Thor subconsciously refused again: "No, it's also an infinite gem... Uh, wait, why did you take it away?"

You know, at first, Beidou snatched Loki's Scepter and the Universe Rubik's Cube, and finally Thor took the Rubik's Cube.

Why does he want to return the Rubik's Cube now?

Beidou clone's face was pale: "Because Asgard was touched by the dark elf into the Golden Palace, attacked the dungeon, and took away the etheric particles."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Thor, and said word by word: "We took back the etheric particles, and brought Asgard back in exchange, not as a gift. After all, you have proven with facts that there is no guarantee of infinity. The safety of gems."

Thor was said to be very depressed, thinking for a while, and still shook his head: "When you kept the Cube of the Universe, you also attracted the Qitarians..."

The Beidou clone interrupted unceremoniously: "That was the trouble Loki caused, and we took it back."

Thor is dying: "I also joined the war..."

Beidou clone: ​​"That's why you can take away Loki, the war criminal who killed tens of thousands of people, and take the Cube of the Universe."

Thor was completely speechless.

The Greenwich War is different from the New York War.

No matter how bad the New York war is, it is at best bad luck for the earth.

Even if it was Loki's sin, Thor's righteousness to arrest his adopted brother is really helping the earth, and he is a well-deserved main force.

After the war he took half of the spoils, or even a little more, not too much.

The Greenwich War was different.

Malekis wants to destroy the nine kingdoms, and Asgard is among them.

Thor was fighting to save his own home, and the earth owed him nothing.

The ether particles were taken back by the white wolf clone, and Thor's contribution in it was very small.

Of course, this is not the point.

The real point is that the Beidou clone proposed that Asgard cannot guarantee the safety of Infinite Gems.

The Asgard buildings destroyed by the dark elves have not been repaired yet, and His Royal Highness really has the courage to deny this statement.

It is precisely because Asgard has had problems with hard power, so he has to start to speak a little "reason".

It's a pity that the truth this time is also not on Asgard's side.

And the Beidou clone also pointed out the key-Asgard would not store two infinite gems at the same time.

In other words, even if you get the ether particles, Asgard will send them to other places, which is thankless.

Thor's mind turned for a while, and suddenly a flash of inspiration: "No, so there will be two infinite gems on the earth, and it will be unsafe."

The Beidou clone's face is subtle: "Are you...sure that the two gems are not safe on earth?"

Seeing his expression, Thor also doubted himself: "That, it should be."

The Beidou clone shook his head simply: "You are wrong. Since your father put the Cube of the Universe on the earth, there have been two infinite gems on the earth until you took the Cube of the Universe."

Thor: "It's impossible!"

Beidou clone waved his hand: "Listen to me."

"Oh." Thor grievedly shut up.

Beidou clone: ​​"You are talking about the soul gem on the head of Vision, but I will figure out a way to remove it from the gold nugget."

Thor was surprised: "What?"

That's an infinite gem! And it's the source of most of the power of the illusion. Does this guy want to kill the illusion?

The Beidou clone was too lazy to warn him any more, and said directly: "Even Asgard puts infinite gems in the most advanced treasure house, who will wander around on his forehead?"

Thor snorted, thinking it made sense.

Beidou avatar: "So, let Vision take it down earlier, it's better than being killed and grabbing gems. Naturally, you will take care of the removed gems."

Isn't this operation just adding trouble? Thor was at a loss: "Why?"

Handing over ether particles and spiritual gems is enough to prove that Beidou is not a greedy gem, but it is also difficult to understand why he insists on the universe's Rubik's Cube.

The Beidou clone looked indifferent: "Because I don't want others to get it, come as they want on earth, and leave as they want."

Thor is even more puzzled: "Can our Rainbow Bridge also do it?"

The Beidou clone glanced at him: "I also want to try to feel free to come and go from the enemy."

Thor couldn't help but understand the logic of Beidou's gem-changing behavior: Nima, it sounds so good, isn't it because you are used to stabbing a knife in the back of others!

A guy who likes to violently kill people, of course, prefers the space artifact like the universe cube.

When the Beidou suddenly got close during the war, even Malekis, who was protected by ether particles, suffered a great loss, and other enemies would only be worse off.

In fact, this is indeed one of the important reasons why Luke asked for the Universe Rubik's Cube.

To understand this, Thor nodded and agreed: "Then you wait for me here first, and I will give you an answer after discussing with my father."

After speaking, he flew back with his hammer.

The two avatars standing on an open high platform looked at each other, shook their heads together, and sat down on the guardrail at the edge of the high platform.

When Thor left, nothing happened.

The two clones have received a lot of attention on the high platform.

Before the White Wolf was under surveillance in the barracks, Beidou was sent directly to the dungeon. Of course, the armor could not be worn on the body.

The White Wolf is now wearing a tight-fitting combat suit with a change of Nano Inner Armor, and Beidou is still the old-fashioned casual overalls.

These two styles are quite different from the classical robes of Asgard civilians.

Soon someone approached him, and he was still female.

To say that Asgardian males are a bit too ugly, but I have never seen ugly ones, and the same is true for females.

But people here have a normal life span of up to three thousand years, and Luke has no idea whatsoever.

He doesn't want to be in the immortal class for three thousand girls.

But this high platform belongs to the main road, and it happens from time to time to send one and two.

In particular, the bearded uncle Beidou is a "classic" in Asgard and is quite popular.

Luke doesn't want to use superpowers at will-maybe there is a corresponding monitoring method here.

The two of them belong here as superfluous people who "please enter by mistake".

Once discovered to use superpowers, UU reading www. can easily arouse suspicion.

So Luke did the opposite.

When the two avatars struck up a conversation with the Asgardian women, they followed their questions and explained that they represented the representatives of the earth who defeated the dark elves.

The two came to Asgard to negotiate the aftermath of the dark elf attack with the prince Thor.

A cool Asgardian who was bombed by the dark elves a few days ago was quite sensitive to this topic.

At this time, even many men gathered around and listened to the two avatars about the Greenwich War.

To be honest, the scale of this battle is completely pediatric in the eyes of the Asgardians, but who makes the opponents dark elves.

Who dares to say that the dark elves are not worth mentioning. What is Asgard who was killed by many guards and civilians and finally ran away by them?

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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