Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2062: Beidou, come and visit

The Beidou clone replaced the ether particles with "dark elf artifacts", concealing some confidential details, and telling the rest truthfully.

When I heard that the white wolf killed the cursed warrior and Malkis alone, a lot of people's eyes fell on this taciturn non-chief.

Asgard still has the saying that people don't talk too much.

As a result, the Asgardians who came to visit the "Wolf Destroyer" of the earth's black face are in an endless stream.

It wasn't until more than half an hour later that several large flying boats came quickly from the Golden Palace and stopped on the high platform.

A large number of heavily armed guards hulled down, dispersed the crowd, and surrounded the two clones.

At the same time, there are more than ten small flying boats in the sky not far from the high platform, blocking the air route.

Amidst the rubbing of the armor, a guard leader walked a few meters away from the two clones: "Who is the Big Dipper and who is the White Wolf?"

The Beidou clone sat on the railing, leaning against the pillar of the railing beside him, and lazily responded, "I am Beidou, and he is a white wolf."

The leader of the guard nodded: "Please come with us."

The Beidou clone did not move: "Call your Highness the Great Prince. He said that we should not act at will, lest we be mistaken for the enemy."

The guard leader's expression sank: "Abiding by our Asgard's rules can prove that you are not enemies."

Beidou avatar raised his eyebrows: "You mean you have a higher status than Thor, the prince? With a talent like you, it's no wonder that the dark elves come and leave as they want."

The guard leader's face turned black, but he didn't dare to do anything at once. Although a large group of civilians were separated, they were only more than 30 meters away.

With the physique of the Asgardians, this distance does not affect their listening.

News of Loki's death has spread, and Thor is already Odin's only son.

Once he was put on the big hat of "don't put the prince in his eyes", the guard leader would definitely be unlucky.

Although Asgard wouldn't send him to the dungeon for this, it was normal to transfer him to a spare position.

He could only shout loudly: "I am on the order of His Majesty the King, please go there."

The Beidou clone raised an eyebrow: "Oh, is that true?"

Speaking of his lips facing the Golden Palace, he moved quickly.

No one around heard his voice. In the golden palace hall two kilometers away, Thor heard a clear voice echoing: "Tor, there are guards who say to arrest us on your father's order."

Thor turned his head in surprise and looked outside the palace.

But he immediately noticed something wrong, and immediately looked back at Odin on the throne: "Father, when did you give the order?"

Odin on the throne looked calm, but a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes: "Just now."

Thor puzzled: "Father, why are you..."

Odin doesn't care about his son's face, and there is no need to target the Beidou two, because the status gap between the two is really huge.

Thor has no pretensions to Beidou, because everyone has fought together, and Beidou's strength is not bad.

But it is impossible to put Beidou on the same status as Asgard.

Similar to someone who is close to the son of the first brother in the United States, it does not mean that the first brother will value this person.

Odin looked at Thor with an expression of hatred for iron and steel: "Asgard doesn't need earthlings to teach us to do things, Thor, you really disappoint me."

Thor felt a little uncomfortable: "Father, they just helped us solve Malekiss and got back the etheric particles..."

Odin put the tail of the gun on the ground for a while: "Asgard can do this without their help. Okay, don't talk about it anymore. Go and deal with the etheric particles."

Thor: "Father..."

boom! A violent cry came from afar.

"Your Majesty Odin, Beidou only represents the Earth Police Detective Bureau, come to visit." A cold word echoed in the Golden Palace again.

Both Odin and Thor changed their faces and looked at the gate together.

Boom boom boom boom!

A series of heavy footsteps fell quickly from far to near, and two figures rushed into the gate of the Golden Palace.

The guards at the gate raised their spears and swords to intercept them, and were thrown to the side with their weapons, not holding them for a second.

In just over ten seconds, the two clones stood in the hall of the Golden Palace and looked at each other with Odin on the throne.

The sound of crashing armors, the sound of swishing flying boats breaking through the air, and the shouting and communication of the guards sounded outside the door, and then hundreds of golden armor guards in yellow cloaks swarmed in.

These people were the Golden Palace Guards who had just gone to capture the two clones.

Thor looked back and forth, only to find that Odin on the throne, Beidou and White Wolf behind him did not say a word, and the expressions of the three people...none of them.

Looking at the guards who had raised their weapons, he finally couldn't help but yelled, "Stop, this is my friend."

As soon as this word came out, the guards stopped moving and looked at Odin.

No way, Asgard now has Odin's status higher than Thor.

Moreover, Luke's two clones didn't do anything, and there was a Thor between Odin and him.

It didn't look like it was coming for an assassination.

Luke sighed secretly in his heart: Thor, this guy is really a bit ignorant.

How can you say that the two clones are his friends at this time, isn't that slap in the face of Odin!

Although he was indeed loyal to the two avatars in doing this, it was not a brainy approach.

Thor can stop, but he should beg Odin not to let the guards do it for now.

So the problem came to Odin.

If Odin doesn't give his only son this little face...hehe, then this will be interesting.

An inexplicable light flashed in the eyes of the Beidou clone.

You know, the spiritual attribute of the third-level clone is 10 points worse than the deity, and the actual strength is only a quarter.

More importantly, after the real dream enters the mature stage, the perception of mental fluctuations is greatly improved.

Both the perception distance and the perception accuracy are not comparable to him before May 2013.

Odin on the throne always gave Luke a weird feeling.

He seemed to have a feeling of hostility towards the two clones, especially the Big Dipper clone.

This feeling was fleeting, obscured by the energy that Odin radiated.

If it is not for Luke's spiritual ability, UU reading www. may not be able to detect it.

This is definitely a very unusual thing.

To describe it in a sentence in the Earth media circle, that is, even if you look at the clone more, even if he loses.

Odin is not necessary at all, and it is impossible to hate the two clones.

The three-thousand-year-old **** king had a break with the two children from the earth.

Besides, Odin has no reason to anger the earth.

The only contact between the two parties before, probably only the White Wolf killed the Cursed Warrior and Malkis.

Even if Odin had his brain pumping, because White Wolf had robbed him of the opportunity to avenge his wife and children and had hatred, then he should also be directed at White Wolf.

But this hatred is aimed at Beidou? This detail is very subtle.

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