kill Malekis and take back the etheric particles, which proves that we have the ability to preserve infinite gems."

Thor was surprised: "No, the etheric particles can only be handled by us."

The Beidou clone smiled: "Of course. But I want to get back the Cosmos Rubik's Cube."

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